Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Chaos Effect ❯ Resolutions ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Sorry to dragon's moon and Raptor 101 who reviewed this at FF.Net, *Sheepish grin* I sort of forgot I posted this there as well. Stupid me. But, since they were such nice peoples and the only ones to say ANYTHING, good or bad, about this story, this chapter is for them.

Also, if you would like to see some pictures regarding this fic, here:


Go there! Go there! Now, on with the tale!!!

Pan threw a punch at the young Vegeta, the weight of several hundred times earth gravity pulling her down. It had taken her a lot of hard training, but a year ago, she had reached the legendary level of super saiyan. To keep her strength up Pan trained everyday. But today, there were very few people who weren't distracted, mostly by their thoughts. Thinking was not something Pan felt like doing. So, when `Veg' as he asked to be called brought up training, she practically dragged him to the GR. The boy surprised her. She had expected to find herself sparring someone like Vegeta or Trunks, but really, it was more like Goku or Goten. There was a permanent grin plastered on his face. Not quite a smile, not quite a smirk. He talked while the sparred, chattering about their moves, and commenting on life in the future. His mind seemed to want to skirt the most recent incident. "I only train with you in the future sometimes, when you come to visit Mom. Mostly it's Grandpa or Uncle Trunks who spar with me. But you're pretty strong, too." He told her as he blocked her hit, and landed one of his own in her gut. Pan winced and slugged him upside his head. Veg staggered back a bit at the unexpected blow. "Ouch! Here, catch this, then." He called out. Raising his hand, he made a grasping motion in the air above his head. Pan watched curiously as Veg moved his arm down, like he was pulling a cord. Holding it at his waist, he began to spin, moving impressively fast. At first it looked just like some kind of strange dance. Then something glittered out of the corner of Pan's eye. Before she could blink Veg was surrounded in thin, glowing lines of ki, all forming a strange orbit around him as he spun.

"This is an attack?" She scrutinized aloud. Veg's grin only spread, and suddenly, he halted his spinning.

"Hyah!" He yelled, as the strands of ki exploded away from him. And now it made sense. Pan blinked as she raised her arms, trying to block the onslaught. It couldn't be dodged. It filled the whole GR with energy, and very powerful energy. She grit her teeth and braced herself as the shockwave hit, preparing for the burning sensation of energy that was sure to follow. Pan waited. And waited. The shockwave subsided, and no ki assaulted her. She blinked, lowering her arms, and almost cried out aloud when she saw Veg standing mere inches before her. "Hey, this is training, you don't think I'd let that hit you do you?" He asked curiously. Pan blinked in shock. Veg smiled and tapped her on the head. "I'm not that mean! Besides, it might break the GR, and Gran's scaaaaary when she's mad. Wanna keep going now?" He asked. Pan just stared at him.

"You stopped your own ki energy! Do you know how weird that is?" She asked, still slightly muddled by shock. Veg raised a hand to his face, tapping his chin with a finger.

"Hmm… Nope! Can we train now? Pleeeeeease?" He asked. Pan opened her mouth to say something else, when suddenly the GR's electronic warning system came on.

"Gravity Levels decreasing." It announced. Pan and Veg turned to look at the entrance, waiting to see who was coming in. The door whooshed open. Mochi and Enokidake walked in, followed closely by Goten, who looked a little anxious and a little excited. The group smiled at Pan and Veg as they lowered themselves to the ground.

"Uncle Goten!" Pan exclaimed in relief. The two brunettes caught the tones in her voice, and shot suspicious looks at her sparring partner. Veg shrugged defensively.

"I didn't do anything wrong, I swear!" He said. "All I did was retract my energy so she didn't get toasted. It looked like she couldn't figure out how to block my `Whirling Ball of Deadly Yarn' attack, and she got all weird. I just wanted to show her the move!" Veg defended himself. Goten blinked. He was fifteen? He sounded more like twelve. Then suddenly the gravity of what he'd said hit him.

"You retracted your ki? How?" Goten asked. As far as he knew, ki was a one-way thing. At his side Enokidake and Mochi both got looks of `oh, shit' on their faces. Veg shrugged.

"Uh, well, I told it `come back'. And it did. Can't you guys do that?" He inquired curiously. Goten and Pan both shook their heads vigorously in unison. Veg blinked.

"Not yet, eh? I guess no one's figured it out. Oops." He reasoned, crossing his arms as he thought about it. "Now, let's see… Who knows the most about ki… Oh! I know why you can't do it yet!" He realized, snapping his fingers. Enokidake frowned suddenly at the younger boy.

