Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Facing it Together ❯ The Element of Time ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Dragonball Z isn't mine yet. If I did, do you know what I could do with it? Hands off, girls! I get dibs on Trunks and Vegeta!

Quick Note: And here's the chapter that I'm sure that all of you guys who like lemon have been waiting for. Sorry it took me so long. I had just recently sliced my right hand on a shard of glass (don't ask) and it hurts almost everytime I use it. . .which means that I have trouble writing papers, reading books, and am officialy banned from flicking people off *grumbles*. . .Damn it! Anyway, I've made this chapter longer than usual, despite the pain that it's taking me to write, so I hope you guys enjoy!

Facing it Together


Chapter Fifteen: The Element of Time

Kakarrot arrived to his room with a huge smile on his face. Tonight, right now, would be the time to ask her. He didn't have a worry in his mind; he knew that Chi Chi would agree with him-they were so perfect together, why wouldn't she say yes?

He closed the door behind him quietly. `If she's asleep', Kakarrot thought, his grin widening, `I know the best way to wake her. . .' He padded softly to the bedroom, expecting to find a slumbering brunette. Instead, he found her sitting on his bed, her knees drawn into her chest, her pair of deep brown eyes staring blankly at the wall. He knew that expression. Kakarrot could identify every look that crossed her lovely face. This was the look she gave when she was focused in her thoughts. One hand came up to brush some of the dark strands of her hair that had fallen into her face. She never blinked, an action which told proved to him that whatever world she was in was claiming all of her attention, proving to him just how intensely she was thinking. What in the world could be troubling her so much the she couldn't even notice that he had entered the room? "Chi Chi. . ."

Her shoulders jumped in surprise and her pupils locked with his. "Kakarrot, I-how long have you been standing there?"

Kakarrot took a step forward. "Long enough to see what you call `spacing out'. What's wrong?"

Chi Chi looked at the handsome warrior who stood before her. His eyes held genuine concern, he was worried because he believed that she was worried. Hmm. . .perhaps she was, but it wasn't anything that he should be worrying about-yet. Chi Chi let out a sigh. Maybe it was time to bring it up; how she was going to go about it was beyond her. She wasn't used to asking for advice-especially when she knew what his answer was going to be-however, she wanted to voice it anyway. It was then she noticed the cuts and scrapes on his face. "Kakarrot, what have I told you about coming here after a sparring match without visiting an infirmary first?" She got up and opened a drawer of one of the nightstands next to his bed. "Sit while I get some antiseptic for those cuts."

Kakarrot winced, but sat on the bed anyway. "Damn it. I knew I forgot something."

Chi Chi's mouth curled up into a slight smile. "Quit your whining, you big baby. Kami, do you always piss and moan like this when you get your shots?" She broke out in laughter when Kakarrot's face whitened to the shade of the white sheets on the bed. She dampened a cotton swab and rubbed it over his face. "I guess the infirmary isn't exactly what you would call your favorite part of the palace, huh?"

"Definitely not," he said as he grinned. His hand suddenly closed over her wrist and snatched the wad of cotton. Throwing it away, he brought Chi Chi's knuckles to his lips and caressed them lightly. "Mmm. . .you're so warm."

Chi Chi's other hand tangled in his hair. "Kakarrot, I haven't finished tending to your wounds. . ."

"You can do it later. You really don't need to, I've already explained that to you," he said as he drew a finger into his mouth and stroked it with his tongue.

"Kakarrot. . ."

"Chi Chi, we have the rest of our lives to argue about how fast I heal. Right now. . . I want to enjoy this."

She seized her hand back from him and she removed the hand in his hair. "What do you mean by that?"

Kakarrot looked at her, her eyebrows drawn together in confusion. "I know how much you love to say that you don't have enough time to begin a serious relationship, but it doesn't have to be that way. I'm sure Bulma wouldn't mind-"

"-She's already made that known to me," Chi Chi interrupted.

Now it was his turn to display a look of confusion on his face. "What?"

