Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Chinks in the Armor ❯ What are you doing here? ( Chapter 10 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Sorry to take so long with this latest update. My mind works in strange ways because it jumped ahead two years to the androids. Yet I've done my best to pull it back to Bulma's pregnancy and try and fill in the time gap. After all this is a three years fic!
Chinks in the Armor
What are YOU doing here?
The next week or so, Bulma tried to carry on as if nothing happened. She had not called the phone number, rather choosing silence and discretion. As long as her pregnancy seemed normal she felt no need to bring in a third party. Still she kept the doctor and Dr. Carbonate to absolute secrecy.
After her next ultrasound checkup two weeks later, Bulma didn't know just what to think as the doctor made her report. Yet as she looked at Dr. Paula Carbonate she knew there was a greater degree of uncertainty then before. Dare she trust her fate to a loose conglomeration of humans? She didn't know for certain.
"So far we see no ill effects from the pregnancy. Did you call?" asked Dr. Iodine. Still Bulma saw no sign of her belly curving yet. Her eyes traced over the tiny figure lightly fluttering through the painted image of horizontal gray and black lines.
Bulma didn't miss a beat as she said, "No. I want to keep the other eggheads out of this unless necessary. This is my baby we're talking about."
"I understand your need for discretion. You only need call the number for additional support if there are any… unusual side effects," said Dr. Iodine.
"Are we done?" Bulma asked impatiently.
"You check out fine. Remember what I talked about," said she.
"Right. Time to go," she said, swallowing hard. Dr. Carbonate nodded, and then decided it was time indeed. Bulma shoed the nurse and her friend out of the room so she could change.
A half hour later the two friends entered Bulma's car and pulled out of the garage. Rather then risk Bulma's uncertain emotional state reflecting into her driving, Dr. Carbonate volunteered the duty instead.
"Do they think I'm some kind of SCIENCE experiment?" Bulma demanded, not looking at her friend. Past them zoomed the lights of oncoming traffic. A line of white twin dots flowed up the left side of the passenger side of the windshield, then flowed down the rear window in a trail of twin red. Bulma felt numb over the entire surface of her body. All feeling seemed to shut down, and she felt colder then she had in days.
"I… regret that you have that impression of it Bulma. But you have to understand you're not alone… in what you feel," Dr. Carbonate responded. Just sitting in the car with her boss created palpable tension that made Dr. Carbonate grit her teeth.
"And you presume to think you know what it's like to care for someone and have them reject you?" Bulma stammered.
"I thought you could care less if he left or not. Isn't that what you told me earlier?" asked Dr. Carbonate.
"Forget it. I knew it was just a booty call," Bulma snapped abruptly. Dr. Carbonate shook her head, swallowing hard at the shared lump that entered her throat. Waves of anger and resentment poured off Bulma at that second, and she could guess what her friend must be feeling now. Alone, abandoned to the uncertainty of the world.
"Are you so sure? He's a ruthless bastard, but surely he must have given a shit somehow?"
"He knew that I understood. It was a one night stand, nothing more," Bulma answered quietly. She drummed her fingers on the armrest, then stared out into the setting sun.
"He could have just left you alone without saying goodbye," said Dr. Carbonate, shrugging.
"He's a prince. I think he was only doing it out of 'gratitude'. In fact I think the only reason we fucked was so he could thank me for the armor. A payment in full," Bulma answered.
"Who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself?" Dr. Carbonate asked.
"Forget it. Drop it," said Bulma.
"You were the one who shared all this with me, girl. Now don't push me out. Unless you want me gone and face this all yourself," Carbonate said angrily. Only a harsh show of words would snap Bulma out of this pity party that descended. Why did Carbonate know what Bulma was feeling so well?
Because someone was a convenient friend with benefits. When both pretended it meant something more, and the morning after it was a matter of hunger being satisfied. AS ruthless as Bulma wanted to be, somehow this Prince had infected her soul. She was falling for him and denied it all she wanted. "I'm fine. He wants to be his own person. And he's a stuck up asshole. Like I'd want him living with me…"
"True. But you got used to him, didn't you?" she asked.
"Yeah, the son of a bitch," Bulma mumbled. "First I thought I could give a shit less if he never showed his ugly Saiyan face around here… but lately…"
"You miss him?" Carbonate completed for her. Bulma nodded, her blue eyes gleaming with unshed tears.
"Enough of this. He's not worth my tears. If he comes back, fine. And if he doesn't, that's his fucking loss. If he wants to play that game, I'll play hardball," said Bulma.
"Mmm, I do remember you telling me that," Carbonate nodded.
"Uh huh. So he can go play war with the androids all he wants. If he doesn't want anything to do with this baby…"
More tightly did the knot twist in Dr. Carbonate's throat hearing the bitterness in Bulma's voice. Despite Bulma's attempt to show indifference, her anger creased face betrayed her true emotions. Quietly she queried, "Did he exactly SAY that? I mean he didn't say that he didn't want the kid did he?"
Bulma closed her eyes tightly, willing up the conversation she had tried to forget. "No, as a matter of fac…Only that he could be there. . But it's like he said… he can't be with me, but the baby can… which basically means about the same!"