"Veg!" He snapped. Veg looked at him in surprise. "Keep your painfully obvious musings to yourself, would you? Some things don't need to be said. We don't want to tell them everything about the future." Enokidake warned. He and Mochi had talked with Konbu when they woke up that morning, and certain `agreements' had been made. Sadly that was after Pan and Veg had disappeared to the GR. Mochi sighed.

"You don't have to be so blunt, `Dake-chan." She told him. Veg shrugged.

"Okay, whatever. Less talking more sparring!" He said, raising his hand in the victory sign. "Whoo, Vegeta Briefs!" He announced loudly, and then winked. Everyone sweat-dropped.

"Er, Veg? What are you doing?" Goten asked.

"Being a moron. Now beat it, Veg, Mochi and I are going to show Dad what we're made of." He said, chucking a thumb at the door. Veg narrowed his brows in a slight glare.

"Careful, `Dake-chan, you're being rude." Mochi warned. Pan and Goten watched the interaction with interest. Enokidake shot a slightly resentful look at his sister. He steamed a bit, grinding his teeth a little.

"I'm not being rude. He was being a moron, and we are here to spar with Dad. It would be rude if I were to pick him up and throw him out. That would be rude." `Dake argued. Goten blinked. His son certainly was a defensive fellow, that was for sure.

"I wasn't being a moron, I was doing my `Ultimate Victory Fighter' pose. You're just in a permanent foul mood." Veg retorted. His face looked slightly angered, but it reflected none of the serious, troubled quiet it had the night before. Goten imagined it easily could, though. He looked from the boy, to his own future children, and recognized the tremor of tension that hung in the air. The words weren't really anything. It was simply a front, to hide from something that lurked just a little deeper, to keep from remembering yesterday.

"Daddy?" Goten was drawn out of his thoughts by Mochi's voice. She bit her lip, looking concerned. "It is alright if I call you that, isn't it? I don't want to make you uncomfortable." She asked gently. Goten smiled and shook his head.

"Nah, it's fine. What do you want, hun?" He asked. A happy smile crept up her face.

"This argument could take a while. May I go somewhere with Pan-chan?" She requested. Goten blinked.

"I thought you wanted to train?" He asked. Mochi shook her head, sending waves of warm brown hair around her face. When she first woke up that morning, she'd hunted down Bulma, who'd leant her some face cream. The scar on her face was completely invisible now.

"I don't really need to, fighting's not a big deal to me." She said. Noticing the shocked look the spread across her father's face, she quickly raised her hands. "Oh, not that I don't like it, I do sometimes. But… I'm not even a super saiyan. I'd just be in the way of your spar with `Dake-chan." She elaborated. Goten blinked. She didn't fight much? How strange, for a member of the Son family at least.

"Well, if you don't fight much, what do you do?" He asked curiously. Mochi smiled and raised a hand, thumping her sternum proudly.

"I'm going to university to become a doctor!" She announced happily. Then, suddenly, something flickered across her face. A shadow. "…Or, well," She said with a slightly broken laugh. "I was at least. I guess that's going to be harder now that I don't live in that timeline anymore, huh?" Mochi asked, and she bit her lip again. The GR went silent as Veg and Enokidake calmed their argument. Goten felt his heart plummet. `Do something!' His mind urged him. She looked so sad, almost on the verge of tears.

"Yeah, but Mochi-chan's a genius, so even if it's harder she can still do it!" Veg suddenly announced. "Did you know she skipped two entire grades? They moved her from eight to ten all at once in highschool." He said to Goten. His voice conveyed absolutely no falsehood, or pretense. To anyone who just walked in it would look more like he was bragging, than trying to comfort. Mochi's face brightened, and her brother rolled his eyes.

"Would you shut up, kid? The last thing she needs is more encouragement. By Dende, do you people know how humiliating it is to be in the same classes as your little sister?" Enokidake whined. Mochi smiled, and elbowed his side.

"You weren't complaining when I helped you study for your finals." She said playfully. `Dake shot her a disapproving look and a `hmmph' of disapproval.

"Aren't you supposed to be taking Pan somewhere?" He asked irritably. Mochi blinked, then nodded.

"Oh yeah. Pan-chan, could you come and talk to me for a sec? We'll clear out of the GR for the boys." She asked. Any trace of her previous sorrow was now buried down deep. Pan nodded reluctantly, with one last look at her uncle and future cousin. She followed Mochi out, Veg not far behind them. Once they were outside Veg grinned at the two of them.

