Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Drama's Of Life ❯ Mellow ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note: I promise you that this I the chapter that's starts it all. So read and review for me.
Disclaimer: I don't own'um
I dedicate this chapter to DBZ-fan-Jess.....hang in there girl...I'm with ya.
Chapter 4
A small group waited in front of a hospital room. All of them well dressed, but a grim look decorated their faces. At the first sign of the door opening, a woman with chestnut colored hair jumped up.
“Will she be alright?” Hatsumi asked as soon as the doctor appeared out from the room where Bulma was in, desperation clearly in her voice.
“Yes, she seemed to have passed out.” The doctor answered to the small group in front of him, which consisted of Vegeta, Goku, Juu and Hatsumi. “It'll be a couple more hours until she wakes, maybe even tomorrow morning.”
“Thank you doctor.” Juu said before the doctor walked away.
“What exactly happened before Bulma passed out, Hatsumi?” Goku asked the petite woman in front of him. She was the only one in the room at the time this happened.
“Nothing…the phone rang…she picked up and the next thing I knew she was on the floor.” Hatsumi's eyes were still glazed over with unshed tears, her lips quivering slightly at the murderous look that Vegeta was aiming at her.
“You mean to tell me that a phone call made her pass out.” Vegeta hissed in a low dangerous voice, on the verge of cracking.
Juu seeing Vegeta's mood quickly turn, telling Hatsumi to go on home first, which she obeyed without hesitation.
“Go back to the office.” Vegeta ordered the two before walking into the room where Bulma was.
He pulled a chair up to the side of her bed, sitting down to just watch her sleep. `What happened? Who was she talking to? What could make her pass out, she's in perfect health?'
A shiver ran up Vegeta's spine. This scene looked all too familiar. Except back then, they weren't sure if she would wake up at all. He sure as hell didn't want to see her like this ever again.
Without him realizing he reached out his hand, brushing away a blue lock from her cheek, whispering softly for her to wake up.
::Bulma's dream::
Her mind felt thick…heavy…tired.
Soft voices kept tickling her mind, and every so often a flash of picture would flash though.
“What are you doing here?”
The voice was harsh, commanding…
It was so familiar.
Onii-chan? It had to be….
“None of your damn business, Trunks.” She spat the words out. Hurt flashed across her brother's eyes, but he quickly dismissed it.
Her voice…when did she ever say such things to her Onii-chan? Why would she?
“What the hell you are doing here?” He asked again, same tone, same coldness reflecting through his eyes.
No…she didn't want to hear this anymore. This is a dream, her brother never used that tone with her before, and he would never look at her so coldly.
“Do you think your brother will rip my head off if I kiss you right now?” Tomoyuki's eyes shined with laughter.
“Yes, he will.” Her voice was teasing, full of laugher.
She and Tomoyuki standing at the front door of her childhood house. It was when they were still dating.
“It's all the more worth it then.” He smirked, reaching down to capture her soft lips, but was interrupted.
Her head started to throb as everything turned darker.
“Omae o koruso, Ouji!!!”
Gasping, her eyes immediately shot open. Those words still ringing through her ears. Panic started to build in her, as her blue eyes darted around the unfamiliar dark room. Her breath became even as she started to realize she was in the hospital.
“Wait…hospital?” She whispered to herself, thinking back to the phone call…then her passing out. `They must have taken me to the hospital.' She thought, getting up and grabbing her original clothes before jumping out of her hospital ones.
Bulma glanced at the clock on the table, seeing that it was 2am. Picking up her purse on the table she quietly slipped out of the room.
(Food Court)
Vegeta stood in his usual arms-crossed stance as he waited for his order in the cafeteria of the hospital.
He had sat next to Bulma for most of the day and yet he still didn't feel like going home without her.
Sighing, he loosened his tie ignoring the ogling the women doctors and nurses were making at him. Finally grabbing the sandwich and coffee that the cook offered to him, he made his way back to the 11th floor of the hospital.
(11th floor)
Bulma sighed as one out of the six different elevators beeped, signaling that the door would be opening soon. Walking over to the one on the left, which was slowly opening revealing it was empty.
She walked in pushing the button to the first floor extra hard hoping that it would somehow make the door would close faster.
“Omae o koruso, Ouji!!!”
Racking her fingers through her hair, she let out a frustrated growl. Feeling the elevator start to move down.
