Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dragonball Z Millionaire! ❯ Episode 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

disclaimer:: I don't own ne of these peeps who see this fic. Except maybe Vegeta who I keep locked in my attic ^-^ So, don't sue me peeps. I'm trying to save for the Trunks TV speciel and the Cell Saga!!

Who Wants to be a Millionaire:: Special DBZ Edition 2

::Annoying theme song plays::

Regis:: Well, everyone and welcome back tonight. Because we weren't able to continue the DBZ edition of our show for a certain reason... ::he glares at Vegeta sitting in the audience next to Goku who was eating a good burger:: We will finish it tonight. So now let's play...Who Wants To be a Millionaire!

::Annoying theme song plays::

Vegeta:: That music is going to make me go crazy.

Goku:: I ate all my good burger. I'm going to get one. Do you want one, Vegeta?


Goku: Umm, okay, I'll just get you a coke instead.

Regis:: Now, we have all the same people we did last time, I just don't feel like saying thier names. Okay, let's get ready for the next fastest finger question.....List these animals from the largest to the smallest. Polar Bear, Blue Whale, Mouse, Chi-Chi.

Gohan:: Ohh I know this one. Hey wait a second. My thing is broken. It won't work!

Regis:: Okay, now let's see who won.

Gohan:: Wait, mine was broken.

Regis: Here the answers in the correct order. Chi-Chi, Blue Whale, Polar Bear, and Mouse. Now, let's see who got it right and in the fastest time. And it's Bulma!

Bulma:: Whooo hoooo!!! I won!!

Gohan:: It's not fair.

Vegeta:: Haha, poor little demi-saiyajin got his butt whooped by my wife!

Gohan:: Shutup, Vegeta!

Goku:: I got your Coke.

Regis:: Hi there Bulma.

Bulma:: Hi, Regis. Now enough with the small talk and show me the money!!!

Regis:: Gak! Okay, first question. Who invented the electricity? A.) Benjamin Franklin, B.) Bill Clinton C.) Calvin Cline, or D.) The Japanese?

Bulma:: I'll say D, Regis, The Japanese.

Regis:: Are you sure you want that as your final answer.

Bulma:: Yes, Regis, final answer.

Regis:: Or you sure?

Bulma:: Look I said I was sure so stop asking me!

Regis:: Okay......I'm sorry you're wrong. It was A.) Benjamin Franklin.


Regis:: Not this time.


Vegeta:: Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! She got it wrong. ::Shots coke from his nose all over Goku and the bald guy in front of him::

Goku:: Hahahaha!! ::begins to choke on his burger::

::Vegeta punches him in the back and a peace of meat flys on the bald guy in front him::

Bald Guy:: Can't you two keep your food in your mouth?!

::Bulma stomps up into the audience and sits down next to Vegeta::

Bulma:: Give me some of that coke, damit! ::She snatches the coke from Vegeta.::

::Vegeta is in tears::

Vegeta:: But Bulma, that was my coke. It's special, Kakorot gave it to me.

Bulma:: Okay fine you big baby. ::She slushes the coke in his hands:: I'll just get my own!!

Regis:: Okay time for the next fastest figner question.

Gohan:: Wait, can some one fix my little monitor thingy.

Regis:: And here it is!!

Gohan:: Hey, I said wait!!

Regis:: List the answers from most likely to the lest likely.

Gohan:: Oh hell with it.

Regis. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wook? A.) 6 b.) 11 c.) 0 or d.) 99.

::Regis gives them time::

Regis:: Okay, now let's see who got this one right? And it's...Marron, the one with the blue hair.

Marron:: Yippie!! Hey Krillen, look at me, I'm on TV! ::Waves at Krillen::

::18 gives Marron an evil glare::

18:: Leave me man, alone, ditch.

Regis:: Welcome to the show, Marron, are you ready to begin?

Marron:: Umm, okay, can I have a red ribbon?

Regis:: Later. Okay first question. What french word means chest nut? A.) Nut Ball, B.) Marron, C.) Coco But, or D.) Dodo Bird.

Marron:: OOOO!!! Looky my name!!! I want that one, Regis!!! B! B! B!

Regis:: And she's right! For 100 dollars.''

Bulma:: Hmp, the ditch got lucky.

Vegeta:: Right.

Regis:: Okay, next question. What color is the sky? A.) Red, B.)Yellow, C) Blue, or D.) Lavender?

Marron:: Ummm, C for Krillen.

18:: (mumbling) Krillen starts with a K you ditch.

Regis:: And she's right for 200 dollars!!

Vegeta:: Another lucky one.

Regis:: Okay, next question. Which one of these is an actual boy band? A.) Lucky Boyz, B.) BackStreet Boys, C.) I Love Lucy, or D.) Up Yours?

Marron:: Hmm let's see. I'll choose be because I slept with all the members of them.

::Everybody falls down anime style::

Regis:: And she's right! For 400 dollars!!

Vegeta:: That's not fair the little slut gets all the easy ones!! Damn you Regis!!! I'll blast you both!!!''

18:: I'll help, just because she can't spell Krillen and she's a ditch!!!

::Vegeta and 18 blows up the entire studio::

Regis::coughs out a puff of smoke:: We'll be back after a very long message from our sponsors.

To be continued......