Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Captain Ginyu, the matchmaker ❯ The switch ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A bright light shot from Ginyu and hit Bra, which engulfed her in a sea of blinding whiteness. Their souls came out of their bodies. Goten stared in amazement as the transaction took place. Bra felt like she was being sucked into Ginyu's body and vice versa. Their souls were ripped out from their bodies as Goten continued to look on. Soon, the transaction was complete, and Bra was in Ginyu's body and vice-versa. She was blinded temporarily (to be exact, 45 minutes) and the same with Goten. Ginyu didn't waste anymore time and did the exact “preparation poses” the same way, which looked comical because he was doing it in a girl's body. After doing a few stupid and wild poses, he finally got over with the showcase and shouted “Change…NOW!” Goten was confused about what was going on-he was too blind to see anything. Then he started to see white as his soul was being ripped out of his body. He felt a sensation-a sensation like he was floating away and letting go of his body. Soon, his soul was finally out of his body and he could see again. He could see Ginyu occupy his body, and was forced to look forward. He seemed to be floating slowly towards Bra's empty body. “NOOOO!” he cried out when he figured he was going to get in there. He tried to resist, to go backward, to actually DO something! He turned around in an attempt to get away and place a good distance from that “putrid, spoiled body.” Goten tried to float backward, but to no avail since his soul had no ki to propel him anywhere. Soon, he was sucked into Bra's body and everything went black as Goten felt the sensation of falling into an endless pit. He began to feel weird, as if everything he liked was being ripped out of him and into nowhere. Sports, body building, fighting, eating, so much food and everything else were being thrown into an invisible garbage can he couldn't see. It was as if his personality was being thrown into the garbage. Then, everything he liked was replaced by shopping, the obsession of trying to look good in front of hot boys, keeping the hour glass shape, perfume, clothing, jewelry, etc. and everything Bra liked was being injected into him. Goten's entire personality was replaced by Bra's personality. Once he knew what was going on, he shouted a long “NOO!” in protest, but Goten could do absolutely nothing! He waited until he stopped falling, to hit the ground, but it never came. The sensation of falling gradually turned into the sensation of being sucked into a whirlpool. Suddenly, Goten felt like he slammed into a brick wall and Goten was finally trapped - locked in forever - suspended inside. He was finally trapped inside Bra's body with almost no way out. He liked everything Bra liked, and hated what he used to like. He felt…like a girl. He was still blind, but Goten knew he was inside Bra now… he is Bra. The only way he knew he was Bra was because he felt he had a skirt on - the skirt was flapping against his legs - some boots that reached above his knees, and a top with straps on. Goten had Bra's clothes on, signifying that he is inside Bra's body. Goten tried to move, but it seemed like Bra's body refused to obey Goten's order. He couldn't even say anything! Even though it felt like it took the transaction to complete in 1,000 years, it actually did take only two minutes. Out of Goten's altered mind and back outside, Ginyu was ready to do the same preparation poses. Goten couldn't do anything while Ginyu was taking his body back…and placing Bra in Goten's place! Goten was angered, but what could he do? Absolutely nothing! He felt like he was trapped in a helpless statue of Bra. Bra felt the same sensations Goten experienced; all the stuff she liked was erased from her mind, and replaced with what Goten liked. Her personality was completely erased and replaced with Goten's personality and Bra couldn't admit it - she didn't want to admit it. In two minutes, Bra felt like she was trapped in an immobile statue of Goten. She couldn't move a single inch; Goten's body rejected all of Bra's commands. Now that the transaction is complete, the aftermath was this; Bra was Goten, Goten was Bra and Captain Ginyu was himself.
“Well, my job is finished. It's your job to do the rest…if you want your bodies back.” Ginyu laughed. The wind began to pick up and Goten's new blue hair whipped at his face, tickling him. Goten could still do nothing about it, not even laugh. Ginyu left, but he turned around, obviously forgetting something.
“I'm Captain Ginyu, the matchmaker. Call me if you have problems - problems that deal with NOTHING about switching back. I'm available from 9AM to 11PM, and the phone number is on the card.”
Ginyu placed his “business card” into Goten's right hand - which had Ginyu's name, picture, alter ego (the “Matchmaker”) and contact info. The picture had Ginyu screaming like an idiot, giving him a look of surprise on the picture.
“Oh yeah, the immobilization and blindness will wear off in approximately 48 minutes. Trust me, it will go away.” Ginyu informed. Then it suddenly became silent, which signified that Ginyu has left them…gone with the wind. For nearly 20 minutes, nothing happened. Goten's neck began to ache, because Ginyu left Bra's body in a weird stance; where Ginyu was facing the sky, the abdomen was bending forward, and his arms were spread out like bird's wings. This made Goten's neck ache and his arms feel tired. His legs were separated, like a stick figure's legs, which made him uncomfortable and insecure and he didn't know why. Then he knew; he was wearing a skirt, duh! Goten began to blush. 30 minutes have passed since Bra and Goten switched. They began to see, but it looked very dim - as if someone put four or five pairs of sunglasses over their eyes. He saw his long blue hair whipping his face. It tickled and started to annoy him.
