Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Danger in the horizon ❯ authors note ( Chapter 52 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Not a chapter, sorry!

This is a quick note to let anyone out there who has been reading and wants to continue reading Danger in the Horizon.

As it happens with everyone, real life has majorly gotten in the way of any creative thinking or writing for me in the past 6 to 8 months. I won't offer any excuses because there really is no point.

I will be continuing with Danger in the Horizon in late April - early May this year because that's when everything will finally calm down. (Nothing like buying a new house to stress you out!) So I will post more chapters around that time and I hope that you are still interested in reading.

Thanks for your understanding!


P.S. If Mandy (my inspiration for the character Amanda) is reading this, please, please, please let me know your new email address. My computer has wiped most of the emails sent in the past month.