"I'm going to go find somebody else to talk with. Bye girls!" He said, flashing the victory sign again before dashing off. Pan and Mochi watched him go. Once he was clear of sight, Pan turned to her future cousin.

"So, what do you want?" She asked. Mochi smiled.

"A conversation, about something difficult to hear." The brunette warned. Pan waited, listening. "This morning some of us discussed what would tell you guys, and what we wouldn't. I didn't agree with everything. But, I respect the group's choices, and there was one I definitely agreed with." She told Pan carefully. "And that was to tell you that in eleven years, you're mother will die."

Pan froze. "What?" She asked quietly. Mochi raised her arms hastily.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm telling you this so you can stop it." She explained. Her face grew serious as she continued. "On December fourth, at around nine thirty p.m., Videl will be accosted on evening by a group of unpleasant men. They rape her, and kill her." She said darkly. Pan felt her chest begin to constrict. `Why did they pick me to tell her? Why not `Dake-chan?' Mochi wondered as she saw the hurt look on her cousin's face. `At least it's better than telling Uncle Gohan.' She thought sadly. After Videl's death, Pan partly segregated herself from the family, as did her brother. Mochi didn't know her as well as she knew Gohan. She could stand to see Pan upset. But Gohan was something of an idol to her, and telling him would be much more difficult. Still… Mochi placed a hand on her cousin's arm.

"All you have to do is stop her from going out that night. Or at least send someone with her. I'm sure any of us could take whatever some thugs dish out, but Videl hasn't fought in years." Mochi explained. Pan felt like she might throw up. This happened in the other timeline? Her mother was killed so… so… senselessly?

"I'm sorry, it's weak of me, but I need to hug you Mom."

"Don't say sorry, it isn't weak."

"Of course it is. When you show others your real self, it makes you weak, it lets them in. You know that."

Pan gasped. `Was that what changed me?' She wondered. What made her so closed-off, that she taught Konbu such feelings were weak? "I love my mother. If she were to die, I think… I think I'd want to keep that kind of pain from my son. I think I might not want my son to love me, so I wouldn't hurt him." Pan reasoned aloud. Mochi looked at her in surprise. Resolution grew on her cousin's face. "But my mother won't die in this timeline." She said firmly. `I won't become the kind of person I did in the future. I won't hide from things.'

"That was the plan." Mochi assured her, happy it was a success.

"…Have you seen Uubu around?" Pan asked suddenly. Mochi paused in surprise.

"I think I saw him with Grandpa on my way to the GR." She provided. Pan nodded her thanks, then headed off, out to find Uubu. He was fairly good at keeping his ki low, but Grandpa's she could definitely find, as long as she was looking. It didn't take long for Pan to pin them both down to the kitchen. They were sitting at the table, downing several kilos of food. Well, Goku was, Uubu ate substantially less than the older man.

As the demi-saiyan approached Goku raised a hand to wave at his granddaughter, currently caught up in his food. Uubu glanced up, then blushed a vibrant red, hastily moving his gaze back to his plate. He let out a startled yelp when Pan placed her hand on his shoulder. "We need to talk." She said firmly. `No, run away, not yet. It's too soon, it's too soon! What will you say?' Her mind pleaded desperately with herself.

"Well, I'm done." Goku said. He stood from the table, grabbing a platter of meat up into his arms before he disappeared. Pan stiffly took the seat next to Uubu. She couldn't help but blush at the thought that they ended up together in another time. Uubu refused to make eye-contact with her.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asked quietly. `Brilliant, Uubu, you know why she's here.' He berated himself mentally. Pan fought the urge to get up and run away.

"So… Do you like me?" She asked. There was a pregnant silence as Uubu weighed his answer. Both knew what sense Pan used the word `like' in.

"Yes. I never expected anything, though." Uubu confessed hastily. Pan sighed.

"But it looks like something does happen in the future. Have you talked to Konbu at all?" She asked. Uubu nodded slowly.

"A few minutes ago he came in and ate some cheese. I said hello. Then he left." He explained. Pan felt a smile creep up her cheeks, and she laughed a little.

