Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dragonball AF ❯ (New Namek) Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Nighttime, A tall, hooded-robed man walks down a back alley. He is followed from behind by a big man (smaller than him, however) in a leather jacket, who then reveals a switch-blade. The man stops and communicates with the man in the long hooded-robe.

Man: I know what you are. We don't take too kindly to freaks like you comin' down in their little flyin' saucers and taking up residency on our planet. There's not room enough for the both of us. So one of us has to go!

He runs up with his switch-blade, and the tall man turns around quickly, his hood flips back.. revealing it to be..
PICCOLO. He's aged quite a bit too. Piccolo leaps into the air and with his finger, he releases a ball of energy that strikes the man right through the heart. The man falls to the ground... he is dead. Piccolo has changed, he no longer cares for the people on this planet, because they have turned on him. Piccolo's not as strong as he used to be either, after unfusing with Kami and Nail and the combined decrease in power associated with aging, he has lost alot of power he once held. He walks into a building called "Piccolo's Dojo"... He has to make a living somehow. A little Namekian teen walks in from around the corner.

Namekian teen: Father! Are you ok? I heard something outside but I wasn't sure if I should go out or not..

Piccolo: Yeah i'm ok. And no you shouldn't go out, its too dangerous outside during the nighttime now, you'll be much safer indoors, Gohan.

Gohan Jr., the son of Kami, Piccolo watches over him now. Gohan Jr. believes Piccolo to be his father because Kami died just after Gohan Jr. was born. Piccolo named him after his only true friend, so that he'll never forget him.

Piccolo: Any calls while I was out?

Gohan Jr. takes a little glance at the answering machine, it says 0 new messages. Gohan Jr. doesn't answer so Piccolo assumes there was none.

Gohan Jr.: Why don't we get any new students anymore?

Piccolo attempts to answer the question in the best way possible.

Piccolo: They.. hate us, Gohan. The people who normally inhabited this planet.. they don't want us here.

I guess that wasn't the best way possible to put it.. but its not far from the truth. Ever since other beings became a regular and known site on Planet Earth, humans have become prejudice against them.

Gohan Jr.: So.. we.. aren't from this planet?

Piccolo: Gohan, your old enough now so i'll tell you. First off, I want you to know that I know what the feeling is like.. I didn't know that I didn't belong to this planet for quite some time too. We are from Planet Namek.. we are Namekians. Our planet was destroyed a long time ago.. but the rest of our race was taken to a new Planet, the new Planet Namek. The reason we are not living there is because this is my home, whether they like it or not. I was born here and I will die here.

Brief pause.. this is alot for Gohan Jr. to take right now. He still has questions, however.

Gohan Jr.: Why don't they want us to be here?

Piccolo: They just don't, no more questions, Gohan!

Gohan Jr. takes a minute to think about it, and then runs back to his room. Piccolo stops moving.. he senses something, or someone, a feature Gohan Jr. has not yet developed. Piccolo knows who it is, and doesn't know what to make of it. He says only this..

Piccolo: Nail.. you are in danger..

Piccolo opens up the door and flies off. From his room, Gohan Jr. notices the sudden movement of wind, and looks out his window and sees Piccolo flying off. Gohan Jr. knows he is not supposed to be out, and with a strict parent like Piccolo, he obeys. Meanwhile.. Piccolo races to the scene.. and ends up in an empty valley.. all empty except for a Namekian spacecraft, apparently fleeing from something, which in turn had them lose control, and crash into the earth. The door of the spacecraft opens, and Nail comes falling out, Piccolo catches him. Piccolo notices several wounds on Nail.

Piccolo: Nail.. speak to me! What's happened?

Nail looks up at Piccolo, his face is dripping with Namekian blood, probably his own. Nail barely has the breath to speak.

Nail: Namek is in danger.. my entire crew died while we were being attacked by some starships, Namekians have gone back into hiding.. its horrible. I was sent to find help..

Piccolo: Who did this?? Give me a name!

Nail looks up at Piccolo, he is weak, Nail looks as if he's about to cry, then he says the name..

Nail: ...Frieza.

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One name has never struck so much fear into the heart of another. From what we just found out from Nail.. Frieza is back! How can this be?? From what we just found out from Nail.. Frieza is back! How can this be??

On the next Dragonball V.. Piccolo wants more answers, because last thing he knew, Frieza was in HFIL before he came back to Earth! And what's this? Master Roshi's newest fighters? All this and more next time on Dragonball V!

On the next Dragonball V.. Piccolo wants more answers, because last thing he knew, Frieza was in HFIL before he came back to Earth! And what's this? Master Roshi's newest fighters? All this and more next time on Dragonball V!