Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Changing ❯ Marron!? ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Changing- Chapter Six

Author- Okay, I'm sorry. Very sorry. And because I'm late in the chapter and my friends were threatening me (thank them that I'm back) I'm writing another T/P, U/M, and G/B story. But back to Changing. As for the new story, uh… it'll be interesting.

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Marron looked at the phone, still debating weather or not to call Drake. Finally she picked it up and dialled his number. Two rings later someone picked up. "Hello?" "Drake?" "Yeah. Who's this?" "It's Marron." "Marron! Oh hey, what's up?" "Listen, did you want to meet me sometime?" "Sure, how about…tonight, we'll meet at the club." "Okay, see ya." She hung up. She heard an explosion outside; her dad and Ubuu were training. "Dad! I'm going out on a date tonight." Her dad struck Ubuu down, "Okay, Marron." Marron went back inside to get ready. That's weird; I could have sworn Ubuu flinched…

"Hey, Ubuu, what's wrong, I can't usually get a hit like that in." Krillin asked. Ubuu sighed, "Girl problems." With your daughter… Krillin nodded, "Uh huh."

They went back to fighting, Krillin thought about it. I don't get it, Ubuu likes Marron, I have no problem with that, but neither will admit it, hmmm… also Trunks likes Pan yet now she ignores him, same goes for Goten and Bra, man, I need to talk to the others about this.

Hours later…

Marron saw Drake in the club, "Hey!" She yelled. Drake grinned, "You look great." "Thanks." They headed out, "Where do you want to go?" Marron asked. "How about we get some dinner then come back here?" Marron nodded. They went to Kelseys. (Couldn't think about anything else.) This isn't so bad, Marron thought. Drake was nice and cute. But still, he's not Ubuu…

Half an hour later…

Marron laughed at Drakes joke, funny, he's funny. But… not to well built. He doesn't look that strong. They finally left the restaurant and went to the club. Dancing was fine; it wasn't until the date was over that Marron started feeling bad. When Drake kissed her and left, it didn't seem right, like her heart hurt because she knew inside she wasn't over Ubuu.

She got home with a headache and pain, incredible pain. Apparently her parents were gone, something about going with Bulma and Vegeta over seas (Along with Chi Chi and Goku and Gohan and Videl.) She screamed in pain, it hurt!

Ubuu had been flying home when he heard a scream in his head. Marron! He raced back to Kame Island and inside. "Marron?!" She was on the floor. Was she breathing, what was wrong? He bent down and checked her pulse…

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Author- Oh the suspense, sorry it's short. A bit of a writer's block. Well, till next time. Ja.