Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Changing Seasons ❯ Emotional Outbursts ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"I…can't….believe…you'd…do…this 230;to…me!" Each word was said through tight teeth and punctuated with a dish or a glass slamming against the wall, inches from his head, "What were you thinking!? Oh, wait, I know what you were thinking…we ALL know what you were thinking!"

She gestured to 18 and Krillin, who stood back at a safe distance and watched, 18 looking amused and Krillin looking as if he pitied Gohan and also a little amused. Gohan could amost heard him thinking; "Better him than me."

"Videl! Please!" Gohan tried, again, as he had been over the last few hours, to explain himself to her with no luck at all, "It was an accident! I swear it! Please stop breaking things!"

"An accident?!" She raged, a place held overhead, she didn't know why she was throwing the dishes at him instead of just pounding his face in, but the feel of the ceramic as it left her hand and smashed against the wall was oddly comforting. She didn't care that she probably looked and sounded like Bulma in a rage, all she saw and felt at the moment was crimson anger and hurt, "An accident?! Cheating on your girlfriend is not an accident! What did you do, trip and fall and land with your dick in her…"

"Videl!" He cried, ducking as another plate shattered against the wall, "I can see your upset…I'll just go and you can calm down and we can talk later…"

She threw another plate at the back of his retreating head and smiled as it hit home. He fell forward a little bit and held the back of his head, crying out in surprise more than pain. He never actually thought she'd really try to hit him. He heard Krillin snicker, but when he glanced at him the smaller man merely shrugged in a mixture of apology and pity. 18 just continued to look amused.

"I can't believe what happened." Gohan said to himself as he took off into the late night sky after stepping out of the house, "How could I have been so stupid! Now, I've probably lost the only woman I really love! How can Videl ever forgive me now? I wouldn't forgive me! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

As soon as the door shut, Videl fell to the ground in tears, her shoulders shaking and her short dark hair shivering atop her head. She sobbed into her hands, all the spleen gone from her voice as she said in a pitiful whisper; "How can I have lost him this way? I thought he loved me…"

"Videl…" Krillin began but she waved him away without looking up, not wanting to hear any words of comfort at the moment. She sniffled and ran her hand across her eyes, smearing her tears and looking like a hurt little child. Krillin wanted to go over and give her a hug but was afraid he'd get a plate thrown at his head. He turned to 18 with a shrug of confusion. She sighed and stepped forward, saying, "Leave us alone, Krillin. Only another woman can know how she feels…"


"Go!" 18 yelled, before turning to Videl, "Everything's going to be okay, Videl. You'll get over him…I promise."

"That's the problem, 18!" Videl cried, looking up at 18 with narrowed, red-rimmed eyes, "I don't want to get over him! I don't want to lose him! I still love him!"

"After what he did to you?!" 18 cried out, "Don't you want to smash his face in?!" She made a gesture of one fist pounding the palm of her other hand at Videl.

Videl nodded, "Of course I do, 18!" She said, "But I still love him and don't want to break up with him, that hasn't changed even though I am still pissed as hell at him."

18 shook her head; "I don't understand you, Videl." She added, "You're not making any sense…"

"I know!" Videl said, sniffling back more tears, "I can't help it, though!"