Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Fate ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
chapter 2
Disclaimer: Read the other chapter to find out.
Nappa thought it was odd that this young infant did not show any detection of fear. It's not like Vegeta was the nicest of fellows. He had a flaming temper, and violent outbursts as well. Ah, it's not like he was worried for her safety anyway. Nappa shifted his feet nervously as he continued to stare at the coldhearted soul and the baby. There was just no was it was going to survive being cared for by him. He knew the power that Vegeta had deep withen him, 'cause he'd almost killed him once. Shaking his head, he finally broke the rude stare. He decided to keep out of this one. He valued his life greatly. He sighed annoyingly as they just kept standing there. They were supposed to be heading to planet Earth, to rid it of all the 'humans' and sell it for profit. Nappa flexed his muscules boredly as he stifled a yawn. Saiyan have the ability to read each other's power levels. Vegeta already knew this one's strength, and was slightly confused. Usually, a Saiyan baby of three days has an average power level of 100, but this one's was only, 5. She would never survive in the world. Vegeta hardly had any use for this weakling of a Saiyan. He raised his ki level slightly, enough to create a small beam of power at his fingertip. He was about to blast the infant with this ki ball, which was enough to kill it, when he noticed something terribly wrong with the baby. He slowly took his hand away from her face and stared long and hard at her. Now he knew why she was left to die, and why her ki was so low. Her eyes had kind of a permanent droop to them. The sides of her mouth curved slightly, and the end of her tail had a slight curve to it. Vegeta hadn't realized he'd been staring at her for over ten minutes as the baby suddenly woke up. Her azure eyes seemed to sparkle up at his, totally unafraid. The unamed infant reached up and grasped Vegeta's finger in her small hand. Her tiny fingers couldn't even wrap all the way around his finger. At first, Vegeta wanted to blast the baby to Hell and back, but some just came over him as he just stared down at the baby. Stifling a yawn, he turned back to Nappa. An angiry glare upon his face. He growled slightly as his body began to twitch. This baby was really getting on his nerves. He pryed his finger from her grip. He finally spoke.
"She needs a name..."
She tried to smile, but one part of her face wouldn't corroperate well. She cooed happily as if she understood his words. Vegeta forced a 'smile' as he glanced towards her. Though, if any normal human being saw his smile, they would faint dead away from fear. Vegeta smirked slightly as he thought.
"Stupid female infant." Luckliy he didn't speak that outloud. Nappa's gruff vioce finally broke the silence. if Vegeta's nerves weren't made of steel, he would have jumped outta his skin.
"How about, Rychi?" Vegeta slowly turned to Nappa. His face twitched as he slowly repeated the name. His tone decending from high to low as he spoke each syllable.
"Rychi...ah fuck it, Rychi it is."