That voice kept on coming back. `Does this have something to do with what happened in New York?' She could clearly remember waking up in a hospital but…she didn't remember anything that her friends told her about when they took that splur-of-the-moment thing to N.Y.C.
Hell she could barely even remember the first time she and Vegeta made love. Even after seven years, she still couldn't remember anything.
They told her all the details….or so it seems. Whenever she asked them, it seemed like they had to think it clearly before answering her, as if seeing if their words were right ones.
Leaning her head back, she watched the light change from every level as it took her down. Just a few more….
But what could they be hiding?
What would they want to hide?
And why would they want to hide it?
Would Vegeta keep it from me?
Her lips turn into a frown as she came to a conclusion. `There's defiantly something that they're all hiding from me, and I'm going to find out what it is.' With determined blue eyes she walked out of the elevator and out of the building.
(11th floor)
2:54am he read from his Rolex watch just before opening the door to his wife's room.
His body stiffened and the hair on his neck prickled slightly telling him that something was out of place. Immediately he was on guard, his sharp eye sweeping over the room.
Vegeta's eyes widened when he saw that the bed was empty. The covers were thrown back, but everything else was in order.
His first reaction was that someone was here but then he noticed that Bulma's original clothes were gone along with her purse…meaning she might have woken up and left.
Frowning he turned and quickly went to the elevators that he had just came from.
“What woman will be the death of me…” He muttered, throwing out the drink and sandwich on the way.
Bulma stopped someone getting out of a taxi and quickly walked over to the now empty one. She did have her capsule cars with her, but really didn't feel like driving since she had so much to think about.
“Where to Miss?” The humble looking driver asked looking at her through the mirror.
“Palos Hills please.” Bulma said softly as the car moved forward. “Can you tell me the time?”
“Exactly 3 am.” He answered in his boisterously friendly voice; laugh wrinkles traced the side of his eyes, showing he had a happy life. “Now what's a nice young lady, like yourself doing out at this hour?”
“I could ask you the same thing.” Bulma smiled back up at him making the guy chuckle.
(Hospital Parking Lot)
Vegeta swiftly walked towards his car. The sky was still dark and there was no one outside of the hospital, there was absolutely no movement at all during this time of the morning.
Getting into his car, he headed for Juu's apartment, which is where he was pretty sure Bulma would be.
(Palos Hills)
The driver let out a low whistle as he drove up Palos Hills, which consisted of beautifully, made town houses. All of them consisting of at least 2 to 3 floors, basement, garage, and backyard.
“I don't blame you for wanting to go home…no matter how late an hour….” The driver laughed out.
Bulma smiled and then giggled to herself when she thought about what he might say if he saw her mansion.
Palos Hills was only were Hatsumi lived.
Stopping in front of a driveway of a white town house, Bulma paid the driver getting out without a second thought.
“Hey, you forgot your change.” The driver said waving the $200.
“Keep it and have a good morning” Bulma smiled warmly at the driver before closing the door. Unknown to her that she just made someone's day go a little faster and happier.
(Juu's Apartment)
Closing the door to Juu's apartment. His eyes quickly adjusted to the dark as he walked towards the room that he and Bulma used.
Pulling off his coat as he went in, he froze when he saw that the bed was empty as well as the bathroom.
Shocked, panicked and worried he stormed out of the room and out to the living room were Jay was sleeping on the sofa.
“Where is Bulma?” Vegeta grabbed Jay, roughly shaking him awake.
“W-wha?” A half-asleep Jay woke, immediately sitting up seeing Vegeta's features. “What's going on man?”
“Where's the Onna?”
“She ever came back here. Isn't she at the hospital?” Jay asked, rubbing his eyes now fully awake.
“No. The room was empty when I went back in.” Vegeta answered getting up and headed towards the door, a bare chest Jay followed quickly behind.
“Wait, I'm coming too.” Jay pulling on a shirt before walking out of the apartment after Vegeta.
(Palos Hills)
“I said I'M COMING!!!” a muffled voice came behind the door.
Bulma bit back a laugh hearing the irritation and anger in Hatsumi's voice. Bulma could see that the hallway lights turning on, telling her that Hatsumi was coming.
Not able to resist, Bulma pressed the doorbell a couple more times. Getting cuss words out of Hatsumi. This time she had to snicker. Oh the joys of annoying Hatsumi.
