Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Carnality ❯ Carnality ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Disclaimer: No I don't have any rights or money earning things to Dragonball Z! The characters aren't mine, they're just at my whim and will..

Warnings: NC17 Yaoi Lemon Goten/Trunks. Not my favourite pairing but this is my first yaoi lemon so gimme a break. Language and meanness to tails, S/M and violence. This is a one shot.

Anyway… Enjoy!


Trunks grinned evilly. He knew it! He fucking knew it! Stifling a giggle of malicious glee he edged further out onto the branch he grasped perilously upon. He gently brushed some of the leafy green foliage from his view on the arguing couple. They stood about five feet from his chosen tree in a large meadow riddled with yellow and lilac wild flowers. The finely scented petals bobbed their heads in the swaying breeze as it shimmered through the forest.

"Look, Goten! I hate that thing! It's just wrong!" Cried the woman's voice in outrage as she made swift angry gestures to Goten's tail, which was protectively curled around his left knee. The young woman, who had shoulder length curling blond hair and a short magenta dress, glared at her boy friend with the close-minded determination of an earth worm.

Oh this was just getting better and better, thought Trunks. He wiggled out a bit further; his own lilac tail snaked out and curled around the branch behind him to steady his balance. He bit his tongue in concentration in his effort to hear better undetected. That was not an easy thing to do when you were an eighteen-year-old guy up in a tree.

Goten's usually placid face was clenched in a grimace. "What do you mean, it's just wrong?! It's part of who I am!" he angrily ran his right hand back through his short spiked ebony hair, his dark eyes hurt and angry.

"Fine! Look at it this way Goten! It's either me or that damned tail! It freaks me out!" The woman harped on and Goten was distinctly reminded of his mother. Ugh…

"Damn it Paris!" He hissed in restrained anger. "That's like me saying it's either me or your God damned left arm!" he turned away in frustration. Like most Sons he hated personal confrontation, and handled it badly. He just felt like crying, but even Goten had a bit more pride than that. He walked off the edge of the red woollen picnic rug, unconsciously knocking over a plate of cherry sausages and sauce. Damn, this was meant to be a nice quiet birthday! But no.. Paris just had to bring up her distaste at a certain bodily appendage of his. He shook his head, trying to drive away her hurtful words. It had only been two months since he and Trunks got their tails back.

Naturally the two curious young men wondered what it would be like to indulge in their Saiyan sides, and of course, they just had the pure curiosity to wonder what it would be like to have a tail. Gathering the Dragonball they had made a simple wish. Trunks wasted the second wish on a new stereo that he could mix CD's on. It wasn't like he couldn't go out and by his own, he had the money. Goten supposed it was because Bulma had said no to it every time the purple haired boy begged. After they had their tails things had subtly changed. He already had a relationship with the pretty but annoying Paris, and she hadn't handled the tail well at all. In fact she down right hated the soft furry limb.

Goten sighed and turned back to the bitching blond and threw his hands up in the air. "Fine! You don't like it, go out with some one with out one!" He snarled and crossed his arms over his chest. He was fully expecting for Paris to back down and apologise. But to Goten's surprise she scowled and stormed off. "FINE!" she screamed and raged away back towards her convertible that was parked out near the road through the trees. "I was going to dump you any way!" She yelled before vanishing under the doppled shade.

Goten stared after her with wide astonished eyes. "Oh shit! She's actually going!" he gasped, his arms falling loose to his side. He had to fight within him self to not yell out after her. He stared at the damp dewed grass under his feet and gave a sigh. He was rather shocked at how sudden it had been. But when he thought back, thinking over the fights which had only grew worse and worse as the weeks had passed he came to the realisation that it was most likely for the best.

Trunks, meanwhile, was trying his hardest to hold back giggles of nasty mirth which struggled out behind his lips. He clamped his right hand over his mouth, his whole body shaking with restrained laughter. Suddenly the branch began to creak threateningly and Trunks yelped as the wooden structure snapped. "YAH!" he cried as he fell and landed with a dull thud to the loamy earth.

Goten twisted around at the snap and watched wide-eyed as his best friend crashed into the ground. He frowned with disapproval and planted his hands on his waist. "What the hell were you doing spying on me Trunks?" He cried as he walked over to his grounded friend.

