Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Appearance: Part 2 ❯ Dreams ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Marley had just gotten some sleep when she began having a strange dream. Strange yet familiar dream. She was standing in another dimension with a large mirror in it. Curious, she looked in the mirror. Before she could see the refection, a voice said, "Key Bearer."

Marley jumped at the all too familiar voice. "Box?" she questioned timidly.

"Yes, Key bearer, it is me."

"What do you want, I thought you and the Key had left this plane of existence. You took my memories."

"It is true that my counterpart and I have left this plane, but we have left you one memory from the Future. We thought that it would be best if you kept one, seeing as that you wanted to kill Frieza."

Marley's eyes widened. "Tell me Box, tell me of my memory."

"After the Dark Man was killed and we left this plane, we set off a certain energy wave. Somehow, Frieza's physiology makes him sensitive to this sort of energy. So interested in what it was, he decided to come looking for it. When he realized it was you, he doubled his efforts. He will be on your planet tomorrow. But beware Key Bearer, and do not be deceived, he is not who he says he is, and he is much stronger than you could think. Fare well and good luck!"

"Wait!" she yelled, confused and angry. "What the hell does that me, he isn't who he says he is, you said he is Frieza."

No answer.

"Damn it!"

She noticed that the mirror was still there and decided to take a look. As she peered into the mirror, she saw what looked like Frieza in his final form. And three children. Saiyan children. Without warning, Frieza aimed a powerful ki ball at the young boy's head and said, "Surrender or he dies. Then his sisters."

"No!" she yelled as she woke up.

She sat up in bed and noticed that she had said that out loud.

Gohan woke up with a start and looked at his mate, something was wrong. "Marley, what is going on?"

Marley was shivering and breathing very fast.

"Marley?" Gohan questioned as he took his mate in his arms.

"Frieza," she said, still shaking in his arms.


"He is coming. He is coming tomorrow. He is coming tomorrow and he has three Saiyans with him. Gohan, we've gotta stop him."

"No, Marley. It was a dream. He can't find us, we are safe from him. Go back to sleep."

"No! Gohan, I know it sounds impossible, but I was given a memory from the Future. He is coming, tomorrow." She looked at the clock. It read 2:07 am. "We've got to get Vegeta and Kakkarot."

Gohan looked at his wife long and hard. What she was saying was highly unlikely. But something about the way she was talking made him want to believe her.

"Okay, I believe you. I'll take Kato to my parents and get Dad. Meet us at the training fields in the deserts."

Marley looked at him seriously. "Go-chan, I love you."

"I love you too." He said.

Marley pulled Gohan into a quick kiss and began putting her armor on. She slid on the blue spandex and white and gold armor. She put on her gloves and boots and began putting on her knives, all eight. Then she flew out the open window to Capsule Corp.

Landing on the lawn she ran into the kitchen and proceeded to scream at the top of her lungs, "Vegeta! I swear to Dende if you don't get down here right now I will blow this place to bits and then I'll start getting angry!"

A half a second later Vegeta came rushing down the stairs. "Woman! Have you gone completely insane or are you looking to get killed!"

"Fuck off Vegeta, Frieza is here!" she yelled back.

Goten and Trunks came stumbling down the stairs wiping sleep from their eyes.

"What is going on?" Goten asked sleepily.

"Why are you wearing battle armor, isn't it a little early to be training Marley?" Trunks said, confused.

"How can I make myself clearer? Maybe if I said it slower, Frieza…is…coming. He…is…coming…today."

Vegeta became very serious, "Are you sure about this?"

Marley became livid, was she not speaking clearly, "Yes! He is coming and soon! Gohan is getting Kakkarot and meeting us in the desert training land."

Goten and Trunks sprinted to get their gi and armor on.

"And Vegeta," Marley said coyly.


"As much as I like the view, put some clothes on." She smirked and turned on a heel, heading to the lawn to wait for the other Saiyans.

Goten and Trunks met her in a few minutes and Vegeta trailed a minute or so behind them.

Marley growled and took off into the air, her tail wrapped tightly around her waist.

When they reached the desert, Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo were waiting for them, looking very serious. Vegeta, Trunks, and Goten landed near them, but Marley landed a few hundred feet away, on top of a large boulder. She crossed her arms and began trying to sense Frieza's ki, her tail whipping dangerously from side to side, telling everyone present to stay back.

Goku turned to his son questioningly, "Gohan, what is going on?"

"Yes, I would like to know as well, seeing as that it is three in the morning and I'm in the middle of a desert," Vegeta said snidely.

Gohan swallowed and said, "Well, Marley had a dream and-"

"What!" Vegeta yelled, "We are here because your psycho-harpy-bitch-mate had a dream! I'm leaving!"

Gohan growled dangerously, "Shut up, Vegeta. It was a vision from the Future. She said she was allowed to keep a memory from the Future. And that the vision said Frieza was coming today."

Goku's brows furrowed and he said, "I thought her memories were taken from her?"

Gohan shrugged and said, "She also said something about there being Saiyan children with him. But she went into hysterics and I had to calm her down."

"So I guess we wait," Piccolo said, speaking for the first time that day.

"Yeah," Gohan said, "I think that is all we can do." Gohan sighed and sat down on a rock.

"Great, this should be fun," Trunks said sarcastically.

"You wanna spar then?" Goten asked.

Trunks sweat dropped, "Is that all you think about?"

Goten thought for a moment, "Yeah."

Then Trunks shrugged and said, "Okay."