Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dimensions of You ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 11

Krillin’s head whipped up from his discussion with Master Roshi on a certain magazine the old man held and frowned at the sky. “You guys feel that?”

Master Roshi looked too and nodded. Chichi, forcing five-year old Gohan to eat spinach while instructing him on the concept of variables, ignored the two. She couldn’t sense as well as the men could so she might as well let them decipher it. Gohan just screwed his eyes, gazing hard at the sky in puzzlement and almost choking when his mother thrust another fork-full of spinach in his mouth, asking him again why ‘x’ could be any number.

Krillin’s fists clinched. “Uh, guys. That doesn’t feel good.”

“Yeah,” Tien agreed, stepping up beside Krillin from his place by the grill, Chaotzu not far behind. “One of the ki’s just broke off. It’s going towards Bulma’s ship. And she and Yamcha are supposed to train there today.” He clenched his fists and Chaotzu’s painted face looked decidedly worried.

Chichi’s head shot up. “Goku was going there!”

Krillin, Tien, and Master Roshi all shared a worried glance before Krillin shrugged. “Ahh, that ki is weaker than Bulma’s, and Goku will catch it by surprise. He always catches the bad guys by surprise.” The other two nodded agreement as Chichi beamed in pride.

She turned to her son. “Gohan, I want you to go inside and continue studying now. Stay in there no matter what, understand?”

Gohan looked up at his mother with pleading eyes. “But mom—”

His mother gave him ‘the Look’ and Gohan lowered his eyes. “No buts, young man! March yourself in there right now!”

“Yes, mom.” the boy muttered contritely as he, tail slightly curled under him, shuffled into the house.

The five left on the beach of the island all raised their eyes to the sky in anticipation. No one questioned Chichi’s presence. She was a fighter, after all, not to mention her temper if anyone had asked her to leave.

The five streaks of white light swooped down and hit the ocean with a crash, each sending up a huge tidal wave of water that engulfed those on land, leaving them soaked. Chichi squealed and held her hands out from her drenched self, seething. Her hair was wet! That was intolerable!

Tien actually sighed with regret. “There goes the steaks.”

Krillin winced from the shriek and waited with the others for the five—things to show themselves. He had to agree with Tien, it hardly seemed fair that they lose out on a barbecue because of some stupid, yet powerful, aliens.

It didn’t take long before five beings popped out of the water, drenching the group further. The very different-looking aliens landed gracefully on the sand of Turtle Hermit Island, all wearing identical smirks and armor with a little V-like crest emblazoned on the right breast of them.

They then went through a myriad number of poses so ridiculous and stupid that to even describe them would be not only a waste of time but senseless. They stated their names at the end of each individual pose and then moved as one together and ended with a chorus of. “Together we make, THE GINYU FORCE!”

Krillin couldn’t help but let out a soft snicker, Master Roshi guffawing in incredulity beside him. Despite their power levels, this ‘Ginyu Force’ was ridiculous.

The tall, purple, black-horned one looked offended. “Shut up! We worked really hard on those! You will appreciate the time we took to do them for you!” he shrugged suddenly. “Not that it matters. We have been ordered to purge this planet by Lord Frieza. You have the distinct pleasure of being the first to die by the cool Ginyu Force’s hand.” He turned to the men behind him. “I’ll let you guys decide who gets who. I’m going to go check on King Saryl. Lord Frieza wouldn’t be happy if he was injured.”

The one named Jeice grinned. “But King Saryl’s got like, awesome power, man.”

“True.” Ginyu’s eyes glinted. “But there’s not enough here for all of us. And there’s more than enough for me where King Saryl is. He’ll probably let me have one.” He casually waved a hand at Z team members behind him. “Go ahead and take these wimps. You guys can play rock, paper, and scissors for them.” he grinned widely. “Aren’t I the best leader!”

As one the Ginyu Force raised one fist into the air and shouted. “You’re awesome!”

Krillin slapped a hand to his face and pulled it down as if to wipe the sight from his mind. “I guess when you’re that strong, you can be as stupid as you want.”

Tienshinhan agreed from the other side of him while Chaotzu frowned. “I think I’m more worried about their power than how smart they are.” His voice was a lilting pip that sounded appropriate with the diminutive emperor’s appearance.

Ginyu gave his team a short salute and took off into the air, becoming nothing more than a speck in the air before any of the Z fighters on the ground could stop him.

