Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Experiment X ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Just a little to the left.. and . got it!" Bulma squealed in triumph as the robotic arm, controlled by yours truly, successfully deposited her newest specimen in the orangery built in her lab.

"Bulma, sweetheart, I don't mean to criticize but what exactly are you doing with a greenhouse and your mothers potted plants in you lab?" questioned Dr. Briefs as he approached her from behind.

"It's my latest experiment! I call it Experiment X Isn't it exciting? I'm trying to create a rapid growing hybrid that can be grown with a minimal amount of sunlight!" Bulma exclaimed excitedly.

"Isn't that dangerous dear? Once that thing starts to grow you might not be able to keep up with it." Dr. Briefs didn't know if his daughter's latest experiment was the product of genius or of her mother's spring fever gardening spree mixed with a little boredom.

"Not to worry. First I, as of yet have not succeeded in causing any of my specimens to grow any faster but in case I do I left myself a failsafe. I constructed a special growth hormone that can be administered to cause that plant to grow faster, but if it grows to fast just simply discontinue the treatment and growth will return to normal. I hope. Well I haven't done it yet and if it gets out of hand I can barrow mom's weed killer."

"Just don't do anything drastic while I'm off world. I wouldn't want to come back to a planet that looks like the Jameson's back yard." Dr. Briefs chuckled at what he had thought had been a sly joke.

"Where exactly are you going again?" asked Bulma as she manipulated the robotic arm to come around again.

"I'm going to the Inter-Planetary Alliance meeting on Zoren-Prim. Since Chikkuyu joined three years ago trade agreements have been fluctuating. It's hi time things get settled around here."

"Well I hope you have fun and get what ever it is you have to done. Now if you'll excuse me, I have geranium to water."