Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dragonball Death Realm ❯ Life-Saving Function ( Chapter 3 )

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Life-Saving Function

Chapter 3

The three walked into the lab, as Pan sat down with Ryu and Washi in her arms, rocking them slowly and humming a small lullaby.

Bra and 18 turned on the main computer, as the large monitor flashed on. 18 then reached for some wires, and began attaching them onto herself.

"What are we looking for again?" asked Bra, glancing over to 18 who was covered with wires linked to her.

"We're looking into my database program for looking for any function that may help us right now," 18 quickly replied, as Bra began to mover her cursor around the screen, clicking onto 18's data-file.

"And when the winds blow, the cradle will rock…" Pan sang, as the two babies slept onwards.

Suddenly, Pan and Bra stopped their actions, letting out a small gasp.

"What now?" 18 questioned them.

"…Trunks is dead…" Pan spoke, tears streaming down her face.

Bra walked over to her, handed a tissue and spoke, "You're not the only one Pan, who's lost a love one…"

"Hey Bra, unless you want us all to be blown apart, you'd better get over here and search my system again." 18 spoke hesitantly, as Bra nodded and got back to work.

Pan then began humming melodies again, knowing that she had to do something to help.


Piccolo was blasted backwards, slamming into the wall of Korin's Tower. He was scared and bruised, as he spat out blood from his mouth.

Chaos walked over to him, holding out his hand. It slowly began filling with Ki, getting larger as the seconds past.

"You…won't get away…with this…" Piccolo grunted, still unable to move from where he was sitting. "The other Z Warriors will get you…"

Chaos just smirked. "Oh? But I already killed all the saiyans as well as one weak cue-ball."

"What!?" Piccolo gasped, eyes widening with fear.

Chaos's ki ball was now the size of three elephants put together, as he grinned in delight.

"Say good bye."

The beam was then let loose, as Piccolo suffered the same fate as Trunks. Korin tower shattered to pieces from the impact, as Chaos flew out of the place just in time.

He then felt another soul surge inside him, as he smirked in delight.

"Ah, I always wondered what Namek souls felt like."

But then, he felt yet another soul flow inside him, he could tell it was another Namek.

"Darn, I'm still hungry. Looks like I've still got to find my desert." Chaos said, as he flew off towards his next few victims…


Bra was sweating; she still had not located a decent function of 18's data base.

18 was agitated, as she felt that she might not have a good function anywhere in her programming.

"Don't worry 18," Bra said reassuringly. "I'll find something good somewhere in here…"

Pan had fallen asleep in the corner of the lab, with Ryu and Washi sleeping alongside with her. 18 watched in disgust.

"Man, she's not even helping us…" she muttered in annoyance.

"Give her a break, she's not a computer wiz like I- I FOUND IT!" Bra suddenly exclaimed, making everyone in the room jump up in fright.

Ryu and Washi, who were once sleeping, began to wail and cry.

"Oops," Bra said, as Pan began to once again rock the babies to sleep.

"What did you find?" 18 asked.

"Well, there is a function here that allows you to warp between dimensions; it's called `Portal Warper'." Bra explained, indicating a file on the screen using her cursor.

"Alright, so all we have to do is to open the portal and jump in!" Pan said, handing sleeping Washi back over to Bra.

Suddenly, the whole room shook, as if there was an earthquake occurring.

"What's happening!?" exclaimed Pan.

"I think our enemy has arrived!" 18 shouted, as the Earthquake ended.

"Quick, open the portal Bra!" 18 said, as Bra clicked on the file. A small blue vortex opened in the middle of the room.

"That has to be the portal!" Pan said, gazing at the swirling aura.

Suddenly, there was an explosion heard from outside the lab.

"That has to be the enemy!" 18 exclaimed. Pan and Bra then exchanged looks, both nodding at each other.

"Listen 18," Bra began. "One of us has to stay behind to close the portal so that the enemy won't be able to access it, and I and Pan think we should be the ones."

"What!? No way!" 18 argued back.

"18, we have to stay behind, then we can also help fight off the enemy!" Pan said.

"I can do all that!" 18 shouted.

Suddenly, the two women handed Ryu and Washi to the android, as 18 blinked in shock.

"No way, you two can't-"

"18, we'll hold of the enemy the while you put the two into the portal. We're expecting you to shut it off as soon as they have gone through." Bra instructed.

18 first hesitated to try and figure out what she had said, but then finally understood, as she slowly nodded.

"Good," Pan said, as the two mothers approached their children.

"You grow up to be a strong, healthy boy, alright?" Pan said, kissing Ryu on his cheek.

"And that goes for you too Washi," said Bra, as she kissed Washi on his small head.

The two ladies then turned around and charged through the lab doors, plunging into another battle. 18 was then left in the room, holding Ryu and Washi in her arms with the portal opened.

"Alright you two," 18 said, placing the two babies on the floor and quickly taking out a small package. She then opened it, revealing a small golden cuff, with the name `RYU' engraved in it, and a golden chocker with the name `WASHI' on it.

"I was going to give these to your mothers, but seeing as how they're busy, I'll give it to you guys myself." 18 said, as she placed the golden cuff on Ryu, and the chocker and Washi.

Suddenly, there was another huge explosion heard from outside. 18 quickly picked up the two babies, and threw them into the vortex. She then ran up to the computer, shutting down the whole software completely.

"Good luck you two…" she thought, as she quickly smashed the computer using one of her powerful blows.

The lab doors suddenly smashed open, revealing Chaos holding the dead bodies of Pan and Bra.

"No way…" 18 gasped, as Chaos threw the bodies into the corner of the lab, his gaze still fixed on 18.

"How could you be so strong?" 18 questioned, getting into her fighting stance.

Chaos just smirked. "Because I'm pure Chaos."