Krillin stared incredulously as the remaining members of the Ginyu Force started doing just what their leader had suggested—playing rock, paper, and scissors. Krillin slapped a hand to his forehead again while Tien and Chaotzu both shared a slightly dubious glance. Chichi was still fuming over her own wet state. Master Roshi looked to be mulling over something. With his sunglasses on, it couldn’t be told whether he was thinking or sleeping standing upright.

Huddled in a small circle, the Ginyu Force shared mischievous grins with each other. The one named Recoom, red Mohawk swaying slightly, glanced behind him with an evil smile. “Ok, final win gets three-eyes, then the old man and the short, painted one as a set, then the woman, and finally the short, bald one.”

With a count of three, all four hands came down, three rock, one scissors. Gurd cursed and stalked out of the ring to glare at the short, bald one, which it seemed he would have to fight.

The next round had Jeice slyly glancing at Chichi from the corner of his eye, combing back his white mane with his fingers. “Well, babe, looks like I got you. Beauty with beauty and all that.”

Butta grimaced at the scowling Chichi as he joined his companions. “You’re welcome to her. I’ll take the set.”

Gurd shot his companions a glare. “I want the old man! The other one is too short! He’s a kid! I won’t fight a kid!”

Jeice giggled. “Dude! Short with short!”

Butta ignored Jeice’s comment and shrugged at Gurd. “Well, I don’t want both of the short ones.”

Recoom sighed with aggravation. “Listen, let’s just get this over with and go where Captain Ginyu is, all right? There’s bound to be an extra you can take on, Gurd.”

Gurd sighed. “Oh, all right!” He looked at Krillin with a raised brow. “Ready kid?”

Krillin blinked. “Kid? Who are you kidding? You’re shorter than me!”

Gurd’s face deepened its shade in anger. “Shut up!” With that he launched himself at the shocked Krillin and the fight was met.

What had to have been hours later, but was actually only a few minutes, Krillin found himself yelling in frustration. He was suspended in mid-air with a laughing Gurd underneath him. This little green guy, short as he was, had a strange yet potent power. It seemed he could—stop time as it were.

Right now, Krillin was faced with another of Gurd’s unique powers, his telekinesis, as Gurd readied himself for the finishing blow.

Gurd laughed as he broke off a nearby tree, shaping it easily into a wickedly pointed spear. “You better move, little man or this tree’s going to impale you!” He chuckled at his own joke and threw the spear with deadly, telekinetic accuracy.

Krillin tried to do exactly that, grunting in frustration as he could only watch the tree-made-weapon hurtle toward him. His friends on the ground could only watch themselves, too far away to do anything in time.

Suddenly there were gasps all around as Gurd’s head suddenly toppled off his neck, rolling away from the now crumbled body. As Gurd died, so did his power, which allowed Krillin to move just as the tree whistled past him.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Krillin turned to thank his savior only to have his own gasp of surprise join the others.


The tall, green man, white cape floating out behind him, snorted. “You were expecting someone else this green?”

Krillin laughed nervously and joined his friends on the ground, wanting at least Tien behind him. Piccolo was—intimidating at best. “I suppose not. Thanks!”

“Heh. I wasn’t saving you, Krillin, I was killing that alien.” He turned to the other members of the Ginyu Force, who were livid.

“You killed Gurd!” Jeice yelled, looking quite indignant.

“Yeah! Now our fighting pose will look stupid!” Recoom chimed in.

Butta glared at Piccolo. “Ginyu will have to come up with a new pose. Besides, what’s a Namekian doing here anyways?” He pointed right at Piccolo, but looked to the others around him for the answer.

Krillin did a double take as Piccolo landed not far from the Kame House group. “You’re an alien!”

Piccolo too, managed to look pole-axed, which told the Ginyu Force exactly what they needed to know. “Dude! He didn’t even know!” Jeice cackled.

Piccolo growled and pointed a finger at the orange man. “You. Me. Now!”

Jeice merely chuckled. “Whatever, Jolly Green Giant. We need to decide who gets who again.” He sniffed daintily and disdainfully. “Besides, I could beat you with my pinkie.”

Piccolo stepped toward the pretty man with a growl. “Allow me to extract you from the fantasy you’re living in.”

Jeice looked up at Recoom with a pleading gaze, but Recoom was looking intently at Piccolo. “I get him. You can have three-eyes, Jeice.”

Jeice groaned a little, but one look at the angry, dark-haired beauty he was getting, made it turn into a leer. She looked so—tasty wet.

