Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Contrasting ❯ Ending ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


He was society's fairy tale prince come to life.


Beautiful blue eyes, radiant with light from his pure soul, fair locks of a rare lavender hue, a healthy body, well toned from battle. His character was charitable and kind. His disposition; shy and charming. Well spoken and educated.

He was flawless,

their picture perfect prince.

To seal their blind adoration and love for him was the defeat of the satanic demons, the bane of civilization's existence. Forever freeing them from their fate of eternal terror and constant and tiring vigilance.

He saved them.

And he was their prince.

Their ideal,

Their happy ending to their story.

And when their prince rode off into the sunset, their princess should be by his side with praise of his deeds, caring for him until his dying day where she would be by his side, loving him forever, alongside with the rest of the world.

And he would surely love her back.

Society's epitome of perfection would surely love his female counterpart.

Her eyes of sapphires and crown of golden curls held the rapture of the people. Her kindness was overwhelming and overflowing with righteousness.

They would lead the fairy tale endings life.

Happily Ever After.

But something happened.

His shy, charming, disposition turned irritable at their flashing camera bulbs, constant admiration. Annoyance flashed his radiant eyes with a darkness that could not have come from a pure soul's eyes.

But his fondness for isolation could be seen as modesty, and for someone who was not used to such attention would surely react differently from those who had shined in the limelight since birth.

They made excuses for his actions.

Desperately clinging to their fairy tale.

Their fairy tale prince would not disappear.

They would have their happy ending.

But they couldn't accept the rejection of their princess.

They had sent her to win over the heart of their savior, so they could ride of into the sunset. They had sent her believing it to be one small, easily accomplished step in creating their story ending.

And he had rejected her.

He had sent her back to her adoring public with no news or hope of progress.

He would not have their princess.

Not when all he loved was gone.

So society reacted in the only way they could.

They would shun him in unspoken exile.

For ruining their happy ending.

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ. Duh.

Please review or flame me because I really hate how this isn't coming out on paper like I have it in my head…