Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ But I Won't Say That ❯ Let's Do the Time Warp Again! ( Chapter 22 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Hey everyone! It's been a while, but I've finally updated! Aren't you excited??!! I had to squeeze my head a lot. The result: A weird purple juice, it's quite tasty. Oh, and this chapter too...

Thanks for all the emails, and reviews! You people are seriously crazy, and I mean that in the nicest, most sincere way.

A few throughout were thought up by my brilliant friend, Raymond. There. I said "Raymond". :-P


Vegeta: I hear stupid people now have a means of denoting their handicap.
Goku: Oh yeah? What do they wear?
Vegeta: Orange and blue...


Goku: I own a lot of keys, but I don't know what half of them are for. I can't just throw them away either, what if they're for something important?
Vegeta: Just give me the one to the cage they lock you up in, Kakarott.
Trunks: Ooh, Prison Goku....time to sew a new costume for my Goku doll.


Goku: If I could be anyone in the world, I'd be Chester Cheeto. He can run fast, he's cool, and he gets to eat Cheetos all day. What more could you want outta life?
Goten: I'd be Lucky, the cereal Leprechan (A/N: I'm hoping that's spelled right)
Goku: Yeah, but kids would always be after your lucky charms.
Chichi: Well we can't have that. I want Grandchildren!


Goku: Spam is my favorite meat.
Vegeta: Kakarott, in one word, you are a frickin' stupid moron.
Goku: That wasn't one word, and it had nothing to do with Spam. Who's the idiot now?
Vegeta: ....It's still you.
Goku: Why am I always the idiot?
Vegeta: I think the more important question would be, WHY do you continue to say stupid shit in the middle of nowhere??!! We're sparring for Kami's sake! I don't give a shit what your favorite meat is, I'm trying to kick your ass! I mean...are you TRYING to tick me off more so I'll try harder?
Goku: Uhh...yeah. It works right?
Vegeta: I KEEL YU!!


Vegeta (thinking): *Hehehe, I'm such a genius. I'll just hide in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber! Why didn't I think of this before? I'll be rid of Kakarott for a whole year, I'll be able to train and surpass the blubbering idiot, and no one will notice I'm gone! It's fool proof! HAHAHA! I'm so smart I scare myself sometimes.*
(He goes into the time chamber and closes the door)
Vegeta: Ahhh...solitude...
(Goku looks down at him from a ladder)
Goku: Vegeta? What are you doing in here? You come to help me paint?
(Vegeta's eyes get wide and he starts to twitch a lot)
Goku: Hey, you shut the door! I didn't need a whole year to paint this place! Vegeta? Are you alright?
(Vegeta throws his arms up into the air)
(6 months later...chamber time)
Goku: I don't wanna alarm you 'Geta, but we're almost outta food. We might need to take up gardening or something for a while so we can survive.
Goku: Sheesh, is that all he's gonna do the whole time we're in here? Scream and claw at the door.
(Another 6 months later...chamber time)
(The door opens)
Goku: Vegeta, a year's up, you can stop crying now.
Vegeta: (whispering in a hoarse voice) Mommy...air...butterflies....(he crawls out and starts to kiss the ground and cry)
Bulma: Vegeta? I was wondering where you were all day. Wow, your neck certainly got buffed up.
Trunks: Whoa, check out the bags under his eyes. They almost go to his chin.
Bulma: Don't mock your father, it's obvious he's had a hard day.
Goku: Hey everybody!
Trunks: AH!! Goku!
Bulma: Hey, did you just come out of the time chamber?
Goku: Yeah, Vegeta accidently locked us in there.
(Vegeta grumbles and eats grass)
Trunks: Y-you two were in there together for a whole year? (thinks to himself) *Why didn't I think of that? Oh well...next time. Bwahahahahahahaa*
Goku: Yep, just me and Veggie...although, he spent most of the time just clawing at the door and crying. Here, check out some pictures I took of us!
Trunks: P-pictures? (thinks some more) *Mental note. Stalk Goku and take pictures of his every move*
Goku: Here's me painting, and Vegeta flipping off the camera.
Bulma: Heh.
Goku: Here's Vegeta sleeping with his face smashed up against the door. I think he left an imprint.
Bulma: On the door, or on his face?
Goku: Both.
Trunks: Can I...see the one with you painting again?
Goku: Sure, you can have the double.
Trunks: (wipes a tear) Thank you.
Goku: Here's me and Vegeta in our garden.
Bulma: Awww...he looks so cute in over-alls.
Vegeta: If anyone needs me, I'll be in the bathtub with the toaster.
Goku: Again? I'll never understand why he likes soggy toast so much.


Vegeta: (On a cell phone) Can you hear me now? NO???? HIYEEAAAAAAAAAAAA!! *Goes Super Saiyan* Oh, wait, you said yes? Good.


Oy, my brain itches. Uhm, that's all for now. Sorry again for the delay!

Oh, and to answer whose-ever question it was about Vegeta saying "crap for crap" and wondering if I was quoting who they think I was quoting. If you were thinking Strongbad, you were CORRECT! You won a fat free yogurt! Now go rub it into your hair!