Chichi strengthened her glare, letting the man know he would pay for the thoughts she knew he was having.

Recoom stepped out to meet Piccolo’s challenging stance. “Come on, Namek”

Piccolo charged, more than ready to start the battle. *   *   *

Ginyu landed near the pod’s crater and smiled at the sight of the King pounding some dark-haired man into the ground, literally. The man’s features were almost completely masked by the amount of blood from his wounds. The man, by his grunts and groans, was still conscious. Ginyu had to admire King Saryl’s style, he was definitely someone to emulate.

He was distracted from the almost poetic scene by the striking, blue-haired woman who was trying to free herself from the grasp of another dark-haired, but not so short, man in order to attack King Saryl. Ginyu walked toward the pair, deciding that the King was much to busy to be bothered by the beauty, which was obviously Princess Bulma. “Hey, baby! Why don’t you come try a piece of me?”

The man holding her glowered at him, and the woman suddenly broke free at the distraction, running toward the King with a look of murder in her eyes. Ginyu suddenly phased-out to appear in front of her, stopping her advance. “No, no, hotness. The King is much too busy to bother with you. I, on the other hand, am happy to play.” He smirked down at her.

He grabbed her by the arms to keep her from going around him. The woman’s eyes locked with his own, blazing with an anger that Ginyu found amusing. That is, until that anger was centered on the knee to his groin that almost doubled him over. He let go of the she-demon and gritted his teeth through the pain. “You little b—”

He never got to finish as a backfist cracked against his mouth. His head snapped back, and he immediately snapped it back, eyes lighting up with fury. “That’s it!” He began a flurry of punches and kicks that left Yamcha, who could only watch, wishing he could something; anything, dazed. One of them connected with Bulma’s side, causing her to almost lose her balance. Ginyu grinned.

Saryl had noticed when Ginyu arrived and knew of the blow that he had just struck the princess. He turned his attention from the bloody form that was Vegeta to call out. “Lord Frieza wants her alive, Ginyu.”

Ginyu grunted his acknowledgement of the comment. Saryl turned back to the stubborn man he was beating. He kicked the man in the stomach, cocking his head to one side as the man curled up in a pitiful attempt to protect himself. “Call me King,” he stated simply.

Vegeta’s mouth moved, trying to form words around the pain that was everywhere. Saryl leaned forward in expectation.

Vegeta’s spit, with more blood than actual spit, hit Saryl in the face, right below the eye. Vegeta grinned as Saryl leaned back and calmly wiped his face. “So be it. I no longer find this amusing.” He raised a ki-filled hand and Vegeta let his head fall back down to the ground, watching with a half-detached interest as he let the pain numb his mind. He watched in that same detached interest as something orange barreled into Saryl.

Saryl did not take kindly to being kicked around twice in one day. This time though, he wasn’t pushed back from shock at the blow. No, this person had actually pushed him back with the kick.

He stared hard at the dark, wild-haired, bulky man in an orange gi that stood with fists clenched at his sides, angrily glaring at him. He put a hand to his mouth and looked at the bloody fingers that came back. Well, that was a first.

Goku looked down at Vegeta’s almost unidentifiable form, mercifully unconscious now, and glared with an anger he’d never felt before. He looked at this Saiyan, who had to be Bulma’s brother, with something as close to hate as Goku was ever likely to come. “We’re not your enemies! We’re your sister’s friends!”

“Boy, aren’t you just the goody-two-shoes?” Without bothering to comment further, Saryl phased out and appeared behind Goku. Goku spun around and deflected the attack. Saryl continued to throw attack after attack only to be maddeningly deflected every time.

Goku started his own offensive then and was pleased to find himself matched up, which should not have been possible. There was just no way that Goku was strong enough to stand up to Saryl.

The anger that flowed through Goku’s veins was giving him a Saiyan-like feeling that he’d never had before. Seeing Vegeta beaten like that— The man was so strong and proud; so sure of himself. Goku admired those qualities. This man had beaten him mercilessly just because he could. Yet Vegeta had still held onto his pride. No matter if Vegeta denied it, he was Goku’s friend. And he would not allow this man before him to get away with hurting his friends.

These thoughts pushed Goku to higher limits of his power and he was soon breaking though Saryl’s defenses. Saryl broke off then, looking at Goku with renewed interest. “You’re only a third-class. How did you come by this much power?”