Trunks groaned and pushed himself up on his arms. "Well ..uh.. you know.. us friends have to look out for each other.." he sat back on his hunches and then stood in a fluid motion. "Can't have little Goten killed by some rabid uh.. tree?" He bit his lip and looked at his friend for forgiveness.

Goten stared at him blankly. "Rabid tree? I'm not going to fall for that Trunks.. I'm not that stupid.." He gave a quick glance about the glade.. You know just in case there was some kind of strange.. rabid.. bush about. His tail flicked about with the lasting irritation brought on by the argument with Paris.

In side Trunks was leering evilly at his best friend. Heh.. now that bitch is out of the picture.. this would be the perfect time to make my move! He watched Goten's ruddy brown tail lick through the air with a disturbing fixation.

Goten frowned. "Quit looking at me like that Trunks! Your freaking me out!" he poked Trunks in the shoulder and then turned around to gather up the abandoned picnic bits and bobs. "Damn Paris! No doubt you heard all that while you were `scouting' for rabid trees.." He ended sarcastically. He shoved all the plates, food and the blanket into a basket and started walking towards the tree line, totally ignoring Trunks.

Trunks watched Goten, his grin widening. Stupid Goten.. never gets it.. Trunks caught up with Goten easily enough and snagged hold of his friends tail gently, looping it about his fingers. Goten yelped and froze. "What the fuck are you doing?!" Hissed Goten as he glared enraged at his friend. Damn it! That was his TAIL! They both knew how sensitive it was to pain!

Trunks continued to grin inwardly and yanked on it slightly. "Fuck!" Goten yelped and stumbled backwards. "Damn it Trunks that is not funny!" He reached out to grab his tail back before Trunks did some permanent damage. With a snap Trunks reached out and grabbed Goten's arm and pulled him close. "Uh uh.." Trunks whispered and stared into Goten's surprised black orbs.

Goten swallowed, was that… lust he saw in Trunks's eyes?! Trunks slid his fingers up Goten's tawny tail, the digits parted the lay of the fur gently, the tips massaging into his tail and slid up to the base.

Goten gasped and bit his lip at the sudden flood of heat that travelled through out his system. His eyes wide, he managed to squeak out, "Wha..what are…" Before his words where muffled by Trunks's soft warm lips over his own. Trunks slid his left arm about Goten's waist and held him close as he ran his evil silken fingers through Goten's thrashing tail.

Trunks flicked out his hot tongue and ran it over Goten's lips as he ran his left hand over Goten's waist. Goten blinked rapidly, he felt like his head was going to float away. He moaned as Trunks slipped his tongue into his mouth and deftly claimed it. Oh Kami… Goten's mind groaned as Trunks seduced his soul in a few simple laps of his tongue and rake of his fingers through Goten's tail.

Why was Trunks doing this? He tried to think. Damn, his thoughts were clouded behind a growing wave of heat and lust.

Trunks gently pulled back and looked at Goten's scarlet face. He let go of the captured tail and ran his hand up to Goten's neck, his thumb stroked over his bottom lip that was quivering slightly. Trunks gave a narrow eyed grin. "Well?" he asked, his voice soft like a caress of silk over Goten's neck. Goten shivered and blinked several times. "What…" he panted. "Why did you kiss me?" Goten asked in a tiny voice, his eyes widened.

Trunks's grin darkened. "Because.. I want you." he purred and licked along Goten's jaw up to his ear. Goten gave a squeak and he was sure that he was going to melt into a strange pink puddle of Goten-ooze. A flush of heat rolled down his body and he grasp a hold of Trunks, not trusting his balance. These sensations were entirely TOO pleasant. Kami, Goten had never felt so good in his entire life.. though that day he learnt how to fly was pretty great. But wasn't this meant to be wrong or some such thing? Goten blinked, his tail was suddenly stolen by Trunks's silky fuzz. The two furry tails entwined about each other and Goten lost all thought about what society cared about. Trunks wanted him and that's all that mattered. And he wasn't going to be the one to deny his best friend anything.

Trunks grinned. Well this was a pleasant surprise. He had half expected Goten to blow him off. Trunks gentled his smile and brushed his knuckles over Goten's blushing cheeks. "Hmm so beautiful." He purred and stole those lips again with his own. Goten gave in and pressed back with his own desire. Tongues licked and slid against each other in a passionate frenzy as Trunks slowly pulled Goten to the ground under the mottled shadows of the forested meadow.