Chi Chi sat on the bed next to him. "I had a talk with her earlier today, and she said that she wouldn't `hard-feelings' if I decided to stay here. . . with you.-her exact words, actually."

"I wonder why she would say that."

"Because she's my friend, and she knows that I'm-" Dear Kami, she almost blurted it out. "-having second thoughts about leaving, the reason that I was so unresponsive when you came in. But nothing's determined just yet."

Kakarrot made a mental note to thank Bulma for Chi Chi's possible change of heart. He still had a chance-not that he didn't think that he had none earlier-but now he had some of his work cut out for him. He smiled. He knew that she was convinced that he didn't pick up the slight slip of her feelings for him. No, he had already knew the fact that she was in love with him. However, he did not wish to force those wonderful words from her soft lips right then. She needed a little more time before she confessed to him, and he could wait. She was already his. . .she just didn't know it. . .or if she did, then she had yet to acknowledge it.

He nodded. "Alright. But tell me if you need anything to help you come to that decision. I'd be more than happy to help."

She gave him one of her breath-taking smiles. "I know you would. Just give me some time."

`Time,' he thought as the corners of his mouth curled upwards. `A little more time. . .'


Bulma felt a wave of uneasiness hit her as she was passing the foyer of the palace and instantly recognized the source. Her back stiffened as she slowly turned around. "Turles."

The first-class warrior stepped from the shadows. He had waited for her to walk by, to see a glimse of her, to be certain that what he saw was true. Her hands were on her hips, her was tilted to one side, her blue eyes regarding him with her attention. She was so beautiful, and she had absolutely no idea of what she was stirring inside of him. Desire, lust, and fresh at the moment, jealousy. He wasn't concerned with the jealousy part. King Vegeta had to count his months before he would shuffle off of the mortal coil, and if Bulma was his at that point, she would become his when he took over. Now all that needed to happen was for her to realize that fact.

"Did you need something?" she asked.

Turles groaned inwardly. If she was at this level, it would take him a while to get on good terms with her. Time needed to be taken if he wanted this to happen. "Not at all Bulma. I was just passing through. I am aware of my tendency to startle you, so I was hoping to remain unoticed."

Bulma frowned. She wished that she hadn't insisted on him calling her by her first name. She wouldn't be won over that easily, now that she was finally sure that she held some sort of feeling for Vegeta. She shrugged. "Thanks for the concern. See ya." She turned and continued to walk, pretending that she hadn't even seen him. After the events of the day, all she wanted was to go to her room and be alone.

All she wanted was some sleep.

She walked up the steps and glided down the hallway. She got to her room, closing the door behind her and locked it. She thought about just flopping on the bed and falling out, but thought the best of it and dug through her things for a nightgown. Slipping it on over her head, she felt the weights of sleep on her eyelids. She slid under the cool sheets and succumbed to rest.

Bulma must have only slept for a few hours when she heard banging on her door. She moaned and got up. "Hold on a minute, will you!" She sleepily shrugged into a robe, walked to the door, unlocked it, and opened it. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "I should have guessed that you were the kind of person who would just drop by in the middle of the night, disregarding anyone's wishes of sleep."

Vegeta just walked past her and into her room. "I am the king, woman, and this is my palace. I don't care about your wishes. Only mine. And speaking of which, I want to know where you put the radar."

Bulma shook her head. "Things like these could never wait until the next day, huh?" She reached for a bag and pulled it out. "Here. It's all in working order. You'll find all six of the dragonballs with it. Since there are probably no Namekians on Vegeta-sei, you'll probably have to go to Planet Namek to use their set."

"And why can't I travel to your planet, Chikyuu, for it?"

"Because I've already explained that you wouldn't be able to use them. They haven't regenerated yet."

"Hmph." Vegeta stared at her.

She rose an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"You better not be lying to me again, woman."

She laughed. "I don't think that I would want to lie to you again. Not when I'm sure that I would be staking my life on it."

