Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Prince ❯ Wishes ( Chapter 2 )
Dark Prince~
Chapter 2.
"Trunks, that was your dad?" Goten says to Trunks grabbing a hold of his arm.
" Yes… Was my dad" Trunks glares back to him. " Lets go. Grab your shit and lets get to my room to watch the movie." Trunks said to Goten heading up the stares.
" Vegeta looked terrible Trunks-kun… Maybe you should talk to him…"
" He left me. Mom told me things he did to her! To everyone! Everything in the past he did! He just used mother for sex. Now, she is living happily with Yamcha. So shut up now Goten. Lets go.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vegeta~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
&nbs p; My sight it a bit vague… I should stop for food or something… I don't think I will be able to make it. I spot a nice sized animal below me. After I catch it and eat about a forth of it I disintegrate it leaving nothing but ashes. My stomach hurts… Begging for more, but I cant bring myself to eat anything… I had to force myself what I ate… I have gathered already one dragonball, it was near capsule corp.
My senses pick up something near me deeper into the woods I am in… Stretching my senses it feel it is… Kakkarot… I shiver. That cursed name… I don't know… But I think at one point in my life I had a small feeling towards Kakkarot. The one I had for my ex wife?
I take off a bit faster than I had been flying. It seems the Namek is with Kakkarot… Oh well… I don't care… Last time I would probably ever feel their ki's again…My last thoughts before I take off towards the 2nd dragonball
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Goku~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
" Hey Piccolo! Are your ready?! Can we get a move on already? I wanna get along with this training! I'm so excited! I haven't been in space for a long time!" Goku chirped happily moving his legs out doing small exercises as Piccolo set a couple more things inside the rather large spaceship.
" Be patient Goku. We will be moving in a minute. You Saiyans…" Piccolo grumbled.
" Ok. Ok !!" Goku threw his hands in the air.
" Get on the ship Goku… First we stop on Namek, then you leave me and go train for a while. When I contact you, come back to Namek and get me. Understand?" Piccolo spoke to Goku as Goku looked at the many buttons on the control panel.
" Yeah yeah." Goku was memorized by the bright colored buttons.
" Father!" Gohan called to his father, running to him.
" Hey Gohan what's up!?" Eyes never leaving the buttons.
" Bulma-san wanted me to bring you this. It has a large supply of food in it." He said to Goku handing him the capsule. " K…" he said reaching a hand out and then putting setting it into his pocket.
" Don't you push that button" Gohan told him.
He stared at a medium sized red button that said do not push until securely seated.
` 1… Push the button… 2… Have Gohan push the button while I am in a safe place…3… Push it and run… 4… Don't push the button. Hmmmmmm oh, hell I hafta press the button!' Goku screamed in his mind as he pushed the button. Gohan and Piccolo both stared at Goku as the lights and alarms began blinking. The ship door closed.
" DID YOU PRESS THE BUTTON!" Both Gohan and Piccolo screamed at him. The ship began to vibrate. Shooting into the air at a lightning speed. Gohan, Goku and Piccolo each grabbed onto something as the ship took off. " GOKU! YOU'RE AN IDIOT!!" Piccolo screamed as a small object hit him in the head.
" I COULDN'T HELP IT!!!!!" Goku screamed.
" I TOLD YOU NOT TO PRESS IT!!" Gohan screamed back.
" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Goku screamed back.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vegeta~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  ; I have just collected the last dragonball… Setting them all together and taking a couple steps back I say the words Bulma said to the dragon when she made wishes. I watched with impassive eyes as a humongous light surrounded the area, the giant dragon appearing.
" What is it you wish for…? You have 3 wishes. Use them wisely." Shenron spoke to me.
" Revive Planet Vegeta-sei with every Saiyan that was born on that planet!"
" Your wish can be granted." Shenrons eyes grew a dark crimson red. " Your wish has been half way completed. When you have wished your last two wishes you will be transported to Vegeta-sei."
" I thought that would have taken two full wishes…"
" Your next wish."
" My second wish would be to rid planet earths people of their memories they have of me. That is my second wish."
" Your wish has been granted. Your last and final wish."
" A last wish…" I think to myself…
" To be the strongest warrior there ever was and ever will be! Meaning Shenron. Any kinds of powers I would want… and immortality! To be the strongest I would need immortality, with unlimited power!" I tell him, to be more specific.
" Your wish has been granted." Shenron disappears, as well as I do. I appear back on Vegeta-sei. I look around… I am in the palace… I run to the window. My people are all looking around in disbelief and confusion.
" I'm home…" I tell myself… though, I still do not feel as if I have gotten away from everything on Earth…
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End Of Chapter ^--------^! So, how was dat?