Trunks thought he was going to explode with happiness. This was every thing he had ever wanted, whether he had known it or not. He knew he had always felt Goten was special, but ever since they had reclaimed their tails. Well… then every thing had changed. Whenever he had seen Goten he had the overwhelming urge to jump his bones in the most carnal and ravaging way. Well now he had his desire embraced in his arms. With lust driving reluctance, he dragged his hot lips to lance fire down Goten's neck. He licked and nibbled at the boy's skin, and couldn't help but leave a trail of soft cherry bruises. Goten moaned softly, whimpering whenever those lips left his skin for the barest second.

"Tru..nks.." Goten groaned, his fingers grasping at Trunks evil shirt that separated him from that heated chest. He pulled feebly, all his strength seemed to drain away with any thought of resistance. Trunks gave a long lick to Goten's ravaged neck and then dragged off his restricting shirt.

Goten's hands fluttered around the alabaster skin of Trunks's chest, stroking over his stomach, and sliding gently over his sides. Trunks moaned and squirmed, his right hand diving to ruffle Goten's tail and his left sliding up his back to caress his neck as he plundered his mouth.

Goten whimpered as Trunks reached up and tore at his green shirt. He slid his own hands down over Goten's stomach before he looked up at Goten with a predatory gaze. He smirked and licked Goten's bare chest lightly.

Goten leaned back with a sigh. Trunks's gaze drifted to Goten's wrists and he grinned. Snatching up Goten's left wrist Trunks pinned it above his head and sealed it to the earth with a small glowing Ki band. Goten looked up in surprise. "Trunks what… hey you don't need to do tha.." The look in Trunks's sapphire eyes silenced him in shock. There was such a feral carnality full of domination possession that it froze Goten to the core. With a cry Goten wiggled out from under his seducer and shoved a pulse of his own Ki down into the Ki band to shatter it. He stumbled back and regained his feet. He took a couple of hesitant steps back, his tail puffed and lashing about in fright as he stared at Trunks.

The lilac haired man rocked back on his heals and stared at Goten possessively, his tail lashing wildly behind him. There was no way that his little love was going to escape him now! He wasn't giving up that sweetness again so some other slut could take him away! He growled low in his throat, Trunks's thoughts clouded over in a lustful haze. Damn.. that sent.. he purred. Goten smelled like the sweetest thing, honey and chocolate musk. Trunks purred, his eyes narrowed with his heat. No, there was no way he was going to give this up just because Goten was freaking out.

Goten's eyes widened as he yelped and turned to run. He dashed through the trees, brushing errant branches out of his way, he tripped on an exposed root and fell sprawling. "Fuck!" He cried and scrambled to his feet again to sprint into the shadows.


Trunks crouched, watching.. wait… ten seconds… He slowly laughed, a tongue flicked out over his lips. It was only fair to sate his hunger after a decent hunt he supposed. If Goten wanted to play, then he would win the game. The prize was so tempting after all. He grinned darkly as he sprung up and ran after Goten.

Red bloody hazy moaned through his mind as the damp earth gave way for his feet. He kicked off his shoes and lost them somewhere in the bushed. Skin on earth. He ripped off his tan trousers and left the pieces to flutter to the ground. What was driving him so mad, the question should have been pounding in his head but instead there was only the want, to take, claim.. make that Saiyan ass his only. Trunks paused, standing in a small clearing. Now.. where was he.. He turned his head sharply.. that way! He could smell it. His whole body shivered in anticipation. Once he had him in his hands there would be no escape. He licked a bloody cut on his hand, given to him by the branches that threatened his hunt. No.. there was no threat. Nothing could stand in his way. Goten was his.


Goten stumbled, his breath coming out in panting rasps. Oh man! This was insane! But GOD his touch.. his sent.. that heat.. Goten moaned.. he just wanted to give in! But.. but no! He couldn't. he couldn't be Trunks's little plaything. He wanted more than that, he wouldn't subject himself to the humiliation of being at his whim and will with out any thing in return. Surely Trunks was only lusting after him, only playing.. It was a game right?