"You're afraid of that because I'm stronger than you. You wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell if you decided to fight me." He turned around and began to walk towards the exit. "Now I believe I'll pester the little weakling into showing me the training room that you have also designed."

Bulma sighed. "Does a day go by where you don't train?"

The king smiled and turned around."Never, woman. A Saiyan needs to be strong, or he's a disgrace to the rest of our race."

She folded her arms. "Strength isn't everything, Vegeta."

He walked past her and sat on her bed. "Maybe not for a fragile woman like you, but to a warrior, it does mean everything."

Bulma moved to stand in front of him. "Really?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Why does becoming stronger mean so much to you, Vegeta? And don't give me the `all Saiyans need strength' speech again, because I know it runs deeper than that."

He looked up at her eyes. They seemed so innocent, as well as inquistive and also challenging. Vegeta's mind was debating whether he should tell her his whole reason or not. He let out a long sigh. He was already so close in telling her once, so why not try it once more? He knew he cared for her, and he might as well trust in her also.

"I suppose I should begin with the room that you are so fond of: the solarium. It was my mother's. . .she loved beauty and a room full of it was required for her tastes. It was where she spent the most time, either caring for her precious plants or adding more to her collection. My mother. . .when I was little. . .I thought she was the kindest, most gentlest Saiyan that I would ever know.

Bulma's eyes widened when his usual harsh tone suddenly changed to more gentle and subdued. Part of her was shocked that he was even telling her this, despite the fact that she had asked him to. The other portion of her wanted to hear him out, to understand what he was talking about. Needless to say, that portion was bigger than the surprised one.

"My father. . .he was a cold and ruthless man." Vegeta's lips curled up into a sardonic smirk. "My hero. Anyway, he was one to lock the both of us into a training room and use me as a punching bag. When I was eleven years of age, I was finally able to topple him. It was a big deal to him, a man who claimed that no one could touch him. . ." he chuckled before going on.

"Then my mother, behind my father's back, decided to have an affair with a first-class warrior. . .my father's best friend and right-hand man. You know his son."

"I do?" Bulma asked him.

"Yes. He goes by the name of Turles."

"What? Turles is your half-brother?"

"No. Turles was born before my mother started betraying my father. However, my father soon found out and his rage caused him to kill Turles' sire, and then his anger forced him to confront my mother. . ."

Vegeta's face turned from hers and his gaze settled on the wall. "I heard her screams from down the hall. I. . ."

Bulma took a step forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. "That's okay, Vegeta. If it pains you too much to go on, then don't-"

"Well, damn it woman! You asked me to tell you, and now you're going to listen, because I'm not going to tell you it again!" He calmed down when she nodded and he continued. "I went into their room. There, I saw my mother, lying on the floor, close to her last breath; her blood was everywhere. My father then informed me of what she had done to anger him so much. . .and then my mother told me of the hatred that she had bore for my father, of how she had never loved him and what drove her into the arms of another man. Then. . .she begged me to kill my father, to deliver her from suffering by vengence before she departed the mortal plane. . .but I could not. When I told her this. . ."

He let out another deep sigh. "Her last words of her life were spent how she was disgusted with having such a weak and spineless son."

There was a pause. "So you wanted to get stronger to prove that she was wrong." Vegeta nodded, still staring at the wall. "What happened, to your father?"

"Since they were moonbound, my father went insane. . .since he had just learned that the bond that he considered so strong was one-sided. A few days later, the stress of losing the one woman he loved was too much for him."

Bulma felt the sting of unshed tears in her eyes. She pushed back the liquid droplets and continued her questioning. She was suddenly curious of this thing that he called a `moonbond'. It had driven his father into insanity. . .could something ever be that powerful?

He looked up at her when he noted her silence. Normally, he hated to be looked down upon, however annoyance didn't rise up in him; she was regarding him with compassionate eyes, not pity as he had feared. Her eyes-they were so bewitching, so attractive. . . As if his hands had minds of their own, the untied the knot of her robe and slipped around her waist.

