Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Appearance: Part 2 ❯ The Disclaimer, Warning, Explanation, and Whatnot ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Okay! So on to part two of my fanfiction, yeah! If you didn't read the first, then go back and read the timeline for the first one. But it may not make sense to you if you just read this one, but it is your life…or death…mwhahahahahah! ::maniacal laughing dissolves into coughs like she's going to hack up a lung:: Sorry about that. Rating, same as the other, R, for language, violence, and a little lemon. Just a few things, first being Saiyans. I know it is popular to add Saiyans to make a new story, but I don't care. I happen to like my new Saiyans thank you very much! The second being ages. I've got a handy dandy chart to tell you ages of characters of my fiction.




Goku-He has an age?

Vegeta-ah…I…argh! He doesn't get one!


Goten-15 and 16 (he gets a birthday!)

Krillin-A little older than Goku I'd guess.


Other New Earth inhabitants (heh, I like that word):

Versi (Krillin's wife)-30

Chichi-Goku's age?

Bulma-A few years older than Goku I'd guess.

Kakkarotto (Marley and Gohan's son, also known as Kato)-3

Bra (Bulma and Vegeta's second child)-2

Marron (Krillin and Versi's daughter)-2

New Saiyans:

Khazhandrah (twin of Alahamirah, a.k.a.-Khazi, Andi, Andrah)-16

Alahamirah (twin of Khazhandrah, a.k.a.-Ali, Mimi, Mirah)-16

Bardock (brother of Alahamirah and Khazhandrah)-5

All right, now, onward ho!