He flattened himself face first to a tree and gasped at the sudden cool wood against his boiling skin. He was certain it was about to melt off his bones. "I can't.." He whimpered, remembering the sudden loss of control when Trunks had pinned his arm to the ground. "I can't ..do that.." he moaned as he writhed against the tree's wonderful cool bark. He pressed his cheek to the rough bark and groaned. God damn but he had a hard on like an iron beam. He rubbed him self against the tree, whimpering pitifully. Suddenly he felt hot breath shiver down his neck and two hands press into his back. Slither around and smooth against his sensitive hips. Fingers travelled downward, sliding beneath his blue jeans. He felt the heated body press up against him, a hard cock rub against his jeans and he knew he had lost.

He couldn't resist any more.. he couldn't put up a fight.. Goten clenched his eyes shut as one of those sweaty hands grasped around his weeping manhood and drag scorching fingers up, slipping his pre-cum over his member. He moaned, tears hung at the corner of his clenched eyes as he rocked his hips back to bump solidly against the other's burning arousal. The other's spicy breath stroked against his neck in a hiss and a blistering tongue lathed up to his ear lobe, which was captured in ivory teeth, pierced and suckled.

Goten gave a sobbing moan and tilted his head to the side as those lips burned down his neck, a brush of teeth and suddenly sharp raging pain as he was bitten. "Mine.." came a muffled grunt as Trunks dug his teeth into the flesh at Goten's throat. The scarlet river ran and Trunks lapped at the fiery blood. It slid down his throat and burned out his soul, he groaned and bucked his hips against Goten's covered backside.

Trunks slid his other hand around Goten's waist to where his tail was coiled up between them, slipping about like a thrashing black snake. He gripped the back of Goten's jeans and tore them off, the rip of material, and then Goten stood pressed up against the tree, his bare ass there for Trunks to admire and take for his own.

Goten could barely take it, if Trunks didn't do something soon he was going to cum all over the tree. He grunted as Trunks pressed hard up against him. His hand still lightly stroking over him. Goten whimpered, "Please Trunks…Please…" Please stop! Please fuck me! His mind was rebelling against his morals. It was nurture verses nature and the ravaging beast within was rearing its wild Saiyan head. Oh fuck nurture, it screamed. Give in! Give in, said the little demon, give in and be his forever..

Oh damn.. what a thought.

I couldn't! I couldn't possibly! He was thinking, but his wants were not his own, his choice was taken as Trunks's left hand made its self known as it slicked two fingers down his cleft. Trunks was vibrating against his back with a deep chesty purr. Kami-sama.. moaned Goten as one of those fingers pushed gently inside of him, slowly stroking against his inner sanctum. He hissed and bit at the bark his cheek was pressed against. Damn such a feeling.. Burning burning BURNING. "Uhhhnnngg.." he groaned as Trunks fisted his member at the same time.

Trunks gnawed at the wound on Goten's neck as he wiggled one finger inside his lover and grasped at his cock. His tail slid between his legs, squirming up between their sweaty heated bodies to twine its self around Goten's tail from tip to base. Smirking into his sweet Goten's neck, he slid his and Goten's tails up to stroke so softly against Goten's downy sack. Goten groaned and bucked back as Trunks slipped in a second intruding finger. Both wiggled up, stretching.. massaging.. rubbing against those spicy sweet walls. Goten was whimpering and begging, his hands grasping at the trunk of the tree, his nails scraping at the bark. "Ugh.. Trunks!" he begged as he thrust his cock in Trunks's right hand. Oh fuck! He was going to…. Damn it! If Trunks didn't stop… no! Never stop! Never! "Never.. stop.." he whined and bucked.

Trunks purred in satisfaction, as his little fuck was pleasurable jelly in his hands. He slowly, slid his fingers free and grasped at Goten's hip. "Please.. Trunks..please.." Little whimpers.. god! They were like magic, working him into frenzy. That little weak voice. He totally had Goten now, no holding back. His little fuck couldn't resist. He was all Trunks's now. "All mine..." he purred as he slowly pushed himself inside that blistering channel of flesh.

Goten grunted, his clenched eyes opening wide. Oh God! He.. Fuck! His mind scrambled to form coherency as it collapsed and shattered into nothing but sensations of the flesh. His cry keened from him as he was rent. That molten thickness filling him up, fitting the mould made by those two fingers and pushing out to defy it. And so damn slooow! It was a thousand agonies! Thousand upon a million shades of pleasure filtered though his abused mind. And he couldn't remember what he was.. his name.. his entire self drained out and mingled with the greater mind of another, one he knew so very well. "Fuck!" he screamed as Trunks thrust into him, breaking him, his blood martyred for his virginity.

