Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Flight of Innocence ❯ Second Chance ( Chapter 2 )
Friezas Girl here, and I want to thank to all those who read my fic. It gave me enough courage to put out the rest now that I know some people want to read it. Thanks again!
I do not own DBZ, or eny of the charicters in it, wish I did but I don't.
Now to my fic cause I know you are tired of my talking!
Second Chance
"Did he just say that we have a choice to our fate?" My mind was spining with this information, for I never was given a choice at enything, not even when my baka father said I was to be Thorins' gilly, I never had a choice he just went to that old bastard and said in return for a small fortune, that I would be his gilly.
"Why are you in such a shock Suicune? This man said you have a choice and I think you should take it, and besides I like him!" Ramoth told me while practicaly purring with pleasure.
"You like enyone who will feed that pit you call a stomach." I thought back at my dragonet while trying not to laugh.
"I do not, well I think I don't." Ramoth retorted back in a quiseled voice.
"Fine I will chose life if that makes you happy, well does it little one?"I said to my dragon.
When she let out a little cheap of approval, I took a breath and said calmly...
"I chose life lord Frieza."
"Smart saiyan, you are a rare find indeed, now lets see if your comrades are as intelegent as you are." He said calmly while takeing his ruby eyes off me and then looking over my sister and friend.
"He's got such an odd voice." I questioned to myself
"He sounds like a girl but looks like a boy, which is he Suicune?" Baby Ramoth asked in a confused voice.
I try not to laugh as I awnser my dragonets silly question
"I think he's a boy Ramoth, he just sounds a little feminene." I say in a reasuring kind of way, cause I'm sure he's a guy by his looks, but what happen to him, he's half robotic.
"Life" Was wait my sister and friend said in unisone
"Good, now that we have these threes opinions, take them to get suited up while I look over the rest, then bring them to me I would like a word with each of them." He said as smoothly as ever in his rich voice.
"I think I'm going to look ford to seeing him again." I say as much to myself as possible, which is impossible for Ramoth could hear all my thoughts.
"Why?" Was what Ramoth relaied to me.
"Personal resones love." I said to my baby dragonet as we are taken out of the entrence hall by Zarbon.
" A new chance at life, but to what....."
"So long as theres' no Thorin to harras you then I'm a happy dragon" was Ramoths reasureing words as she looked up at me and gave me a dragonic smile.
Well I just heard the news today
It seems my life is going to change
I close my eyes, begin to pray
Then tears of joy stream down my face
As I look over my soon to be soldiers my mind wanders. I am not even paying attention to who I look at, all that I wanted to see was that oddity again.
"Zarbon had said that they were from Pern, if that is true than Thorin was their old master." As my mind registers this information I finish looking over the best Pern had to offer.
"But Thorin never lets a female go, especaly one that breath taking...." Did I just think that? I must have gone soft in hell if I think a saiyan could be breath taking, no even Zarbon said she was beautiful and he is very picky when it came to women.
"But than why was she here? Maybe she ran away from Thorin, if so I can see why." I was thinking similar thoughts to this as I walked to the control room. As I sat in my hoover pod I sipped on some wine as I waited for Zarbon to bring the three saiyans. I didn't realy care about the other two so long as I saw that oddity Suicune again.
"When they get here I will ask how she escaped that idiot Thorin." I whispered as I staired out into space.
I hear the sound of the door hissing open as I take another sip of wine.
"Lord Frieza I have brought the three saiyans as you wished." I hear Zarbon inform me.
Whithout turning to look at them I ask the question that had been burning in my mind.
"You three do know that you were the only females brought off Pern, am I correct." I say in a calm voice as I swirl the wine in my hand.
"Yes Sir." I hear Suicune say before the others could even speak.
"And you, the oddity, am I correct in saying that Tian Thorin was your old master." I ask with an edge in my voice for I hated Thorin more than the saiyans for many reasons.
"Yes sir, we all escaped that basterd, I barly though." Suicune said bitterly
"So she hates that idiot more that me....perfect." I thought as I take one last sip of wine and hop out of my pod and turn to look at them.
"What the hell happened to you?" Amia blurtes out as she sees me in full light and flinches at what she sees.
I sigh and say in a deadly whisper"The reason why I hate saiyans is before your eyes, a saiyan named Goku did this to me, that is why I still don't know why I didn't kill you all on the spot."
They all flinch, Amia the most though. As I lift my eyes to glare at them my eyes catch something move at the oddities feet.
"What is that?" I hiss
As I watch the smallest saiyan bend over and scoop something dark into her arms my breath catches in my throut. She then walks over to me and holds out a new born dragon, it couldn't be over a week old it was so small.
"This is my baby queen dragon Ramoth Lord Frieza, she hatched four days before we were brought here." She says shyly as she lifts her eyes to mine, they looked worried and troubled.
"I won't bite Suicune, but judgeing by those fangs your dragon has you could recive a worse bite by her rather than by my hand." I murmur in what I hope is a reasuring voice as I gaze at her in a curous way.
She pulls the infinte close to her chest as she looks over my body in just as curous a way as I found her. But the way she reacted to my words was confusing, as if she expected me to harm her.
"That idiot Thorin must have abused her." I thought bitterly to myself.
