Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ DBX (eXtended) ❯ Tricked ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The bull headed god had a headache. He usually nursed one, but this one had been nagging him for centuries. Two of the causes wracked havoc in hell again. And for the last 58 years as well. One he could handle. He was easy going. Now the second caused him more pains then he cared for. In stormed one of his Oni's.

"Sir, they attacked the inhabitants again! Prince Vegeta started it...again." Yema sighed deep and passionately.
"What is the problem with that man! I haven't had this much trouble in aeons!" He glanced at the small Oni. "What was his excuse this time?" He wearily asked.

"The same as always sir. He was bored. And made Son Gokuu join him in a friendly sparring. Off course it escalated."


"This is unnatural." The flame hared Saiya-jin grunted. Beside him a taller glanced down. Both parched under Yema's tree and satisfied after three of his fruit each. Off course restricted fruit, so Vegeta tucked one spare in his suit. Two Oni's, blue and red skinned lay out cold down the hill.

"Vegeta? Don't you think you were a bit harsh on those two?" Gokuu mused. "I mean...super Saiya-jin 4 to beat them? You could just have blown them off their feet with your aura or breath..."

"But Kakaroto? I did so the last million times. They were getting too used to it. Always expect, the unexpected." He sighed as he crossed his feet and flopped on the soft green grass. Above him yellow clouds, visible through the tree branches. And by experience he knew it was no use trying to blast through. Instead he already knew all shortcuts to get from one place to another. Nagging Oni's worked very well. He knew how to get to heaven, snakes way which he and Kakaroto ran up and down for the sheer fun of it, about 5 thousand times. Princess snake always 'wrapped up' in something after they passed. That old Kai was no fun, with his horrible humour. And still homeless.

"But Vegeta? You mentioned something before, unnatural?"
"This scene. It's not normal." The prince mused. "We, you and I, being friendly. And lasting for almost 40 years. Took me only 200 years to forgive you." Gokuu laughed as he eyed the Saiya-jin beside him. He had his eyes closed and seemed oblivious to his surroundings. However, Gokuu knew better then being fooled by his bored pose.

"Aw come on Vegeta. I'm really likeable!" Vegeta snorted.
"Sure you are Kakaroto. It's because of that I hated you so long." confused Gokuu eyed him then beamed.
"You can be like that too. Lets find Chichi and Bulma. Maybe they have cooked up something really nice."

"Runt. Yema send them back ages ago. They, unlike me and you, reincarnated so often I lost track. Besides despite missing her yelling, I'm doing fine without."

"Liar..." Gokuu teased. Receiving a stomach kick.
"I do not lie." Vegeta snarled up in his face.
"Off course you don't. You just misunderstood your feelings. Your very bored and grumpy, and that for the last 30 years." Vegeta flopped beside him, back on his back.

"True. We've already levelled out our powers. No one can rival us here. And beating you up all the time is growing old. I wished we had a new challenge..." Vegeta glanced at his neighbour and gasped.

"YEMA! CUT IT OUT! TIRED TIME YOUR TRYING TO GET US BACK! AND I WILL NOT TALK TO A FLOATING CLOUD!" Vegeta shrunk until he formed a cloud as well. Gokuu chided at him as he moped.

"Hate it when he does this." He squeaked. Hating his voice.
"Vegeta your voice! Funny!" Gokuu squeaked back.
"Yours is even crappier Kakaroto!" he howling and squeaking threw back. Bumping into the cloud.

"Yow Vegeta! Watch my super cloud bump!" Gokuu backed up like a truck before racing at Vegeta, who floated up effortlessly as Gokuu slammed into the tree trunk. "Wanna cloud-fuse.." Gokuu-cloud muttered

"Super cloud dodge? And NO. we discussed fusion's before." He snickered. Suddenly they hovered before Yema.
"Amazing even as cloud you two fight." The god grunted.

"Well we have to do something in this godforsaken place." Vegeta grunted.
"Not godforsaken, I'm one you know." Yema moody stated.
"Yes we do, and if you don't mind returning my body, and leaving Kakaroto as he is for a while, he seems to be fond of his new form." Vegeta squeaked. He winced. Sounded like he inhaled helium. Bemused Yema eyed them.

"Denied. You two were bored? I fixed. Reincarnation, NOW." They vanished with Vegeta wailing NO.


In a small, desolated house, at the base of a mountain...
"Why, it's a little boy!" the older man picked up the basket with a note pinned to it. He read it curious.
"Name me and take care of me please? Aw? You poor thing...Couldn't your parents take care of you? Why you look a little like my old, old, OLD grampa Gokuu. My name is Son Gohan." Happily the middle aged Gohan walked into the house with the screaming infant.

"I shall name you Gokuu like him. Maybe you'll do great things as well!"


In the realm of the dead Yema cried in glee, slumped over his huge desk.

"Ah, I love my work. Sometimes. Gokuu at the hands of his old son. Reincarnated off course. Now what to do with our proud loud mouthed prince...AH. Oh this one is rich, I can live off this prank for the upcoming thousand years! By the Supreme-Kai, they'll hate me so much when they discover! One of which I'm certain." Snickering he proceeded with writing down names. At the oddest times bursting out laughing again.


Months after finding the baby in the woods, in West city a frail voice cried angry at the universe. She had a high tuft of hair on her head which was black-reddish.

"Congratulations Mrs Briefs, a healthy girl." Happy Bura took her and beamed at her husband Raditsu. "Should I clip her tail?" The limbs was brown with a red hue. Raditsu shook his head. Eyeing his wives similar tail though hers was darker.
"No, leave it. Served my wife well enough." The nurse nodded and left the three alone. Meanwhile the baby snoozed at her mothers breast.

"What shall we name her?" Raditsu wondered as he touched the brown appendage, which curled around his finger.
"Vegeta. It was my great, something grandfathers. But should good for a girl too right? Besides, it's time to break that silly naming after underwear tradition in my family." Bura held her up as she stirred. With big black eyes the baby blinked. Inside the babies head Vegeta blinked as well. What the fuck... his Little Bura?

"You'll be such a pretty girl! A real heartbreaker, just like mommy!" He gulped. GIRL? GIIIIRRRLLL? He moved down and gasped. Granted he had a tail, but missed something vital down there! He was...a girl? YEMA!


Gokuu yawned as he peered about in the crib. In his sight came a familiar face. GOHAN? Gohan put a baby bottle in his mouth, he drank eager. Well he always knew his son was a great dad, but this was silly. Yema had been in a weird mood alright. He wondered where Vegeta was. His old persona faded as the baby took it over. In West city the same happened to a frustrated Vegeta who wouldn't stop crying and shook her fists angry.

-YEMA!!!!! I'LL GET YOU!- Was the last sensible he managed to think, before all turned foggy.