Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Different Days ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z.
Chapter 2: Hiding From Gohan
Capsule Corps. The most famous, and the wealthiest, company on the planet. Thanks, of course, to it's illustrious and extremely brilliant CEO, the one and only Bulma Briefs. Being the president of a company was a major responsibility, and Bulma felt that no matter what happened, she could handle any crisis that came her way.
So, of course, when she heard her honorary nephew come bouncing down the hallway towards her lab, she did the only thing she could think of.
She hid.
Quickly putting her coffee in a nearby cabinet, she ran across the room, hopped over several hover vehicles that were currently being fixed, and jumped into the newest prototype vehicle for Capsule Corps.
“Bulma-san?” called Gohan, padding into the room. “Bulma-san, are you here?”
Bulma grimaced, and held her breath. She loved the kid, really she did, but lately he had been acting more evil than usual, and she didn't really want to give him more ideas on how to prank the other members of the Z Senshi. The last time he had been in her lab, he had tricked her into helping him come up with a prank that had driven Yamcha almost to the point of insanity.
“Bulma-san?” Gohan yelled, trying to find his aunt. Funny, he had felt her ki a minute ago. He frowned, trying to locate it. It took him a good minute, since it was really low, but finally he found it.
Bulma squeezed herself into the compartment as far as she would go, hoping that her nephew would get hungry and raid the kitchen. But, of course, her luck wasn't with her because she heard him walk even farther into the lab.
Gohan walked towards the strange machine at the other end of the room, wondering why his aunt would be in there of all places. It was…odd. But he brushed that thought aside, as he noticed a head poking above the top of the machine.
Bulma closed her eyes tightly, hoping he would turn around and leave, but she was disappointed when a second later she felt a tap on her head.
“Bulma-san? Are you stuck? `Cause I can help you get out if you are,” said Gohan, smiling brightly as the scientist gathered her courage and slowly emerged from her hiding place.
Bulma forced a smile. “No, Gohan, I'm fine,” she said as she looked at her nephew.
“Oh, okay! So, Bulma-san, what were you doing in there? I mean, it doesn't look like the most comfortable place to take a nap,” Gohan said, scratching his head in a bemused manner.
Bulma blushed. “I wasn't taking a nap, Gohan,” she said.
“Well, what were you doing then?”
“Nothing, I was just inspecting this prototype, that's all,” she said, glaring at the curious one before her. “Now, what did you need?” she asked, inspecting the bags that the young teen was holding in his hands. “Are you taking a trip somewhere?”
“No, Bulma-san. My Mom said I could stay over here for a couple of days, if that's all right with you,” he said, automatically assuming that puppy dog look that almost always got him everything he could possibly want.
Bulma sighed as she received the full blast of it. “Sure kid. Stay as long as you want. Provided of course, that you stay out of my lab, and promise not to pull any pranks on Yamcha. Understood?”
Gohan nodded feverishly, almost dislodging his head from his shoulders in the process. “Of course, Bulma-san. What kind of person do you think I am? Playing pranks didn't even enter my mind,” he said with an air of what she knew was feigned innocence.
“Sure kid. Now, why don't you go drop your bags off in one of the guest rooms and then go down to the kitchen and see if there are any pastries lying around?”
Gohan grinned. “Really?”
“Sure, go ahead and help yourself to whatever's in the kitchen. I'll be down in a few minutes, okay?”
“Okay,” he said, and happily bounced his way out of the room.
Bulma shook her head at him as she slowly made her way to her desk. He had changed so much since Goku's death. Gone were the focused scholar and warrior. Instead, he had been replaced with a sometimes sullen and rebellious teenager that preferred pulling pranks and daydreaming than studying or spending time with friends.
It was odd though, she thought. He had been unusually happy earlier. Hmm….He must be up to something. That was the only explanation. Gohan was only happy when he was about to make someone else's life miserable.
She sighed and reached for her cup of coffee. Well, too late to worry about it now. All she knew was that she felt sorrow for the person, whoever it was.
Smiling sadly, she took a sip of coffee, and then choked when she realized that it wasn't just coffee….It was coffee and…and…soda. Soda!! What kind of person ruined a perfectly good cup of java by adding soda!? Bulma grimaced and spat out the disgusting slop that was once a fine cup of coffee. Ooohh….That was just evil. And not only that, it was downright mean.
“GOHAN!!!” she yelled, and angrily stormed out of the lab and towards the kitchen. There was going to be hell to pay.
She was going to get the little demi-brat and give him a taste of his own medicine.
No one messes with HER coffee!!
End of Chapter 2. Please review!!