Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Children of Time ❯ Thoughts of Royalty ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Children of Time 2:
Thoughts of Royalty
Author's Notes: b-chan has once again allowed me to use her Crono characters in this story. I have been asked to write a sequel to Cronus' Daughters and so I shall. I shall also be drawing some stuff to go with it. Anywho Carrot, Veggie, Goshin, and Gogeta along with some others return to Neko-sei for the Winter season. However what they hope is nothing but a fun filled month turns out to be just the opposite. After all nothing seems to want to stay dead when dealing with the four children of time. An old enemy appears with some allies and he wants a certain female and revenge. However he is about to discover that things have changed, but then again so has he. Though there is one other problem along with this old enemy the full moon is about to rise on Neko-sei.Thoughts of Royalty
Disclaimers: I do not own the DBZ characters they are owned by their creator. I do not know own Goshin, Carrot, Veggie, or Gogeta they are owned by b-chan. I do however own everyone else.
When the Neko-jin King joined the Free Universe it started many rebellions within the planet. The king fought desperately to make his descsion known to the people that were to stuborn to see his reasoning. For the king had fought beside the Empeor of the Free Universe and knew very well what he was capable of. He did not wish such a power on his people. What he did was for their own good. It has been years now since the king made that decsion and the rebellions have diminished to only one rebellion group. They were a dangerous group and they had yet to be caught has a whole.
They had also remained dorminant over the last five years however the news of the princesses' invovlements with the Empoer's son and his best friend. Had caused the group to suddenly explode into action. The group seemed infruated that the king would allow such a thing to go on and so they seemed resolved to stop the romances from continueing in any way possible.
Carrot picked up a sword and examined it for any flaws and to see if the balance was off in any way. The sound of light footsteps came from behind him and Carrot whirled around his sword ready and waiting to face the intruder. He lowered his sword down however when he saw the woman that had been behind him. She was Kitty's ansector and hadn't aged much since he had last seen her although she did seem to be starting to grow grey. Which surprised him slightly, and left him with a vague feeling of unrest.
"Lady Emit," he said with a slightly bow before turning to replace the sword.
"Prince Carrot it is good to see you doing so well," said the half immortal woman.
"I take it you heard about the events that happened earlier this morning?" asked Carrot his back still turned to her.
"All of Mount Olympus is buzzing with the news," said Emit with a soft smile.
"Unfortunately the people in the castle are not thrilled about what nearly happened between me and the princess," said Carrot.
Emit sighed and closed her eyes this was going to be a problem this could decide to destory the peace that King Gato and Empeor Veggitta had worked so hard to achieve. If one rebellion started it could bring everything crashing to the ground. The Nekojins would need all the help they could get in a matter of days. Something dark was coming out of the past and he would attack the Nekojins out of vengence for a past misdeed. Whatever or whoever it was seemed to keep itself hidden from Emit's ancient eyes. That in and of itself made Emit uneasy she did not want anything to destory what had been worked so hard to achieve. She had to find away to get the others to intervene before the very balance of power in the universe gets shifted and everything was destoryed.
"Do not worry," said Emit smiling softly and placing a reasurring hand on the youth's shoulder. "Everything will work out find in the end eventually."
"Too bad nothing ever works out fine in the end at the start of things."
"That would take the fun out of life if eveything was fine to begin with. Life is set with obsitcles to makes us grow and to help us become stronger, wiser, and more mature. If Kitty and the others had been in such peril those months before then you and your friends never would have gone to America. You never would have meet Kitty and you would not be here today if not for that fact. So has I said it is sometimes better if life is not always easy."
Carrot sighed knowing that she was right. He picked up another sword and decided that it would do for the battle he would face that day. Then almost has if on cue a servant entered and bowed to the immortal and prince.
"It is time," said the servant.
Cat sat in her room brushing her hair, she could see her sister out of the corner of her eye. The younger of the two seemed almost distraught and Cat figured she could guess why. When her father had discovered them so close to mating in her room. Needless to say he was less then pleased. She sighed and knew that her sister loved the man, and that she loved him. Needless to say he was also head over hills in love with her or he wouldn't be so willing to prove himself to their father.
"Tell me sister," she said. "What attracts you to him so much?"
"Attracts Carrot to me?" asked Kitty looking up at her sister startled.
"Now that you mention it I don't know I never thought about it before," said Kitty softly. "But I guess it's his smile and the way he makes me feel plus the fact that his not like anyother male that we know."
"No he and Gogeta are very rare males that is for sure. Who said that chivlary is dead?! It seems to be making a come back. Would you marry him if given the chance?"
"I don't know I mean yes I would marry him but if my postion has princess deemed otherwise I don't know if I would."
"Any otherwords if need be you would choose the way that was best for our people?"
"Yes I am a princess and my people above all else come first."
"Wise words however perhaps you will be free to marry him while I have to put our people first."
"You will make a fine queen sister."
"We shall see what father decides after all by ancient law of our people the king can decide to choose someone other then the eldest child to rule the planet."
"You know very well that father will choose you to carry on and rule when he dies!"
"Anything can change at any given point even father's choice of ruler."
"Which will never happen and you know it."
"Perhaps dear sister perhaps but you never know with father, he changes his thoughts so many times now a days one must wonder what is going on in his head."
"Perhaps it is the stress of having to rule a planet and dealing with the royalty of the Aodaishou-jn for the death of Karasuhebi?"
"Karasuhebi was a bastard that deserved to die!" snapped Cat. "And I feel sorry for those stuffy royals if they can not see that fact!"
Cat would have gone on but the door opened and a servant stepped in and bowed low in respect.
"It's is time highnesses," she said.
"Yes thank you Nakoseja," said Kitty waving her away.
The servant left and the two princesses alone.
"Time to test this man of yours," smirked Cat wrapping her arm around her shoulders has they stood up and moved toward the arena that was used to sword fight.
Meanwhile on a planet in another solar system, a man sat on the throne. His green eyes twitched and his scaley skin rippled has he tightened and relaxed his muscles. His twin sons were argueing again and it was giving him a headahce. He already had to worry about what he was going to do with the Neko-jins for the murder of his brother. He sighed all he needed to do was work something out and discover why he was murdered. All he needed now was for his two sons to shut up. He shoots to his feet having enough of his tweenty-year old sons' bickering.
"WILL YOU BOTH SHUT UP!" shouted the king.
The two princes immediately became silent and stared at their father.
"Gomen," said the two boys.
"Thank you now would you please tell me why you are fighting now!"
"The princesses," said the boys together.
"What princesses?!"
"The Nejojin Princesses we want them for our wives!"