Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Confession ❯ Chapter 2
Father is again trying to reason with Prince Vegeta. And yet again, I don't believe it's working. Prince Vegeta (or should I call him King now?) is going to leave the planet, and I really couldn't give a damn. I don't hate the new King, anymore than I hated the old one. I was just a child at the time, really. An infant. I was weaker than him at the time, and the strong can kill the weak when they choose. Isn't that you taught me, father?
But regardless. Vegeta-sama is leaving, father is upset, and I am silent and following them around like a lost child. At times like these, I really do hate my own body for betraying me like this.
And then… his scent. That infuriating scent! I stop in my tacks, my eyes widening and losing their soft look. That bastard. I can smell him. He's nearby. I growl out his name. He can't hear me.
Kakkarot is yelling something out to Vegeta-sama. I don't really hear what it is, over the load roaring in my ears. I stand perfectly still and stare at him, as he lands in front of me. I hear my name said… oh, he is still talking to Vegeta-sama. Something about Super Saiyans… oh yes. I think I can pick out what this conversation is about.
My father is panicking again. Trying to dissuade any foolish notions that I could possibly be a challenge. After all, I am horribly weak, am I not? How could I be the Legendary?...
DAMN IT ALL!! He's looking at me with that fucking grin! As the other Prince of Vegeta-sei arrives, Kakkarot is grinning at me!! Damn him… damn him for being so infuriatingly happy all the time. I hate him. I hate him for everything he has to grin about.
Father is divulging the "secret" plans he had all along to them, and I'm tempted to call him a wishful fool. But I cannot. I simply stare blankly back at Kakkarot. Oh, he is angry now. Good. It will be a much better fight if he is angry. Suddenly, I can't take it any longer. My control breaks.
I'm twitching dangerously, and I growl.
"Kakkarot…!" I manage to say. Father says my name, trying to reason with me, but it does not work. My poor pitiful father, when has that ever worked? Isn't that why you put me under your control? I walk forward, towards Kakkarot, and my energy skyrockets. My hair lifts, and all I can feel is that, that beautiful energy rolling around me, making my hair lift up. I can vaguely feel my Prince's energy rise as well, and I think he tried to hit me just then… but I don't blame him. He wants to fight. Nothing wrong with that, right? Besides, I didn't even feel it. My rage for Kakkarot is the only thing I feel right now. Pain does not exist.
I can feel a small tingling in the back of my head. Oh, is father trying to control me again? Well, I don't really feel like obeying this time. You've kept me from this long enough father. It's my turn to have some fun again.
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Those little green tinted weaklings are cowering behind me. I do not even care enough to remember what they are called. But suddenly, I am struck with an idea. I grin, and I am well aware that it makes me look like a madman. Good. Because then I can loose myself in the stench of their fear.
"It would be nice to go back, wouldn't it?..." I say, my voice low, referring to their planet. It hangs in the sky above us, so close… I feel something burning in my stomach again, and the intensity almost makes me shake.
It would be nice to go back to my own home as well. My own planet. But that can't happen, can it? I fire a blast of energy at the weaklings. They don't even try to dodge. At the last moment, I change my mind. No. I will not let them not suffer. They will die slowly, from this moment, as they stare at the bright explosion as my energy destroys their home. They will all suffer. Every. Damn. One of them.
And then I'm laughing, and I'm almost afraid I won't be able to stop.
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You want your precious son, Kakkarot? You want to see him alive and healthy? Well that's too bad, isn't it? If I want to kill him, I will. I'm the Legendary. Whatever I wish, it happens. I always get what I want, and no squealing, crying grown-up brat is going to rip that one blessing away from me. I'll die before that happens.
I think I hate your brat as well now. Not to the same extent as I loathe you, of course, but just enough… after all, he's almost exactly like you, isn't he? When I first saw him….he looked so… god-damn happy. Just like you. He got a peaceful life on Earth, the paradise my father had had his eye on. He got to lay in the sunlight of the planet, and no doubt was content. You know what I got? Beatings from my father when I disobeyed, a cold sterile space ship, and the blood of countless people all over me. Hell, I practically bathed myself in their blood on a daily basis. I doubt you or your son have ever killed anything without a reason.
And that's why I can't let you live. If I have to live like this, then you will too! I'll drag you through Hell and back Kakkarot!! You will give me a good fight, give it all you have, and then I'll break you. Both you and your son, and anyone else who helps you. If I have to be broken, then everyone else will be broken as well. After all, I'm the Legendary. Whatever I want, I get.
So, Kakkarot. Do you really want your son?