Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Changing Seasons ❯ Confessions of Desire ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Gohan flew at a breakneck speed, too fast for an radar to pick up more than just a blip on a screen and far too high to be spied from aground. He didn't care either way, he just felt the need to go and go swiftly. His mind was racing nearly as fast as his body and scolding himself relentless for his physically as well as emotional reaction to the woman he'd recently left alone on that beach, looking just as bewildered as he felt.

As the wish rushed past his skin, through his dark hair and the earth moved in a many-colored quilt of landscapes below him, Gohan thought to himself, hardly aware that he was in fact speaking aloud, not that there was anything or anyone around to hear; "I can't believe I just…what's come over me? I can't be…attracted to Alaura, can I?" He doubled his hands into tight fists and said through gritted teeth, "Even if I am…I can't allow anything to happen. I can't betray Piccolo like that. I won't!"

He paused in mid air, spun about and launched off in the direction he had come, "I'll go back an apologize to her. It's the least I can do. I don't want her thinking it was her fault when it was mine."

Besides, he thought, I don't want her blabbing to Piccolo. That'd be all I would need! His face paled at the very notion of having the powerful namek angry with him.

Alaura was about to turn about and go back inside, the air had been steadily turning from cool to chill and gooseflesh rose along her skin where the thin material of her chemise and outer gown did not cover. She felt a sudden rush of wind and pulled her calf-length thin robe tighter about her, cinching it in the middle with her fingers. She looked up and realized that Gohan had returned, just as suddenly as he had left.

Without realization, she took an involuntary step back as he landed softly on the sun-warmed golden sand, coming towards with a mixture of confusion, fear and apology on his wind-bitten face. She did not know quite what to do or say, so she simply stood there, her hands at her chest holding the dressing gown closed over her breasts and her bare toes curling and uncurling in the wet sand at her feet, waiting.

She was barely aware of what was happening when he picked her up and lifted her high into the air, his half saiyan senses reeling from the intoxicating scent of her as he nuzzled her neck and felt the loose strands of her silvery gold hair sweep across his face and become intangled within his own shorter, dark locks. What was he doing?! Some, still rational part of him demanded, Are you insane?! Put her back down on that beach, right now, before you do something you will regret!!

"I came to apologize to you, Alaura." He said in a whisper meant for her ears only. She felt his breath, hot, against her ear and shivered, unable to look down for fear of falling from such a height. She clung to him now more out of the need to preserve self's own life rather than passion, but she could feel his heart pounding a rythum similar to her own and knew that his wasn't due to fear, but to something far more primal. "But, I just can't. I can't help this. I want you, Alaura. I've wanted you since the day I showed up on your doorstep searching for that dragonball…You remember?"

She didn't answer, too caught up in what was happening to even form understandable words in her head, much less speak them. Gohan did not seem to notice her unease and went on, speaking rapidly as though he believed this time would be stolen from them and he'd never get another chance to say how he felt again; "I can't help this, Alaura! I can't help being attracted to you…I'm…sorry for this…But I need you…right…now."

She did not know where he was taking her, nor did she care. She just wanted to be on level, or even not so level, ground once more. Her ears were ringing from being up so high and she felt more than a little frightened. She'd known Gohan for years and never had she seen him so…so fervent. The raw yearning in his dark eyes both terrified and excited her. She knew what they were doing was playing with fire, but like moths, the flame was just too enthralling to ignore.

He found the place he'd been searching for, his attention on two things at once, the woman visably shuddering in his arms and the need to find a place to touch down. Gohan thought of what might happen to them both if they were found out, but quickly shoved that thought down deep into the recesses of his mind. No one would find out. No one.