There was a loud thump and then a low growl before the owner yanked the door nearly off its hinges glaring at the person who woke her from her beauty sleep.
“Hey beautiful.” Bulma winked at Hatsumi who was dressed in a granny-nightdress; the kind with the frizzles on the collar and reached to her ankles. Her normally smooth chestnut hair was a bit ruffled, sleep was apparently out of her mind with her wide green eyes staring at Bulma and mouth agape.
“B-chan?” Her eyes started to water staring at the woman before her.
“The one and only.” Bulma smiled before Hatsumi squeezed her into a breath-taking hug.
“O my god.” Hatsumi shouted, “You have no idea how worried I was about you!”
“Yah, I know. It's not every day that I pass out after hearing a phone call.” Bulma said being yanked into the house, the door slammed shut behind her.
(Vegeta and Jay)
“Vegeta slow down.” Jay gritted his teeth. They were going 120 mph on a rural road.
“What's the matter Jay? Don't tell me you're afraid.” Vegeta taunted smirking as he went even faster. They already went to Bulma's childhood house and after waking everyone up and looking through that house he still couldn't find her.
He was nervous inside, though he'd never admit it to anyone. Right now, he needed to pick on someone before he went crazy.
There's only one more place left…if she's not there, then he would for sure go crazy.
`There are so many possibilities out there, maybe someone took her after she walked out of the hospital, maybe she didn't wake up at all and someone took her. Damnit!' His hand tightened even more around the steering wheels.
“You know I could've had a guy over.” Hatsumi sighed after listening to Bulma's whole story.
Bulma snorted, rolling her eyes.
“If you did, you would never wear something like that to sleep.” She grinned at Hatsumi's granny nightdress. “What happened to the nightdress that I brought you from Victoria Secrete last summer?”
“You know, I still don't see what the point of wearing a transparent nightdress is. Might as well wear nothing.”
“It stimulates their imagination.” Bulma replied with a professional tone.
“God Bulma, you're so kinky, you know that? I wouldn't be surprised if you have a whip and leather underwear somewhere in your closet.”
“You never know.” Bulma laughed out, taking a sip of her wine.
There was a moment of silence as they sat on the leather couch in the dark living room, their attention focused the on the TV in front of them. It was playing I. Robot.
“So you still don't know who could have called you?” Hatsumi asked softly, her eyes still on the TV, the light reflecting off her smooth skin.
“Nope. Not a clue.” Bulma replied, watching the TV also.
“You really think that Chi, Juu, Vegeta, Goku and Krillan are hiding something from you about the trip to N.Y.?” Hatsumi took a sip of her wine.
“I know they're hiding something.”
“But it was seven years ago.”
“Then they've been lying to me for seven years.”
“Are you sure?”
“What are you going to do?”
The silence from Bulma made Hatsumi roll her head over to look at Bulma.
“Don't look like that B.” Hatsumi groaned, seeing the mischievous smirk on Bulma's face.
“Why not?”
“Cuz something's going to happen whenever you look like that.”
“You need a little excitement in your life now and then.”
“Yah, but when it's with you…it always ends up being life or death `excitement'.”
Author's Note: you would consider this as a long chapter right? ::smiles:: So what are they going to do next? What is Bulma up to? I know that I know mahahahaha.
“Yah, but when it's with you…it always ends up being life or death `excitement'.”

Author's Note: You would consider this as a long chapter right? ::smiles:: So what are they going to do next? What is Bulma up to? I know that I know mahahahaha.
(To my reviewers:)
Dbz-fan-Jess: ::hugs jess tightly:: Awww, poor girl. I'm so so sorry about that. This chapter is bad, I should dedicate you another chapter later on. Don't get too hung up on the issue...as they saying goes "All things must come to pass." ::hugs jess again::
EastCoastie1500: lol, I guess that will be revealed to you in good time. Thanks so much for the review! ::hugs:: You made my day!!
Little-fighter88: Glad to know that I actually kept you hanging there ::smirks:: And yes, i have a small thing for occasional 17 vs. Vegeta for Bulma ::smiles innocently::
b-chan2007: Yup, so it is written. Got a small thing for 17 vs. Veg. (look above at Mich's) Thanks for the review ::hugs::
nan de mo chibi otoko: That will be answered soon...but until then, feel free to make your if you get it right!!!