Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ For the Love of a Child. ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Pan's POV

Why did mother suggest we come here first? Was she not the one who wanted me not to speak to Trunks or the Briefs family? They did not want me to mention anything about what happened in my life. I suppose I do not have to say anything.

When the door opened to the Capsule estate I half-expected Trunks to open it. However when it opened I was faced with air. I looked down to see a wide-eyed little girl looking up at me. I kneel down to get a good look at her. I smile.

"Hello what is your name?" I asked her. She was so cute.

"My name is Jenna Bulma Briefs. What is your name?" She asked giggling. She ran over to the man I never thought I wanted to see. Trunks.

"My name is Pan." I told her. "Pan Son." She looked at me and smiled. She then looked at Trunks. Was Trunks her father? I guess I should not be surprised he is a married Man. Speaking of Marron where she is. Anyways.

"Daddy this is the girl you were talking about isn't it?" Jenna asked Trunks. Daddy she called him daddy so him and Marron did have a child.

"She's your daughter Trunks?" I had to know. I needed to know if he had any children. I wanted to see what a child of Trunks would look like.

"She's well she's uhm…well." I Think I understood however, he did not want to say anything more in front of his daughter. I nod my head and smile in agreement.

"I understand." I tell him.

He smiles and walks over to me. He does something I never expected. He just hugged me. "I missed you Pan." He said softly in my ear. Pan You should not let him get to you. He will only use you again. You may still love him, but you must be stronger then your own emotions.

I however give in to my emotions and hug back. It felt so right to be there in his arms. As if all of my life I have been waiting for this moment. To be reunited with the man I truly love. No Pan you do not love Trunks. Seth is you true love. Trunks Briefs was an infatuation that you overcame years ago. Why do I feel like I need him somehow?

I let go of the embrace and stepped back. "Why are you here? I thought you guys weren't supposed to be here until Saturday." He asked.

"Well mother wanted to get a head start. There wasn't much to do in Tokyo so we came earlier then scheduled." I tell him.

"Alright, now tell me why you are at Capsule Corp." He was wondering why we were at Capsule Corp.

"Well mother called up the real estate agent who is handling our mortgage to our house. The house we use to live in is up for sale again. However, she told mother it would be three weeks before it was ready. Something about some people were living there and manufacturing a drug called Methamphetamine. Apparently, this is first Meth Lab in Japan to be found. They have to strip all the wallpaper, add new carpeting, and buy all new appliances. They have to gut the entire inside of the house and start all over." I explain.

"Yeah I remember reading in the paper about that. So that was your old house." He smiled.

"Yeah but never mind about that. Trunks I was wondering would it be alright if someone else stayed here as well?" I asked I wondered what he was going to think of Seth staying there.

Trunks looked at me suspiciously. "Who?"

"His name is Seth Thompson, he's my boyfriend." I explain. I did not know what sort of reaction I would get from Trunks. I however never expected him to look so hurt and distant.

I could not read him. He looked as if someone just plowed into his heart and smashed it. "Trunks?"

Trunks just plastered one of his famous faux smiles. "That's wonderful Pan, yeah sure he can stay."

I smile. "Can someone give us a hand?" I heard Seth Ask as he and my father were trying to bring in our suitcases. Trunks just stared at the younger man in front of him. What was he thinking? I hope this is not going to cause trouble between us.

"Trunks can you help?" I asked.

Trunks smiled. "Yeah sure Pan Chan." He called me that name, which was only reserved for him. I never even let Seth call me that. I get mad when my parents called me that. However, for some reason I let Trunks call me the name I hate so much.

Seth looked at me weird. "Pan I thought you hated to be called that?"

"I do." I say as if it were a normal thing to do. Seth is now confused. Every time he calls me that, I go mental and try to destroy him. He notices me yelling at my parents never to call me that name. However when Trunks Briefs the man who is suppose to be the one I hate so much calls me by that name I just shrug it off.

"Then why don't you tell him how much you hate that name." He tells me as he stares daggers into Trunks. Whom I must say is holding his own trying to ignore him.

"I don't know." I shrug it off. "Well then let me introduce you to everyone Seth." I quickly changed the subject. I pulled him into the living room where I saw my best friend.

"Well If I were mistaken I would think Bra Briefs enjoyed lounging around all day watching soap opera's." I smirked. Bra looked up. She squealed.

