Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ But I Won't Say That ❯ You Took Pictures?? ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Holy crap? I came up with MORE?? WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!!?? Just goes to show, you don't need drugs to be high....or at least act and think the part o.O

A/N: **the Eastenders is an English soap opera. Thanks for the email Becky.

*sniff...you reviewers make me so happy (cries).....ok, I'm over it now. On with the INSANITY!!!

(next 3 submitted by Becky)
1. Trunks: (looking between Marron, Pan and Goten) Has anyone tried a four-some?

2. Pan: Jeez, did anyone else just love that new **Eastender's family?

3. Vegeta: I just loved that Elvis Presley, I could have sworn he died!
Pan: (hand on forhead) And you say Grampa is clue-less...


Vegeta: Ok, you guys are ALL slap-ass crazy!
Goku: So it's not just me anymore, Veggie?
Vegeta: You're their KING!
Goten: Sweet! That makes me a prince!
(Goku and Goten 'high-five' each other)


Gohan: Oh my Kami...I really AM a dork.
Goten: Well, DUH!
Goku: Alright...who told him?
Gohan: Wah! I'm a loser dork! (cries and runs up to his room) I'm going to go read!
(Long pause...someone coughs)
Goku: Goten, this should be a lesson for you.
Goten: What, to not be a dork? To never read?
Goku: No, to not have kids when you're 19.
Goten: Uhmmmm, ok...?


Trunks: Goten, has anyone ever told you that you're not normal?
Goten: What IS normal anyway?
Trunks: Well, normal is what everyone else is, and you are not.
Goten: Oh...
(A/N: Thanks Star Trek)
Patrick Stewart: No problem
(A/N: Holy shit, where did that come from??)


Goku: I have seen the light....AND IT BURNS!! MY EYES!! AHHHHH!!! (falls over and screams some more)


Chichi: Oh my gosh, what happened to him?!
Gohan: I found him passed out in front of the 'fridge with his hands over his eyes.
Chichi: Must be that new bulb I put in there...


Goku: Wow, you're really....large.
Brolly: Thank you I...I mean...KAKAROTTO!! I'LL KILL YOUUUU!!
Vegeta: I like this guy. He hates you more than I do!
Goku: Humph.
Brolly: Shut up short, spikey guy!


Vegeta: Ok, I don't like him anymore...


Goten: Trunks, how come you don't have blue hair like your mom?
Trunks: I.....don't.....know....
Goten: You'd look a lot less gay if you had blue hair instead of purple. Purple's a pretty gay color...
Trunks: *sniff...yeah (cries) Now I hate my mom!!


Bulma: Trunks, go upstairs and clean your room!
Trunks: Mother, I didn't clean my room in my own timeline, and I sure as hell ain't gonna do it in this one.
Vegeta: That's my boy!
Bulma: Fine! Vegeta, get your ass up there and do it then.
Vegeta: What the...


Trunks: Talk to da hand, cuz the face is too pretty to listen!


Trunks: Hey dad, me and Goten are gonna play superheros!
Vegeta: And you're telling me this because....?
Trunks: Well, I was wondering if we could borrow a couple of your capes.
Vegeta: (looks horrified) My what?
Goku: Hehehe
Trunks: You know, your capes...the flowy things you wear around your neck?
Vegeta: I uhm, I don't know what you're talking about son, I don't own any capes...
Trunks: Yes you do!
Goku: *snicker
Trunks: I saw you posing with them in front of the mirror a couple weeks ago.
Vegeta: I did no such thing! Now go away!
Trunks: You did too! I even took pictures!
Goku: (falls out of his chair and laughs)
Vegeta: You did wh...you must've been dreaming!
Goku: Ahh Ahh, my sides! HAHAHAHA!! (rolls around)
Trunks: C'mon dad! We can't play superheros without them!
Vegeta: *whispers* They're in the case under my bed...
Trunks: *whispers* Okaaaay...
Trunks: (runs off) Thanks dad!
Goku: (wipes a tear) *sigh...Whew! Hehehe
Vegeta: Oh shut up, I'm a prince, I'm allowed to have capes!
Goku: Huh? What capes?


Niiiiiiice...well, that's it...all...for now...yeah.