Goku grinned grimly. “I’ve been training in two hundred times Earth’s gravity. That may have done it! Or it could be the fact that a Saiyan becomes stronger after each defeat. Bulma told me that one.”

Saryl shrugged, looking bored again. “Whatever. I’ll defeat you and then I’ll take Princess Bulma to Lord Frieza.”

Goku was confused by the detached attitude of the Saiyan but was able to decide that he didn’t like this Frieza. He shook his head. “If Bulma doesn’t want to go to this Frieza than she’s not going. You don’t have to either. You can stay here with your sister on Earth.”

Saryl made a negative gesture with one hand. “Lord Frieza has done more for me than anyone. Princess Bulma’s people are not my people. My people are Lord Frieza and his empire. I will serve them. I will serve them by killing you and any others who resist Lord Frieza.”

Goku shook his head in a regret that Saryl mistook for ignorance. “Don’t worry, third-class, I wouldn’t expect you to understand. All you have to do is die.” Saryl, face never changing expression once, flung out his arms to either side of his body and rose slightly into the air. Goku’s eyes widened as the energy around Saryl rose sharply, Saryl pushing his body to its painful extremes. The very ground shook with the energy and fissures cracked it like spider webs. The wind rushed past everyone and Bulma and Ginyu both stopped their fight to study the power. One worried about Goku, the other already getting bored with his opponent.

Bulma shifted her stance and looked at the purple, horned creature before her. Her gaze, inevitably shifted to Vegeta’s still form and the anger inside of her rose with such force that her power, too, rose as well. Ginyu smiled at the little female. “You still got some in you, eh? Good!”

He phased out and was behind her, grabbing her in a tight bear hug before she could twitch. She struggled against the hold, grimacing angrily as the creature’s hot breath tickled her ear. “Frieza wants you alive. Does that mean I can toy with you awhile? Come on, baby. You know what I want!”

Bulma couldn’t help but shudder at the man’s lewd insinuations. His leg was trying to pry apart her own. She went limp in his arms and allowed him to whirl her around, waiting until his lips had hers in a fierce and wet kiss before releasing her own power in a blast that sent him hurtling backwards with a yell of anger.

Too bad that big head didn’t actually hold anything. She didn’t allow him to adjust as she lunged at him, fists pummeling. He barely managed to block the attacks, face suddenly disbelieving and panicked. Bulma grinned grimly and defeated Ginyu’s defenses, giving to Ginyu every blow that had hit Vegeta. It didn’t help him, certainly, but Ginyu’s worsening condition made Bulma feel a whole lot better.

She could hear the creature stuttering at her, trying to get her to listen to some negotiation most likely. She sneered at the pathetic creature. You’d never catch her pleading mercy. Vegeta certainly hadn’t.

With a primal scream she let loose a machine-gun-like barrage of ki blasts in a dazzling display she liked to call Renzoku Energy Dan. Ginyu dodged maybe the first half of the blasts, before the last half smacked into his body, folding it almost backwards as each hit took hold.

Ginyu fell to his knees, coughing up blood and could only watch in disbelief as she calmly walked toward him to finish him off. He couldn’t believe that he would have to pull out his ace-in-the-hole. He thought about the shock that would be on her face soon.

With the last of his broken body’s speed and energy, he dove for the man who was standing where he had been when Ginyu had first landed, dividing his attention between the fight in the skies and the one on the ground. Ginyu had him by the throat and had spun around to face Bulma so fast Yamcha could only let out a choked gasp. He found himself forced to look directly into Ginyu’s eyes, the force of the man’s gaze pinning his eyes there.

Ginyu’s eyes glowed an eerie color and Yamcha’s body shook once. Bulma let out a gasp of surprise as Ginyu’s body fell limply to the ground and Yamcha turned to Bulma. The grin on his face was uncharacteristic of him, but Bulma still took a step forward, concerned.

“Yamcha? What happened? Why did Ginyu—?”

Yamcha suddenly let out a cruel laugh in a voice not his own and jumped at Bulma, fist cocked back for a punch. Bulma went backwards, blocking the punch and all the other attacks with ease as Yamcha’s—Ginyu’s face went from triumph to disbelief.

“Heh!” Bulma smirked. “Did you just figure out how much weaker than me this human is, Ginyu?”

Ginyu, with Yamcha’s voice, answered. “Point taken. He may be weak, but you aren’t!” So saying he leapt at Bulma, arms extended to grab her. NEXT