"Well, I wasn't thinking of something that superficial." She said. Uubu's blush deepened and he laughed a bit more. Pan closed her eyes. Why was it so awkward? This was Uubu! He was one of her best friends. She shouldn't be having any difficulties at all. "You… I never really thought about you that way, before now. I wonder how we got together? You're so shy, and I'm so stubborn, it seems to unreal." She confessed. `Please, look at me, not your plate. Me.' Pan thought. As if her wish had been granted, Uubu finally looked up at her face for more than an instant.

"Maybe we should ask around?" He suggested. Pan planted a fist in her palm.

"That's a great idea!" She declared. `Perfect! A mission! I can deal with that.' Reaching out, she grabbed Uubu's hand, not even thinking. Before he could blink he was on his feet. "Let's go and find Mirai Gobo first, he's the oldest, and I'd probably tell him stuff like that." She suggested. Uubu's face was bright red as he tried not to think about her holding his hand.

"S-sounds good to me!" He agreed. Pan let go of his hand as she paused to think.

"Hmm. Where will he be?" She said aloud, reaching out her ki to find her `younger' brother's signature. She blinked in surprise. "Hey, he's in the lab. Do you think he's an inventor or something?" She asked, starting down towards the laboratory. Uubu shrugged and followed quietly. When they got to the lab's door, it was locked, as usual. Pan pressed a finger to the com system.

"Hey Bulma." She said. The blue-haired scientist appeared on a small screen before her.

"Hey guys, I'm kind of busy now, what do you need?" She asked, wiping the sweat off her brow. She clasped a fairly heavy-duty wrench in one hand.

"Is Gobo in there? Uubu and I want to talk to him." Pan replied. Bulma paused.

"…Just you two?" She asked. Pan nodded. "Okay then, come on in." The familiar `beep' of the door locks coming off filled the air, and the two warriors stepped inside the lab, moving carefully. Breaking something was a crime punishable by death.

"Panny!" A voice suddenly declared, and two strong arms grabbed her off the ground in a hug from the side. Pan gasped as her older younger brother seemed to swoop out of nowhere.

"Put me down!" She snapped. Gobo laughed good-naturedly and lowered her to the ground.

"Sorry, sorry. Hey Uubu!" He said. Uubu took a step back warily, not wanting to be lifted off the ground himself. Gobo laughed and raised his hands defensively. "I'm not a threat, I swear." He reassured him. "It was just that ever since I got taller than Panny, I made a point of proving it." Gobo explained. Pan felt her eye twitch at being called `Panny'. She hated that name!

"Why are you in the lab, anyway, Gobo?" She asked curtly, trying to bury her temper. Gobo frowned.

"Oh, that. I sort of broke a table. None of my money works around here, it's too advanced, so to pay it off I'm helping Bulma-san work." He explained. Pan blinked. `Wow, he sure developed Dad's sense of responsibility.' She mused inwardly. "What did you want to talk about anyway?" He asked. Pan blinked, snapping back to reality.

"Uubu and I were wondering if you knew how we get together in the future." She asked. Part of her wanted to explain the interest a little more, but another part of her told her not to, as well. Gobo blinked and began to think about it.

"…Hm, I don't think you guys ever really told me. I was about six when you finally got your act together. Let's see… Maybe…? No, no, you were together by then. Hmm… Oh yes! Now I remember! Uncle Goten told me the story to explain about saiyan mating rituals." He said suddenly, snapping his fingers together. Pan felt the colour drain from her face. This could not go well. Gobo beamed up at the pair, sensing their more than slightly apparent dread. "It was at one of the World's Tournaments, right after you hit lv2. You and Uubu made it to the final rounds and faced each other. You beat him into submission and carried him home with you. That's how it happened! How could I have forgotten?" He said aloud. If there was any colour left in either Pan of Uubu's faces, it now fled.

"B-beat me into submission?" He said meekly. Gobo nodded.

"Yup, Vegeta was quite pleased, it was the first `saiyan' mating ritual that had happened in a long time. Pan declared that Uubu was hers. Very touching." He said. Suddenly there was the familiar sound of a resounding `thump'. Pan hit the ground like a ton of bricks. Her head was swimming as Gobo and Uubu hastily helped her back up to her feet.

"I-I-I'm… Sorry." She said quietly. Uubu blushed.

"Well, that explains how we got past your arrogance and my shyness. Brute force." He mused light-heartedly, sweating bullets. Gobo smiled and patted him on the back.

"That's the spirit!" He comforted him. "Saiyans are just like that, right Pan-chan?" Gobo asked, looking at her expectantly. Pan blinked, before dropping back down and hitting the floor. This was quite possibly the worst day of her life.