Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Family ❯ Time Alone ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball Z.

Chapter 9:
Time Alone

Adamina and Piccolo flew to a secluded lake (not the one near Goku's house cuz that's not secluded) that was in the middle of a forest (not the forest near Goku's either). It was peaceful and quiet, not another soul in site. They both landed and Piccolo walked over to Adamina to hold her. However, Adamina had other things in mind and she walked over to the water side, appearing to not notice Piccolo walking over to her. Piccolo growled in frustration. ~What is up with her? I know she saw me walking over to her, so why did she walk away.~

Ada smirked the infamous saiyan royal smirk at the sound of Piccolo growling. He didn't see the smirk because her back was to him. Piccolo floated over to stand beside her but just as he got there, she floated over to the middle of the lake. Piccolo started to growl again, just louder. Adamina's smirk got bigger and she turned around, making her face expressionless before she did so. But that wonderful inherited smirk decided to grace her face as she called Piccolo over with her finger. Piccolo raised an eyebrow at her, not sure if she was going to move on him again or if she was actually planning on staying in one spot. He stood there for a minute, much to the annoyance of Adamina.

~Why isn't he coming over here. What do I have to do, spell it out for him? Come on Piccolo, it's not that hard. I'm not going to move this time, so get that cute, green butt over here. NOW!~ Adamina's patience was wearing thin. She had even subconsciously started tapping her foot in the air. Piccolo looked over at her and saw her tapping her foot and that her smirk was starting to turn into a scowl. ~Maybe she's more like her brother than I thought. And if that's true, then she's not very patient. I guess I got to go over there. She better not move this time or I'm going to go meditate in my cave.~ Piccolo flew over to her. While he was flying over, Adamina was telling herself 'Now, don't go and get angry at him for not coming over sooner. Be nice. You love him, don't go scaring him away.'. However, as soon as he was in front of her, all thoughts of not saying anything about it dissolved. "Took you long enough!" she spat.

Piccolo's expression turned from one of confusion to a cold, hard one. "Well, if you hadn't of moved every other time I went towards you, I wouldn't have taken so long. I wasn't sure if you were going to move again. And if you're not happy with that, then I'm going to go meditate somewhere, ALONE!" spat back Piccolo. He then turned around and flew off. Adamina stood there for a few seconds, letting it all sink in. When it did sink in, she flew to the shore, fell onto her knees and started to cry. ~What have I done. Now he's mad at me. Oh, he probably hates me. Damn that temper of mine. How is it I can never let anyone get too close to me? I know he's not like every other guy I've met.~

Piccolo hadn't got very far when he heard her sobbing. He stopped, mid-air, trying to decide whether he should go and comfort her or just leave. ~I could just leave, but what if she tells Vegeta? He'll kill me for sure. But I have a feeling that's not the only reason I feel like going and apologizing. Damn it. This is all Gohan's fault. If he hadn't have made me so soft... Who I'm I kidding, I may have known her only a few days, but I wouldn't leave her. Ever.~ With that final thought, Piccolo flew back to Adamina.

Piccolo landed in front of her, kneeled down and lifted her chin up, wiping away her tears with his thumb in the process. Adamina looked up at him with wide eyes. She wasn't expecting him to come back. Piccolo smiled at her as he looked into her gorgeous sapphire eyes. Then, Piccolo said something that was uncharacteristic of him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I guess it's just that I'm so used to dealing with your brother that when you yelled at me, I instinctively yelled back. I'm really sorry." said Piccolo as he brushed some strands of hair out of her face.

"It's alright. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I guess my temper got the best of me. I'm sorry." said Adamina.

"No, it's not alright. I made you cry. I shouldn't have made you upset. If your brother knew--"

"Well, he's not going to know. So you don't have to worry about him. You didn't know I was going to cry. Hell, I didn't even know I was going to cry. Let's not worry about this. We came out here to spend some time alone with each other, not have an argument. So let's enjoy our time together." said Adamina as she put her hand on Piccolo's cheek. Piccolo closed his eyes at her touch, enjoying every moment of it. While Piccolo still had his eyes closed, Adamina decided to lean over and kiss him. Piccolo wasn't expecting this and didn't kiss back right of way. Adamina pulled back from him and Piccolo saw that she had a scowl on her face.

