Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dragon Ball SD: Saiyan Descendents ❯ Goken's Anger (II) ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z. (I ate Vegito, not knowing he was candy of course!)
Author's Notes: Part 2, part 2! Excited as I am? No? Yes? A little? Ok, anyway this is it! It all comes together… well not ALL of it. The series doesn't end here. I would never do that to you. Anyway you want to read part 2 here we go.
Dragon Ball SD: Episode 3: Goken's Anger [Part II]
Goken slowly walked towards the men who had just beaten the woman. As he moved toward the men they became nervous and started looking for away out. One man tried to run in the opposite direction of Goken. Suddenly he collided hard with Goken's fist. Goken had disappeared and reappeared in front of him. He fell backward and Goken jumped onto the man's chest. He had the air knocked out of him. Goken grabbed the man's head in his right hand.
“Please let me go, I'm sorry, I'll never do it again. I swear, I've learned my lesson.” His whining was muffled by Goken's hand.
“Punks like you never learn.” Goken's voice sounded empty and dry, nothing like his own. Goken started to slowly squeeze the man's head.
“I've learned, I've learned I swear just let me-AAAAHHHH!”
“Your crying bores me.” Goken felt the cracking of the man's skull in his hand. There was a sound that resembled someone stepping in mud. The man's headless body fell to the ground. Goken's hand was covered in blood and brains.
“Hmm… The weak die, the strong kill and become stronger. It's simple as that,” Goken licked his bloodied hand.
Another one of the men who watched the whole thing tried to climb the fire escape. As soon as his hand reached the ladder, his hand was blown off by a small energy blast.
“Running away are we? If beating a woman makes you feel like a man, then beating me will make you feel like a god!” Goken sneered.
“I don't want to fight you. I'm just an insignificant little weakling, please don't kill me.” The man fell to his knees and started begging.
“Why not? You said it yourself that you're a weakling. All weaklings must die!” Goken fired a barrage of small energy blasts at the man. All of them were direct hits. When the smoke cleared the body was completely mutilated. The only thing left untouched from the attack was his only remaining hand.
“Oops, missed a spot.” Goken walked over to the other hand. He looked at it in disgust. “This sickens me.” He stepped on the hand like it was a cockroach. He looked to the last man with an eerie grin on his face. “It really is sad, both of them gone and you all alone. Beating up on women makes you feel strong right?” He said slowly walking towards the last man. “Well how does it feel to get BEAT UP BY ME?!” Goken's power started to rise yet again. The incredible aura surrounding him threw the man backward into the street. When he tried to get up he was hit by a car and killed instantly. Goken continued to power up until he began feeling light headed. The new Legendary Super Saiyan passed out from the intense power and hit the ground with a soft thud. His body glowed for a little longer and then he changed back into the little child he was.
--- Above the Alleyway---
Vegeta and Trunks floated next to each other in awe, their mouths wide open. They had been there since Goken had killed the first man. Trunks wanted to jump in right away but Vegeta wouldn't allow that. That would be like sending a lamb to the slaughter. He knew that while Goken was still conscious he was stronger than both of them, probably even stronger than all of the Z- Warriors. Vegeta slowly descended upon the sleeping figure of Goken.
He turned to Trunks with a look of seriousness in his eyes, “Stay here. If he wakes up and attacks go get Kakarot, got me?” Trunks nodded slowly and Vegeta continued his decent into the alleyway.
“Child,” Vegeta nudged Goken with his foot, “boy,” he wasn't getting a reaction out of the unconscious Goken. Vegeta picked him up, slung him over his shoulder and made his was to Capsule Corp. with Trunks close behind.
--- Old Cathedral---
“Damn that Noinim,” The Master was still on the ground. He has been there ever since his most trusted minion double-crossed him. He attempted to stand up yet again. Because the suit was at full power he weighed over 1000 pounds and the gravity surrounding him was at times 300. He had been struggling to get up for hours. “I didn't want it to come to this,” He started to think about his childhood. He's an abomination, people will know our secret. The universe believes that Namek doesn't have women. Mommy, where'd my name come from? I named you after your father. RUN BROLY, RUN THEY MUST NEVER FIND YOU! Another Saiyan named Goku killed him…killed him…killed him… “ARRRGHH!!!!” the master's power started to pulsate. He now stood up with ease and flew through the roof into the open air.
---Outside the Old Cathedral---
“Blaster Shell!” He shot a green energy ball at the Cathedral and when it connected the whole building exploded into a shower of debris. The little minions that were in the building at the time flew through the air and landed with a thud. He started to calm down. Brolly powered down to take control again then the master started to fight invisible enemies. Fighting slowly at first he gained speed gradually until he became faster than ever before. He felt like he was ready to attack and kill the Z-Warriors but first he needed to get out of the suit. He started to think again… If we kill him now the secret never gets out. How dare you give birth to a half Namek, half Saiyan? Does daddy love me mommy? He does son he just has an odd way of showing it, now let me treat those wounds. Mommy, where do I go? I don't know just remember be strong and fight for your life. The master started to power up and transformed into Legendary Super Saiyan again. “They are dead,” He flew off with amazing speed towards Satan City.
--- Holographic Training Room Control Panel ---
“Done again, but the fusion is almost…” BOOFF!!! The fusion wore off and Goku and Piccolo stood next to on another, “…over.”
Piccolo rubbed his chest, “I'm back, I'm me again.”
“Of course, what did you think was going to happen? Did you think it was permanent or something?”
“No, I have more sense than that it's just that I've never experienced that before. When we Nameks become one it's forever and thoughts and feelings aren't shared. I felt like I was you and you were me.”
“Are you about to tell me that you love me?”
Piccolo looked very sternly at Goku. Goku just smiled back. “You do realize I have to kill you now, right?” Just then they heard Vegeta out side yelling for Goku. “We'll finish this later but I will kill you.”
“Gotcha.” They started walking outside.
---Outside Capsule Corp. ---
Goku and Piccolo walked outside. “Hey Vegeta, what's goin'…” Goku stopped mid-sentence, “What's wrong with my son? What did you do to him Vegeta!?” Goku ran over and yanked Goken from Vegeta's arms.
“I did nothing to him Kakarot. Now listen to me. Your son is special Kakarot, besides being able to do a more advance transformation than us or the Namek. Something is making a reappearance, look.” He pointed down, Goku made a grim face. Goken's tail was growing back with snow white fur.
On the next episode of Dragonball SD: Snow White fur huh? What can that mean? And the master, man, he has got some SERIOUS PROBLEMS! But then again we'll find out why soon…and why Goken is so strong.
Edited by: MasterSweets14