Finally, all 48 minutes moved along, and Goten and Bra could see, move, talk, walk and do anything again. Bra cried out a long “NOOO!” of protest in Goten's voice. “I hate you and your stupid body! Who…what - who the heck has this kind of voice?!”
Goten ignored Bra and looked at the card Ginyu gave him. The picture made him laugh, which made him laugh exactly like Bra, which reminded that he was now in Bra's body. Goten suddenly felt a mood swing he never felt in his life. He began to feel sad, as if the world was about to end.
“Oh, Bra, look at us.” Goten said, in Bra's voice. “We are in the wrong bodies now because of what we did. Why can't we ever get along?” Goten began to cry, longing for his body as tears fell down in streams. “What a loser.” Bra said. Goten tried to snap out of it. Then suddenly, he began to feel angry as the mood swing took an unexpected turn. “These mood swings are so complicated!” Goten thought “I mustn't give in to these stupid feelings!” Bra's hormones drove Goten insane.
The sun began to set after Bra finally managed to calm Goten down. Bra told Goten that it was time to get home before nightfall. Bra and Goten flew home and once they got to Capsule Corp., they didn't want to blow their covers, so they acted what the other would have acted - without screw ups. After dinner, Vegeta sensed something odd about the two - as if they had a different ki in their bodies. “Nah, that couldn't be…” Vegeta thought. He was soon to be on to the both of them. Goten and Bra snuck into a private room where they can discuss their situation without anyone barging in while they talk.
“So what do you think we should do?”
“Bra, do you think I know what to do? I think the Matchmaker wants us to make up…so we should at least pretend to make up until he decides to return us back.”
“Goten, that's really stupid! Can your retarded mind make up any other plans - I mean that's exactly what that Matchmaker guy wants us to do! And plus, I can't be friends with you!”
“Just keep that big mouth of yours shut and we'll be fine!”
“Don't you mean your mouth?!”
Goten, feeling like he badly needed a shower since he was slightly dirty, went to Bra's wardrobe and looked inside. He saw nothing but the same outfit she wears everyday in her wardrobe. Goten asked Bra if she has any other clothes than just the same outfit. Bra rolled her eyes and told Goten that he wears the same outfit everyday too. She went to her wardrobe and pointed out a pair of house clothes somewhere deep in all the clothes Bra had. Goten snatched it, jumped into the shower and got out after five minutes. Bra, suddenly having the craze for twelve more plates of food, went down to the kitchen to fix her something. She met Trunks along the way.
“Hey Goten, do you want to stay for another sleepover?”
“Yeah, sure…you can tell my mom that I'm staying over for another night.” Bra said, not wanting to see how Goten lives his life.
Trunks phoned Chi-Chi and notified her that “Goten” is staying for another night. Chi-Chi reluctantly approved it, and Bra was saved…for now. After a long time of arguing, Goten and Bra went to sleep. Goten fell into an uneasy sleep, feeling extremely uncomfortable in a strange and new room and body - both of which were Bra's.