"Pan?" She jumped up off the couch. "Oh my god. I can't believe it's really you." The twenty-year-old pregnant girl ran towards me.

"Bra." I hugged not wanting to harm the baby. I step back to look at her. "How far along are you?"

"Seven Months. Uub and I decided on the name Satina we are going to use my surname of Briefs since it has more recognition then his. Well come to think of it, I don't even think I know what Uub's last name is." Bra laughed.

"I never thought you and Uub would ever get together." I smiled. I always thought Bra would end up with my uncle. However, she had married Uub of all people.

"So Pan what's been going on with you?" She asked. We had a lot of catching up to do. I wonder if I should tell her about what happened. Should I tell her I had a child with Trunks.

"Nothing much. I do have some one special in my life though." I tell her. She then smiles as she looks over at Seth. He is busy talking with Uub who had just returned home from work.

"He seems nice. Do you love him?" She asked. The problem was I did not know how to answer. I am very confused about my feelings for Seth. I do love him. Then again I am not in love with him, does that make any since.

"I do." I answer as honestly as I can. As Bra and I talked, I heard a voice of a little girl. "Uncle Trunks. Auntie Bra, Uncle Uub. I and Daddy have come to play."

I look over to see a small girl with Brown hair and black eyes. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail with two bobbles top of it holding it together. I also saw my Uncle Goten.

Goten walked in. "Gohan? Videl?" He was actually surprised to see all of us there. He never thought he would see his brother's family ever again. "You're back. When did you return?"

"We just arrived." Father answered. As father and Goten started a conversation. Bulma had came upstairs and handed Trunks a Manila Envelope

Trunks POV.

"Here are the results Trunks." Mother handed me a manila envelope. What ever was inside was going to change my life forever. Either I was Jenna's biological daughter or I was not.

"Thanks mom." I said as I took the envelope. I then excuse myself from the company so that I may open the envelope in private.

I enter my room. Close my door. I do not want to open it. I am afraid what I suspect to be true is in fact that the truth. That I am Jenna's biological father. That Pan is her mother. I close my eyes. I cannot open it. I do not want to know.

I lay the envelope on the dresser and leave the room. I then stop. Should I go back? Do I really need to know?" No, I cannot. I do not want to know. I go back downstairs.

I go downstairs and gave a solemn look at Mother. She knows I did not open the envelope. She knows I had not the guts to open it to reveal the truth. I know she knows the truth.

She just smiles at me and nods her head, as she understood. I walk into the living room to see Jenna playing with Pan. Mother walked over to me. "They get along well don't they?"

"Hey Pan where is our room?" Seth asked.

Pan smiled and excused her self from Jenna. "Oh let me show you to my old room here at Capsule Corp.

Her old room. Her old room was connected to my room. This is not going to be good.

"Pan maybe you should chose a different room. The room now belongs to Jenna." I tell her. This was the truth. That was now Jenna's room.

"Oh, then I'll take the one next to yours on the opposite side. No one is staying in that one is they?"

"No." I smiled. I could not help but think how beautiful she had gotten.

"Great." She then started looking around. As if, she was looking for something or rather someone. "Hey Trunks? Where's Marron?"

"Marron?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Yeah you know the woman you married. Where is she?"

I did not have much to hide. I decide to tell Pan what had happened. "Marron left me not to long after we adopted Jenna she said she couldn't handle it."

"So you and her aren't married anymore?"

I shook my head. "Our divorce had been finalized Three years ago."

She could not help but smile. Was she glad Marron and me were not married anymore. Does this mean we might have a shot together?

MY hopes are shattered when she decides to go upstairs with the new person in her life. I have to find away to confront her about what had happened if she will let me.

No matter how long it takes.

Three months had passed since Pan had returned her family was still living at Capsule Corp. Seth was living with her. In the same room. I will admit I am jealous. I want Pan to be with me. I want to be the one she goes to bed with and the one she wakes up next to.

"Trunks." I turn to towards my sister's voice. It is amazing how much Jenna and Pan gets along so well. Is not it. I cannot believe how well Jenna had taking to her. I agree I enjoy watching my two favorite girls get along so well. I smile as I look over at the both of them.

I could not help but smile at them. I wished we were a real family. Maybe one day we can be.

Pan however started feeling a little distant and drawn away from everything. I have to go and see what is wrong with her. "Pan? Are you all right?"

