Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Changing ❯ The choice they made. ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Changing-Chapter One

Summary- Marron is as old as Pan and Bra. They're 11 years younger then Ubuu, Trunks, and Goten. So they decide to go to the Room of Spirit and Time to become their crushes age. This is a U/M, G/B, and T/P story. Oh and to make it more interesting Ubuu and Marron are half saiyan, so Krillen was wished to be a saiyan because Goku wanted his friend to be one, and Ubuu, uh… he's just is half saiyan. ^^ Oh, and the girls get tails later on. But in the room will they lose interest in their crushes? And if the guys realize they like them, can they win them back?

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Author- Whoo Hoo! I'm on a roll with my stories!

Gohha- *rolls her eyes*Yeah, good for you.

Leila- *in a sarcastic tone*We're real happy.

Nina- *blinks and stares* Mm Hm. We are.

Ama- *has her head resting on her arms sitting at a table* Congrats.

Author- What's up with them?

Aialia- Oh, well you were gone they embarrassed themselves.

Author- *blinks* Well, I don't own DBZ.

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Boys- 22

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Marron, Bra, and Pan were having a sleepover at Bra's house. Marron sighed. "I'm soooo bored!" "We could always go shopping." Bra suggested. "No!" Pan yelled. "You know I'm hungry." Bra said. "Yeah." Marron agreed. It was 9:00 when the girls headed down for a snack.

Trunks, Ubuu, and Goten were down there. "Hey, Uncle Goten. Hi Trunks. Hi Ubuu." Pan said. "What's up, bro?" Bra asked. "We're going clubbing with our girlfriends." The girls felt their hearts drop at that. "Oh…" Marron said. Goten grinned, "We'd take you guys but you're too young." Ubuu nodded. "And you wouldn't be able to get into the club." "Well, bye." They ran out of the house.

Bra pouted. "I hate being so young." "It's not fair. They also think we can't fight because we're too young." Pan frowned, remembering what had happened a few days before.

~ ~Flashback~ ~

(A.N. In this Marron and Bra do fight, just not that much.) The girls were outside watching the guys spar. Pan finally got up and went over to them. "Uncle Goten, can I spar with you?" Marron and Bra came up with Pan. "Yeah, bro, can we spar with you guys too?" Marron smiled at them. "Pleeeeease!" Trunks laughed. "No way, you'd get hurt." "No we wouldn't, just because we're girls-" Marron began. "No, it's because you're too young." Ubuu said. Goten gave the Son smile. "Why don't you guys go shopping, I bet you'd like that." Pan shook her head. Marron's shoulders drooped. Bra's smile disappeared. "Yeah, come on. Let's go." Bra said. Marron frowned when they were out of view. Pan shook her head. "Stupid boys." They muttered.

~ ~End of Flashback~ ~

" 'You're too young.' " She mimicked. "I like Ubuu, but I hate it when he thinks I'm young." Bra frowned too. "If we were their age we'd be able to go to clubs with them and spar with them. Though I don't like getting all sweaty too much, I'd like to spar with Goten." Pan nodded, agreeing with her friends. "We have to find a way to make them think we're not so young."

They all sat down at the table. They sat there for ten minutes before Bra slammed her hand down. "I've got it! We can use the Room of Spirit and Time!" "Bra that's a great idea!" Marron said. "Okay, here's what we do, you to go back home and bring what you want with you in capsules, then we'll go to Kami's lookout-" "You know, if Kami isn't around anymore then wouldn't it be Dende's lookout?" Pan interrupted. "Yeah, anyway, well set it for 11 days." They all nodded.

~ ~Marron's way home~ ~

Marron was flying home, really happy. She'd show Ubuu she wasn't a little girl. She'd had a crush on him for a while, but he had ignored it, or didn't notice. Probably didn't notice, boys are oblivious to those things. She giggled at that. When she got close, she made sure to lower her ki. She quickly packed up her things and headed to Kami's/Dende's lookout to wait for Pan and Bra.

~ ~Pan's way home~ ~

Pan was extremely happy. She'd show Trunks for sure. He'd always thought of her as a little sister. Well he won't when we get out! She grinned. She lowered her ki and packed a few things, then saw a picture of her, Bra, Marron, Trunks, Goten, and Ubuu. Might as well pack this. She smiled. She was on Trunk's shoulders, Marron was in Ubuu's arms, and Bra was on Goten's right shoulder giving him a peck on the cheek. She headed to Kami's/Dende's lookout and ran over to Marron.

~ ~At Capsule Corp.~ ~

Bra was smiling. She had just finished packing. She was writing a note: Dear Mom and Daddy, Me, Pan, and Marron have decided to train in the Room of Spirit and Time, we'll be out in 11 days. She smiled again; she had to tell her parents something. She headed to Kami's/Dende's lookout. Marron and Pan were already there. "You guys ready?" She asked. Marron smiled and nodded. Pan grinned, "Let's do this!" Bra punched in the codes and time and they headed in…

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Author- Done!

Douchu- I can't believe you're writing a romance!

Author- What's that suppose to mean? *summons a ki ball*

Douchu- Well, it's just, you. *burst out laughing*

Author- *starts strangling him*

Psycho- Chill, Chalks!

Myno-Yeah, chill, Chalks!

Golo- Relax, stop killing my best friend, bestest friend!

Author- I am not your friend and don't call me Chalks!

Ianac- Well, since she's busy again I'll have to tell you to please review. Ja!