Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dende's Love ❯ Decisions ( Chapter 4 )
A/N: Hey all. Sorry that the last chapter was so short.... I didn't realize how short it would actually BE until I came upon the opportunity to leave it in that place..... lol, leave you wondering. I will TRY to make this one longer. On with the show!
"talk" ; 'thought' ; *telepathy* ; ~dream, flashback~ ; ----time passed----
Dende's Love
Chapter Five: Decisions
*Gohan? What are you doing here?* Linden asked, coming out of the fighting stance, but still feeling cautious.
Gohan smiled at her and replied, "Well, I was wondering why you left the lookout. And I came to say that whatever DID happen, left my best friend up there very depressed. Could you tell me?"
Linden winced, and made sure to block her thoughts from Doquenis. *I left because I don't want him in danger. I do have some.... feelings for him, I suppose.* At this Gohan grinned. *I would have liked to get to know him better, and I'm sure he's wonderful, but I have to defeat Doquenis first. With as little mishap to this planet as possible.*
Gohan shook his head. *Wow.* He replied telepathically. *Um, who is Doquenis again?*
Linden grimaced. *He destroyed my home planey. He had a twin, a really respectable person. But Doquenis never liked authority. Of course, that included people from his elders to the King Thamet and Queen Amelina. So, one day, he and a group of rogues went on a killing spree. Starting with the palace, and ending with Doquenis actually killing the rogues when they were done. I was already off-planet, visiting the neighboring planet Pemonia. I was there to see an old friend, and no one else could get off in time. I saw my planet blow up from, I suppose, some sort of energy blast. Thank God that the last words I said to the people I held dear was that I loved them. Now, Doquenis has returned. He wants me for his mate. His brother and I were..... close. And Doquenis hated him for that. I fled Pemonia, and tried to get as far away from where my planet used to be as I could. But, he caught up to me with his mind, and sent images of when he took the lives of my family and friends, including Loumil, his twin. It was horrid.*
Gohan nodded sympathetically. *I can imagine. I've seen my father die to save this planet, and that was NOT fun. It's hard as hell. Dende knows how it feels to see his family and friends killed off, including his mentor. His whole planet was blown up.*
Linden cocked her head to the side, and replied, *I wasn't aware of that. Well, at any rate, I don't want him hurt. I've lost enough people who I care about. Doquenis already threatened Dende once.*
Gohan looked perplexed. *When is this Doquenis coming here anyhow?*
*In 3 years, Lousenthican time. Earth years have 365, ours have 60. So, I get 180 Earth days, well, 178 now, to prepare. And prepare I must do.* she finished.
Gohan sat there for a moment, absorbing that information. *But Dende could help you! I know he could! He and his people train for years with battles on a mental ground, as well as physical. Hey! Piccolo could help too!* his telepathic voice rose excitedly.
Linden shook her head, half in confusion. *Who is Piccolo?*
He shook himself out of the whirlings of his mind, and replied, *He's my closest friend other than Dende. Very disciplined in training both his body AND his mind.*
Linden was uncertain, and looked it. Gohan shook his head. *I want to help you. I could feel your power signature, so that's how I found you. Dende wants to help you too, and I know that Piccolo would if I asked him. Please, you don't have to do this by yourself! You can get more powerful with others helping, than just by yourself. Please?* he pleaded.
Linden sighed. She closed her eyes, and thought for a minute. And then a training session with her father, Stephcalin, came floating into her mind.
~Linden was on the ground, her breathing hard. She shook her head in frustration, and hit the soil with clenched fists. She jumped when a hand came into her view, and her father was standing there, ready to help her up, understanding upon his features.
Linden shook her head, angry more with her failure to win, than with her father, but all the same refusing the help he offered. She got up herself, and growled, at no one in particular.
*Linny, why are you so angry?* Stephcalin asked, using the affectionate nickname for his only daughter.
Linden looked at him, a confused look on her face. *Daddy... I lost. I failed,* she ended, her voice bitter.
Stephcalin frowned. *Linny.... you didn't fail. If you didn't try your hardest, that is failure. But you went at me as hard as you could. Right?*
Linden nodded. *Of course. I want to get better. But you always beat me!*
He laughed. *I have quite a few more years of experience than you. That's why we practice. It's not a sin to need help to get better. Always remember that. Now, want to try again?*~
Linden smiled at the memory. She sighed, and looked back up at Gohan, who was looking at her expectantly.
*Alright. My father always said that accepting help was not a sin. So, I'll follow his advice, and accept yours. And Dende's and this Piccolo person.* Linden finished.
Gohan grinned, and held out his hand to help her up. Linden's memory flashed to her father's hand, when she refused it. She took his hand, got her pack, and her bubble shelter faded away with the power of her mind.
Together, they flew towards the lookout. 'I can't wait to see Dende again!' Linden thought to herself excitedly, and the only way you knew Gohan heard was by his wide smile.
Okay! That's it for now!!!!! Please let me know what you think and REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to:
Jesscheaux: For your neverending support with this fic, and encouraging me every step of the way. You rock sweetie!
somthing like human: Chica you are wonderful! You have helped me out of writer's block many a'time. ^_^ And you keep me laughing. You're the best!
Maric: Thanks for the prompts back and forth about where this fic should go. You're help is SO appreciated. Thanks for not giving up when I just disappeared for that while there!
Aki Hisui Queen of Nameks: You're reviews are so enthusiastic, they make me smile every time I see them. ^_^
Afrodite: So glad you like my ficcie! ^_^ And even more glad that you review!
Loanshark: Hehe, I'm impatient myself with this ficcie! LoL, I don't know what I'm going to write, until I write it, but again, I'm glad you enjoyed!
Thanks to all these peeps and all others for reviewing my humble lil ficcie, and for sticking with me! I promise to try and keep the chapters with as short of a period of time as I can! ^_^ G'nite!