"What? It's not like I knew you were going to kiss me. And you didn't have to pull away so soon, I was about to kiss back." said Piccolo with a little exasperation in his voice. Adamina's scowl turned into a smirk and she had a twinkle in her eye. Piccolo was a little confused over her actions, but decided not to question it, lest her temper get the best of her again. In one quick motion, Adamina pushed Piccolo to the ground and she was laying on top of him. Piccolo looked even more confused and her smirk just grew. She kissed him roughly on the lips as she let her hands wander all over his chest. Piccolo kissed back just as roughly and wrapped his arms around her waist. The kissed lasted for a few minutes until it was broken off by Piccolo.

"What is it?" asked Adamina, curious as to why Piccolo would want to break off that kiss.

"Something just wrapped itself around my waist. It startled me a little." said Piccolo.

"It was my tail. Sometimes it has a mind of its own." said Adamina matter-of-factly. Piccolo raised an eyebrow at her.

"Riiiigggghhtt. Of course it does." said Piccolo sarcastically.

"It does. I'm not lying. Most of the time I can control it. It's just when I'm completely absorbed in something else, it does things on its own." said Adamina.

"So, I guess that means you were completely absorbed in our kiss."

"Oh, and you weren't? If you weren't completely absorbed in it then you wouldn't have broken it off so abruptly." Her train of thought was lost as Piccolo kissed her. One of Piccolo's hands left Adamina's waist and went to her tail. He started to pet it. Adamina didn't even realize he was doing it until she heard herself starting to purr. ~Hmmm. Interesting. She purrs. Makes you think that saiyans are more like cats then monkeys. Well, it almost does, if it weren't for the fact that they turn into giant apes at the sight of a full moon. Oh well. I don't mind.~******** C.C...


"What do you want woman?" replied Vegeta sharply as he left the GR and walked into the living room. Bulma walked over to him rather seductively. Vegeta raised an eyebrow at her. Bulma walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Well, what is it?" asked Vegeta.

"Well, someone should go get your sister. It is rather late and she doesn't know her way around yet so she could get lost. And seeing as Trunks went to bed a few hours ago, I was thinking you should be a good big brother and go get your sister." said Bulma in a sweet and innocent voice.

"I will not go get her. She's a big girl, she can take care of herself. Besides, I don't want to see what her and the Namek are doing." replied Vegeta.

"Aren't you curious in the least bit as to what they're doing?" asked Bulma. Vegeta snorted.

"Me? Curious as to what those two are doing? Hell no. I know that there is one that they are not doing but that doesn't mean they're not doing other things." said Vegeta in disgust.

"What aren't they doing?" asked a confused Bulma. Vegeta rolled his eyes.

"Honestly woman. And you call yourself a genius." Bulma glared at her husband. "Namek's are asexual, remember? I think you can figure the rest out for yourself." stated Vegeta gruffly.

"Oh. I forgot. Well, you have to go get your sister or else."

"Or else what?"

"Or else I won't fix the GR." Vegeta just shrugged at that. "Or I won't make your meals."

"I can make my own if I have to." stated Vegeta simply.

"Well then, or else you won't be getting ANY for two weeks."

"Two weeks? Just because I won't go get my sister, even though she is perfectly safe with the Namek? Ha, like you'd last that long." laughed Vegeta as he crossed his arms.

"Do you honestly want to find out the answer to that? You know how I am when I'm determined to prove you wrong. Besides, I don't think you could last that long. So why don't you just get your sister and we won't have to worry about not getting any for two weeks. What do you say?" said Bulma, a smile on her face.

"Fine. But you owe me big time. And if she yells at me for getting her and taking her home, I'm telling her its all your fault. You can deal with her. Her temper is a lot like mine. The only reason no one on this planet has seen her temper is that she's likes to make good first impressions. After she gets to know people better, then her true personality comes out."

"Oh, so is she a lot like you? 'Cuz if she is, I don't think the world could handle two of you." said Bulma in surprise.

"No. We only share some personality traits. She's a lot nicer and a hell of a lot more forgiving than I am. But she has a pretty bad temper, so I'd watch out if I were you." stated Vegeta. With that, he left to go find his sister, praying that her and Piccolo weren't doing anything other than talking.***************************************************

I hope you like this chapter. What's going on in Ada's mind as she kisses Piccolo? And what will Vegeta see when he finds his sister? And will anything out of the ordinary occur to either Piccolo, Vegeta, or Adamina? Find out in the next chapter. :P