Bulma noticed how sparks shot up her spine, just like they had everytime she was around him. The man was a hazard to her senses, however at the moment, she really didn't give a damn. Her hand went to his shoulder and trailed upwards, weaving into his hair.

Vegeta pulled her to him so that her flat stomach was within his range. He once again looked up at her before he placed his lips on the soft flesh. Bulma's head tipped back, reveling in the feel of his caress. His hands slid up her body; he was also rising up to kiss her. Bulma's mouth yielded to him, her her lips submitted as well, just like the rest of her willing body.

She hadn't noticed that he had sneakily slipped off her robe. She didn't even realized that he had removed her nightgown. But, she did know that the clothing were missing when she felt his palm cup around one of her breasts and stroke her nipple. She gasped and moaned with desire. Kami, how was he doing this to her? No, this wasn't the way it was going to be. If Bulma was totally naked, then he was damn well going to be, too. She frantically looked for a way to take off his armor.

Vegeta chuckled when he realized what she wanted to do. Breaking apart from her, he removed all of the barriers for her, his muscles rippling slightly when she ran a finger down from his pectorals to his rock hard abs. Vegeta picked her up and laid Bulma down on the soft cushion of her bed. His hands skimmed the sides of her breasts and his thumbs circled her rosy peaks, making them harden.

She could feel his dark eyes, watching her every move, listening to her every sigh, knowing what she needed most, and slowly giving it to her. Her azure eyes closed, and she soon felt his lips replacing his hands.

God, how could his mouth feel this good? She knew the pleasure that it gave her when she kissed him, but feeling it on her stomach, his tounge dipping into her navel, his lips traveling lower…Bulma bit her lower lip as she felt his mouth on the most intimate place on her body. She could scream…scream while she was drowning into the sea of passion that Vegeta had submerged her into, the amazing feeling surging to her toes. "Oh…Vegeta…."

Soon, she felt him above her, settled in between her legs, gently stroking the soft skin of her inner thigh. Her eyes snapped open and found him smirking down at her, as if he knew just exactly what he was doing to her. Her hand rose to touch his face, tracing the remains of the rough lines. Bulma smiled back at him, as her hand once again wove its way into his hair. Vegeta lowered his head and captured her lips in a kiss as he entered her.

His mouth surpressed her loud moans. If this wasn't heaven, it felt utterly close. She could feel every stroke penetrate to her core, each thrust imprinting itself into her brain, making her feel intoxicated. `This is Vegeta?' she asked herself. `The king that shows no mery? No, this isn't that Vegeta.' That Vegeta showed only on the oustide. No…this was the inner part of him, an open book to her, displaying evey emotion that he felt for her. She felt the pressure build up inside her, and could do nothing but felt the wave of intense pleasure sweep over her. She felt him tense up as he also reached his climax and he soon collapsed on top of her, panting slightly for breath. His head rose up to look at her.

"Are you okay?"

Bulma grinned. "Yeah."

He rolled over, pulling her on top of him. Bulma stroked the skin of his abdomen. She felt so relaxed, free of any worry. She propped her head on one elbow, her blue eyes searching his black ones. "Are you sure about this-about what we just did?"

He chuckled. "Isn't it a little late to be asking that question?"

"No." Bulma rested her head back on his chest. "I just wanted to make sure that you didn't view this as a mistake."

She felt his finger tip her chin up so he could read her eyes. "I don't think that this was a mistake. Not when I have been constantly thinking of this in the past couple of days. I want you, Bulma…and not just here in my bed. I want everything-all of you."

That was surprising, and yet maybe what she craved. Bulma kissed him long and lingering. "Thank you. That's what I needed to hear." She snuggled close to him, letting her body have some rest.

* * *

Author's Note: So, how did I do? Good enough? I hope so. Sorry for any typos, I don't have spellcheck on my computer, and my hand hurts like hell. . .

Anyway, for all those who seem to be suddenly e-mailing me about by other story, Never Alone, I have already started the next chapter, and I will probably have it out sometime next week, so look for that.

Stay tuned for the next chapter, and as always, I hope you review!