As she looks over me I have time to see that she is the same hight as I.
I then reach out to stroke the dragonets head expecting it to flinch under my toutch.Surprisingly enough though the small creture pushed her head into my hand likeing the caresses. I chuckle as the small dragon began to purr with pleasure as I scratch her eye ridges and watched her eyes turn to the colors of greens and blues.
"She likes you lord Frieza." Suicune chuckled "It's odd cause she usualy dosn't like eny one" I hear her say as I stroke the dragonets soft hide one last time.
"Do her eyes always change colors?" I ask in a curous tone
"Yes, always when her mood changes" Suicune said while looking into my eyes.
"What does greens and blues mean?" I ask as I gave the gaze right back.
"It means she's calm and happy" Suicune said while blushing and looking down.
"Why are you blushing?" I asked a bit confused.
"Ramoth and I share a link that only we can hear, she just told me something that is somewhat true and very embaressing." she said while glareing down at her dragonet.
"I won't ask since it's probaly a seceret, but you do now why you are here, correct?" I asked as she looked up at me.
She nodded then said "Zarbon informed us about our saiyan genology and said we were recruted to work as soldiers for you sir." She said as she looked over at Zarbon then back at me.
"Is it true that we will enjoy our work, for Zarbon said we will." she said with a confused look on her fragile face.
"If you expect to get anywere with that mutent lord Frieza, your fighting a loseing battle, she and Suisuka don't even have powerlevels." Amia shot in glareing at Suicune.
"You will mind you tongue, unless you want me to rip it out personaly." I snarle at the tallest saiyan.
"But sir she's a mutent, Zarbon even said she was." Amia said nervosly.
"I did not, I said she was off-color but not a mutent, do you see her with any mutenty about her, do you see three eyes or a forked tail?" Zarbon shot back at her.
I snorted then said to Suicune "Thats you sister?"
Suicune was about to replie when Amia shot "I'm no sister to a mutent."
I looked over to Suicune and saw her gazeing at the floor.
I growled deep in my throut and said calmly "I think it's the other way around"
She was about to say a comeback when Suisuka piped up for the first time.
"Lord Frieza do we get sleeping quarters?"
When I nodded she added "Could we have one seperet from the bitch here"
I chuckled at the look on Amias' face then said "Of corse, Zarbon take them their sleeping quarters they look tired, I will see you all tommarow, hopefully that small wonder." I say as I gaze down at the dragonet, and laughed when she barked at being accnoliged.
As the two smallest saiyans bow their respects and left with Zarbon, Amia following reluctently I let out a sigh.
"I look forward to seeing that oddity again....."
If I had just one wish
Only one demand
I hope he's not like me
I hope he understands
That he can take this life
And hold it by the hand
"Man I'm glad thats over..hey look we each get our own bed, I call top!" Suisuka says as we enter our room with a good night from Zarbon.
As I look around our room I notice a very nice bunk bed on the left wall, a cloest on the right wall to store armer, and empty shelves on the empty walls. What made me laugh was that there was even two small beds for Ramoth and Caneth, which Caneth, like Suisuka had called the top to himself.
"Hey thats not fair, he was here first,can't I have top Suicune?" Ramoth wimpered as I floped down on my bed, it was the first bed I had ever laid on and I didn't feel like getting up.
"I don't care right now Ramoth, I'm tired." I muttered sleepily
"Hey look they brought all our magic books and suff, how did they know were they were, we hide them!" Suisuka asked very confused
"Caneth probably brought them here, you know that they can go between with heavy loads." I say as if it were obvius.
"Yah, I brought all your stuff here and do I get a thanks?" Caneth wimpered as Suisuka and I laugh, for I can hear any Dragon.
"Ok,Ok I'm sorry little bronze, thanks alot." Suisuka said while I pulled out our sleeping furs and pajamas out of the wooden chest.
As I was putting the furs on the beds Suisuka sticks her head out of the bathroom and asks "What the hell are these Suiny?" and she shows my a round white capsule.
I look at her for a moment before saying "There for your teeth Suki."
"Oh....I knew that hee..hee" Suisuka mutters
"Sure ya did..." I mutter as I put the rest of the books our teacher Gandalf gave us on the free shevles.
When I was finaly dressed in my pajamas and every thing was put away I laid down and was finaly able to recall all that happened today. The real reason though was to think about Frieza and what he had said to me.
"You like him don't you? I can see why I like him to, he pets very good and he smells very nice compared to Thorin." Ramoth said to me as she snuggled against me.
"How can you even try to compare him with that shithead Thorin, Ramoth?" I snorted as I said this to Ramoth
"And don't you have your own bed?" I said to my small dragon at my side
"Yes, but I want to sleep with you please, and your right Thorin is a shithead and can't be compared to Frieza." Ramoth said with much dignity, as I laughed at how she used her words.
As I pull the fur up to allow Ramoth to sneek in I think of how she used her words, then pulling them down and close to my body do I dare to dream of tommorow when I will see Frieza again.
"Maybe you are right little one maybe I do feel strongly for our new master Frieza......"
Well thats my second chapter and I hope you liked it. The next chapter I don't know what I'm going to do but I'll figure somthing out;)
Oh and thanks for the reivue;)
*Friezas Girl