She nods. "Yeah everything is just fine." I however am not buying it. I know something is wrong with her.

"Pan if something is wrong you can tell me. I promise I won't judge you."

"No Trunks nothing is wrong. I'm just…" She cut herself off. "Hey Trunks can I go and take a shower in your bathroom? Seth is in ours and I don't feel like asking anyone else." She asked if she could shower, not just in any bathroom but my bathroom.

"Of course Pan." Pan went upstairs to my room.

"Thanks Trunks." About five minutes later, I decided to go on up there. I have to talk to her in private. I entered my room and found she was still in the shower. I knock on the door.

"Pan Do you need anything?" I called from the bedroom side of the door.

"No thank you Trunks. No wait can you find me something to wear my bag in on the bed." I went over to the bag and opened it. She still was the same Pan Chan. She wore the same type of clothes. They just had a more feminine look to the style.

As I was opening it, a photograph slipped out from between the clothes. "What's this?" I wondered. The photograph looked exactly like Jenna when she was a baby. "How does Pan have a picture of Jenna? I sit on the bed and think.

She could not be. She could not be Jenna's mother. Why would she give her child away? As I sat on the bed looking at the picture of the child, that Pan had. Pan came out of the bathroom.

"Thanks Trunks. You sure can be a…" She stopped when she saw the picture in my hand. "Give me that. Give me that." She yelled. I however was not going to give it to her. "Give it to me Trunks."

"Not until you tell me who it is?" I needed to know. I needed to know if what I have been suspecting is true.

"No one you need to know. Now give it to me." She tried to grab it. I however did not let her have it. Instead, I went over to the closet and pulled out Jenna's baby album, I turned to the page with the exact picture Pan had.

I threw it on the bed. The look of horror on Pan's face made me wish I had never done that. "How do you have a picture of Jenna?" I asked.

She picked up the album. She began flipping through it. I went over and sat on the bed next to her. She broke down in tears. "Pan." I did not know what to do.

"She's my daughter." She began saying. I did not know what to think. Pan just told me the baby in the picture is her daughter.


"Mother and father told me she had died. They lied to me because they did not want me tied to a child. They wanted me to have the best life a teenager could. However my life has been a living hell since I lost Aiko."

"Aiko?" I suppose that was the name she had christened her. I liked it.

"I named my child that. Aiko means Beloved or My Love." She explained to me. I could not believe that Pan had a child. Why did she never tell me? That she had a child. Is it because it hurts too much to talk or think about it.

Now I had to know. I had to know if Aiko was my daughter. "Pan is she…is Aiko mine?"

Pan just started crying. I knew right then that Aiko was indeed my child. I went over to my drawer and took out the envelope that harbored the DNA test that mother had done for me three months ago. The envelope I did not want to open it.

"What's that?" Pan asked.

Before you came here. I kept thinking that Jenna looked like you did when you were younger. She even had your personality. Stubborn, bratty, whiny everything that made me fall in love with you. Anyways I had also felt you in her. Your energy signal I could feel as if she were you.

Then I started thinking. When Marron and I got the call that there was a baby available for adoption. I found out the mother was only fourteen. To tell you the truth it never dawned on me that you could be her mother. However when Marron and I went to Tokyo to shop for baby furniture and stuff. I thought I saw you. However, you were pregnant.

I just kind of knocked it out of my head and forgot about it. Saying it could not be you. I could not have gotten you pregnant. However when we got Jenna I always felt you in her. She always reminded me of you. I needed to know. I needed to know if she was my child. The child I had with you.

I had mother do a DNA test on Jenna and me. I have not opened it. I was wondering if you wanted to open it. Pan if Jenna is my child biologically, then she would be yours as well. I had not been with anyone else since you and Marron. The Uncanny resemblance with Aiko is definitely there." I explain.

Pan smiled and took the envelope. She opened the envelope. I had not known what she read. However, she started crying. Whether the tears were of Joy or Sorrow I do not know.

She dropped the results on the floor and ran out of the room. She was still clothed in a towel. "Pan, you're still…." I could not stop her.

I pick up the results. I looked at it a few times not believing any of it. It was there as plain as day. Jenna was my biological daughter. I had gotten Pan pregnant when we had slept together.

Authors Notes: Now that Pan knows Jenna is Aiko will she confront her parents about it. Will this revelation bring Trunks and Pan together?