* * *
Goten woke up, but didn't dare open his eyes. Goten's head was spinning, throbbing and buzzing…a severe headache - but why? He didn't know…he didn't drink a drop of alcohol last night. Since Goten was so used to waking up in his own room in his own body, he thought he was in his own body and prayed to Kami that the events that took place yesterday were just a joke, a dream, or a hallucination. Goten could feel the light pierce through the windows as the morning sun greeted him. Something definitely felt foreign to him, as if he was in another person's body. Something felt wrong…he didn't feel like he was wearing boxers, he was wearing panties - and he DEFINITELY doesn't own a pair. Instead of a shirt, he felt like he had on a top with straps, and instead of the usual blue jeans he wore, he could feel like he had a skirt on. His body definitely felt weird, as if he was trapped in a different body he didn't know of. He opened his eyes and got up, feeling his long hair fall and hit his back and shoulders. “No, this can't be happening! That must be my imagination - it has to!” He didn't want to reach up and see if his hair was long or not. Goten looked at himself, examining his body. He saw that he did have on what Bra would wear. He took a look at his arms, and saw that they weren't muscular, but skinny, slim, and hairless - like a girl's! Goten took notice of the hourglass shape his slender body took form of…and he didn't have any six-packs near his navel…instead, he had smooth skin, which was soft to the touch. He dared to look at his legs next, and he saw that they weren't the same legs he used to have…instead they were slender, soft, and curvy, just like Bra's legs. He also took notice of the two large ##### on his chest…which were breasts! The breasts were tightly packed…too big…and bouncy when he walked, Goten took note. They almost looked too good to be true, but Goten was feeling them with his own hands and they felt as real as the fire in hell - they felt soft and squeezable, like a stress ball. The aroused feeling of his breasts being squeezed made it feel like it was actually his breasts, which confirmed that he was a girl now - and if the set of tits were real, that would signify the painful reality that Goten is Bra! He began to blush as he caught himself and began to know what he was doing. A flush of embarrassment took him over as he knew he was groping his breasts. To forget his strange actions, he went to the bathroom with his eyes closed; facing the mirror, praying that he would see his face, not Bra's. He finally opened his eyes after calming himself down. Goten stared into the mirror, but the person who stared back at him was not the Goten he knew…it was Bra. Brilliant blue pupils greeted him in the mirror, a myriad of stars in his eyes gave Goten goosebumps, and instead of short black hair, he saw long blue hair. To the contrary of Goten's thoughts this morning, here he was, in the body of Bra Briefs. Goten was shocked, his heart rate becoming faster by the second, blood rushing, and mind racing. He reached up and pulled a strand of hair and examined it - it was definitely Bra's, but he was feeling the strand of beautiful blue hair in his own hands as if they were actually his. Goten screamed so loud in his head, he thought people in Capsule Corp. could hear his cries for help. He wanted to literally jump right out of Bra's body and take his body back. After looking at himself in dismay, he smiled into the mirror; just to see how Bra's smile looked. He saw gaps in between Bra's teeth. “She needs braces,” Goten thought. Goten went downstairs and ate. Vegeta greeted him, thinking he was Bra and gave him some breakfast.
“Oh yeah, your dentist appointment is at three in the afternoon, Trunks.”
Trunks yawned in reply.
“And your orthodontist appointment is at eleven in the morning, Bra.”
Goten thought Vegeta said “Orthodontist” and checked to make sure.
“Did you say `orthodontist', dad?” It felt weird addressing Vegeta as his dad.
“Yeah, are you deaf?” Vegeta snorted after he retorted.
Goten began to eat, ignoring Vegeta. “Great, braces to make my life even MORE miserable! This pathetic breakfast will be the last thing I'll ever eat without metal in my mouth.” Goten thought with agony.
Vegeta saw “Bra” put on a look of misery on her face.
“Look, in…I think…one year, you'll have a beautiful smile that will knock people out. But for now, you have a smile of a RABBIT!” - As Vegeta said that, Trunks squirted mild through his nose and started to laugh…hard. Vegeta went on - “So, you need metal in your mouth to correct that ugly smile.” - Trunks began to choke on his cereal while laughing - “and that will take a year. I don't know where you got your teeth, but you probably got it from your mom. That woman has a load of gaps in her teeth.”
Vegeta left, off to annoy everyone in Capsule Corp. After breakfast, Chi-Chi forced Vegeta to return “Goten” back home, so Bra had to go to Goten's house. Vegeta brought a reluctant Goten to the orthodontist, who had to tape Goten with scotch tape to the seat of the air car. While Goten was being “bracified,” Goten tried to get out of the chair, but the orthodontist, seeing that Bra wouldn't cooperate, strapped Goten down to the chair so he couldn't move a muscle. After a long and painful procedure, “Bra's” teeth were finally shining with metal on it in the light. When Goten was freed from the chair, his mouth began to feel weird with the braces in. The orthodontist informed Goten that his mouth will feel weird for a while, and then his braces will hurt for four to seven days, depending on how stubborn his teeth are. “During that time,” the orthodontist informed “you should stay away from solid food, which would hurt him more if he ate them.” After Vegeta brought Goten home, he immediately looked in the mirror to see his new smile. He saw so much metal on his teeth - he thought he never saw that much metal in anyone's mouth before. Goten tried to close his mouth, but couldn't as his braces were making it hard for him to make his lips touch. When Goten relaxed his lips, his braces were visible on the four front teeth.
“BRA! Stop looking at yourself and git down here! Your lunch is ready!” Vegeta spat.
“Coming!” Goten shouted.
Trunks saw Goten - and his mouth, and asked “Why can't you close your mouth?”
Goten said “Shut up, Trunks.” His words were sticky with the braces in his teeth.
The Briefs family began eating lunch. Goten had a hard time eating; food kept getting stuck in his braces, and when he chewed, the braces ripped the walls of Goten's mouth. Soon, his braces gave him toothaches, which started to annoy him.
“Bra, I'll be bringing Trunks to his dentist appointment. Bulma is at one of her meetings. Take care of the house while we're gone.” Vegeta informed Goten.