"I don't agree, but then again…" Carbonate said.
"He doesn't want a family and I sure as fuck don't want a damn husband. Who needs to be married anyway! Damn Saiyan eats us out of house and home, no matter that we're Capsule Corps. Annoys the shit out of me and my dad blowing the GR sky high. So good riddance to his ass I say!" Bulma huffed.
"So be it," Carbonate nodded. Yet why could she not expunge the hint of doubt she felt around Bulma? That there was something else that Bulma had not told her about the Prince. As a scientist Dr. Carbonate could not help but see the gaps in a story, and there were parts of Bulma's tale that made no sense. Such as why would Vegeta go to the trouble of telling Bulma she was pregnant if Vegeta did not want the child? Surely he could have said far worse then simply dismissing Bulma. Nevertheless Bulma's firmly clenched jaw and tightly squeezed fingers digging into her arms warned Dr. Carbonate that it was best not to push any further.
"Love, what a crock of shit. I knew that going in it was just a fuck, nothing more. And he gave me a kid, and that's fine. I don't want Trunks growing up with a father who shows as much indifference as a vendor buying supplies," she mumbled.
"So much for any hope of a relationship with the father," Carbonate mumbled. Bitterly her own feelings bubbled up, and she struggled not to think of the man who had fathered Curie. Although he was a scientist in his own right, he had clearly said he'd give money for the child as long as she demanded nothing else from him. She had declared she wasn't interested in marrying him when she found out he was hiding the fact he was married from her. In shock and anger Carbonate remembered wanting to punch his lights out. She would have, if she could have gotten away with it.
"You said you could relate, right? What about Curie's dad?" she asked.
"He pays child support, and takes her on the weekends," Carbonate said quietly. "And he gives a damn. Even if he doesn't care about me, he doesn't dismiss his daughter. Sounds like Vegeta gave a damn enough to tell you that…"
"Screw Vegeta. I don't want to talk about this anymore," Bulma waved her hands in scisorlike motions to cut off any further reply. Carbonate snapped her jaw shut and exhaled sharply.
"If that's what you want, then fine. Sorry I opened my big mouth," Carbonate mumbled. Bulma crossed her arms over her chest, as if guarding herself from any further emotions or statements. Her shoulders hunched miserably and if she could draw her knees up on the car seat she would have.
In silence the two women continued their journey to Capsule Corps. Bulma wanted to numb herself from the sudden knots in her throat she swore would never come. It was easy to disconnect herself from any pain or regret; she'd done it before when Yamcha died. Again left alone, she wondered if it was worth it at all to think that Vegeta might return. It was far easier not to think about it, and focus on being angry rather then figure Vegeta's motives out.
Anger was far easier to feel then understanding. Trying to fathom Vegeta involved far more thought then she figured he'd deserved. Again she cursed herself for not looking before she leapt. Still she said nothing to Carbonate as her friend pulled into the driveway of capsule. Her eyes fluttered wide open at the sight of a cherry red Capsule roadster parked behind her father's limousine.
"Oh shit, not now," she groaned.
"What?" asked Dr. Carbonate.
"He can't be here. That's all I need, dammit," cursed Bulma. "Of all the fucking days… HE has to visit!"
"Who, Yamcha?" asked Dr. Carbonate.
"Mother fucker I don't want to see him now… I can't…" Bulma gritted her teeth. Something akin to blue flames surged in her sapphire eyes, and Dr. Carbonate pulled the car to a full stop when she saw Bulma scrambling to unbuckle her belt.
"At least let me stop the car before you get out, Bulma!" Carbonate snapped.
"Fine, whatever. But I'm NOT going to let that turd get away with checking in like some damn mothership," she muttered, flinging open her seatbelt with a loud pop. Twisting her manicured fingers into the door handle she wrenched it with more force then necessary and flung wide the door. It narrowly slammed back in her face if she had not launched herself from the car and crossed the lawn halfway to the entrance.
"Wow, she's pissed. Me and my big mouth," Carbonate cursed, putting the car in park. She quickly exited the drivers side and grabbed her purse along with Bulma's that still sat on the front passenger side seat.
Bulma's bright blue hair sailed after her like a banner, only to hit her back with each long sprinting stride that carried her to the front steps of Capsule. In hot pursuit, Dr. Carbonate had to kick off her high heeled shoes to keep up with her boss. Just under the brightly colored awning, a handsome long haired gentleman stood with a bouquet of flowers. With his back to the approaching duo, Yamcha raised his right hand to depress the intercom button and buzz himself in.
"You… what the HELL are you doing here!" Bulma screeched. Yamcha swiveled around smiling till he caught sight of the banshee storming down on him.
"Hi babe… I know it's been a long time since we talked but I can explain…" Yamcha stammered. His scarred visage suddenly wrinkled into a worried frown. A second later he stepped back at the advancing Bulma marching up to him.
"Don't you BABE me, you miserable little shit! How DARE you come around her with fucking FLOWERS! Who do you think you are?"
"Oh man I'm in trouble," Yamcha mumbled.