Right to the hilt, he knifed into him. Trunks's body shuddered at the overwhelming sensations as Goten stole his mind. Ah the control! It was a divine drug sent to scour his soul in corruption too heady to be wine. And oh! This blood.. this blood was a wine.. red .. fucking red. This body.. this body and this blood.. mine… He thrust slow, so slow, wanting Goten to feel it. And feel it he did, he became it. Became that throbbing beating fuck. That's all he was any more.

Trunks angled his hips back until the head of his cock rested with in that oh so tight ring of flesh. With a grunt he thrust back in, hard. Furious. Roaring. Snarling. Biting. Bleeding. Fucking. That's what his soul was. All that it mattered.

Trunks had him pinned up against the tree; with out it Goten knew he would have fallen to his knees. With every violent thrust, Goten echoed it with a keening whimper of pleasure. How he wanted to praise this lilac haired god. He wanted to bend over for him, let him ravage his damned soul even more. BUT this fucking tree was in the way, and yet with out it Goten knew he would bend over and take it like a dog. He pushed back with every backward sway, the rhythm pounding to his rapid heart beat as it thudded through his ears and mind and soul. The greatest symphony played for an audience of two. He could feel the burning, hot, rolling, building up inside his gut. Striking up his spine, exploding in his brain. Oh shit! He screamed and screamed how fucking good this was! Please.. please never.. never let it end.. He begged.

Trunks grunted, angling his hips to thrust into that spot deep inside, like honey was sweet, he heard Goten cry out his pleasure and his screams spurred Trunks on. The burning was catching and Trunks heard his grunts twist into whimpers as his own flames licked away his insides. God! Fuck! He felt the molten flow, it was boiling away within him, burning him inside out, ashes, ashes..ashes.

His tail flicked up, squeezing and rubbing, fondling and rasping against Goten's. Tugging, damn his senses! Damn it all, ecstasy like no other threatened his sanity.

Goten gave a last cry as he came, Trunks's hands on his hips, he released. Gods! He wanted to crumple into this blazing oblivion. Blinded he lent, gasping for air, his sweat drenched body burning against the bark. Trunks felt Goten's release as his bow-tight body clenched about his muscle of torment. Screaming he thrust in and gave Goten himself.

The two men slowly slid to the ground, the grass smoothed against their moist skin like a caress. Goten curled up slightly, his strength evaporated as Trunks spooned about him.


The forest was silent. The birds frightened off by the noisy spectacle. Trunks draped a limp arm around Goten's waist; his fingers ran lightly through the proof of Goten's satisfaction, over his stomach. He trailed his fingers up Goten's chest and licked them off; his head nestled into Goten's neck. His tongue flicked out and licked at the bruising bloody flesh under it.

"Hmmmmm…" Trunks purred and snuggled close to his worn out koi. His tail, looped about Goten's, flicked lightly over the younger man's thigh.

Goten slowly opened his eyes and stared at the grass near his face. There was a small ant clambering gallantly up a single stalk. "Trunks.." he rasped, his voice raw. He swallowed and licked his lips. "Trunks.. what does this mean?" It was almost a whisper.

It fluttered through the air, a white butterfly, and Trunks heard it. He heard a desperate worry behind the voice. Goten was frightened that this was nothing to him but a screw. Trunks slowly smiled and kissed the bruises on Goten's neck. "It means I love you, koi.." He whispered back. You are mine..

Goten smiled, he grinned, happiness purged through him. Wiping out his worries and relaxing him. Man, lying like this felt sooo very excellent. His eyes fluttered closed and his breathing grew even as he fell into blissful sleep.

Trunks nuzzled his love again and smiled as he heard the sleeping breaths. It seemed like a good idea. Coiling tighter about him, Trunks drifted off to sleep. Protecting his mate always.


Okay so tell me what you think..

Is it crappy or is it not half bad..whatever. Be as brutal as you want, contructive critisim will be more useful though.

^^ Well, chow then.

~The Great And Magnificent..

Dynishra The Vampire~