“See ya, metal mouth!”
Before he could do anything, Bra's instincts took over and he punched Trunks, but Trunks caught his punch just in the nick of time and said “Your punches are so weak compared to a human's. Goten could beat you up in two seconds!” then walked out the door, laughing his head off.
“Kami, he annoys me.” Goten thought. “Now I know why Bra yells at Trunks.”
Thirty minutes later, Goten was dancing to “MMMBop” by Hanson on the radio in the living room. After the song, Bra opened the front door and walked when the radio started to play “Middle of Nowhere” by Hot Hot heat. Goten stopped dancing, organized his hair, turned down the radio and Bra walked up to him.
“Okay, your life is so hard!” Bra complained.
“That's my life - you just have to learn how to deal with it.”
“I see you've got braces. Yeah, my dad was talking about it for months.”
For once, Goten and Bra had a conversation where arguing was limited, but was still incorporated. Suddenly, the radio put an upbeat song on, and Goten got up immediately and shouted “That's my song!” and started to break dance in front of Bra.
“Boys, they never learn at all.” Bra said.
Goten just giggled and asked why boys never learn.
“Duh! You're a girl now! You aren't supposed to be break dancing!” Bra told him.
“You're a boy now, so why don't you give it a try.” Goten urged.
Goten and Bra started to get in another fight. Goten wanted Bra to break dance and Bra refused. Finally, Goten won and Bra was being taught how to break dance against her will. After half an hour, Goten saw that Bra was not enjoying it so he stopped teaching her. Bra started to talk about their situation and how in the world they're going to solve their problem. Goten showed Bra the card Ginyu gave him and Bra told Goten to call him. He dialed the annoyingly long number and waited until Ginyu picked it up.
“Hello, this is Ginyu the Matchmaker. How may I help you?”
“You can help us by switching us back!” Goten yelled into the phone.
“Is that you Bra? Or maybe that's Goten in Bra's body-” Ginyu's sentence was cut short.
“Yes, it's Goten!”
“Oh, what do you need?”
“We need you to change us back!”
“Sorry, you guys haven't made up yet. You still have two lessons to learn; to become friends and see how each other's life is, or stay in each other's bodies forever! So far, you'll be stuck in those bodies for seven months, unless you want me to keep you guys like that for the rest of your lives.”
Bra grabbed the phone from Goten and yelled into the phone. “Seven months!? Listen, Goten and I have made up, okay?” Bra lied.
“I can tell you're lying, because the Matchmaker knows everything.” Ginyu said, and then hung up. Bra slammed the phone back into its cradle and turned to Goten. She didn't want to say this but had to. “Ginyu wants us to stay like this for seven months.”
“Seven months?! We have school on Monday - we can't go to school like this!” Goten shouted.
“Bra didn't want to say this, but said “We'll have to. We can't fail our classes just because we aren't who we are anymore.”
“Wait a minute.” Goten had an idea that might work. “We could gather the Dragon Balls and wish ourselves back to normal!”
“Yeah! The Dragon Balls always work! But we have to gather them on the weekends.”
The phone rang - Ginyu was calling them.
“Are you tampering with your punishment? I will have to extend it to one year!” Ginyu said.
“Whatever.” Bra hung up and then told Goten that school wouldn't be a problem because they shared all seven classes together, even though their age difference is huge. Goten was twenty-six and Bra was about sixteen, placing Goten in college and Bra in high school, but it was odd that they shared the same classes together in the same school.
Vegeta and Trunks came home. Vegeta saw that Goten and Bra were hanging out, so he yelled at Bra, thinking she was Goten.
“Are YOU flirting with my daughter? You better get out now before I REALLY lose it.”
Bra left the house and flew back to the Son house. After Vegeta saw her fly over the horizon, Vegeta turned to Goten.
“Ready to go shopping? Here, get yourself some stuff.” Vegeta handed Goten Bulma's credit card. “Alright, have fun!”
Goten couldn't resist it. He was actually excited to go shopping because Bra's instincts took control over him. He took the credit card and ran all the way to the Satan City Mall. A few boys wolf-whistled at him, but he didn't care. Once he got to the mall, he tried to get some control over Bra's body. When he finally did, he tried to go to one of his favorite sports shop, but Bra's body forced Goten to go to several clothing stores. He lost the battle for control and bought an unreasonable amount of clothes. After nearly five hours of shopping, Goten bought over 2,000 zenies of random items like gifts, jewelry, etc. He finally went home, finished with his shopping spree. Goten flew home with all the merchandise in his arms and landed behind Capsule Corp. Out of all the stuff Goten bought, not one thing Goten used to like was in there - all of it was what Bra liked. Goten went to Bra's room, dropped all of his stuff, and plopped onto the bed, where he slept sound asleep.