Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Friends, Bonds, and Family ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 5

The next morning, Vegeta woke up to sunlight hitting his face and the feel of grass beneath his hand. He could also hear a soft snoring beside him. He slowly opened his eyes to be greeted by a head of wild black hair connected to his mate as his head lay on his chest, and the feel of something wet against his chest.

Looking down, he saw that his burly mate was drooling slightly on him. Snorting in amusement, he poked Goku's nose with his finger. His nose wrinkled up and then settled. Vegeta did it again and this time Goku moaned saying, "Just five more minutes."

"Any more time and I might drown," Vegeta responded, sitting up and causing his mate to fall to the ground. That woke him up.

Goku sat up rubbing his eyes awake and the drool from his chin before looking to the side. "Mornin' 'Geta."

"Humph," Vegeta said, wiping the drool from his chest and moving to stand up.

Goku stood as well, a pleasant ache in his backside, and wrapped his arms around his mate from behind. "I love the full moon."

Vegeta smirked and looked around at the scraps of clothing with dismay. "There goes another outfit," he whispered, and then said out loud, "Let's head back and get cleaned up."


Trunks woke up and looked around his room questioningly. Goten was no where to be seen. He noticed that his door was still locked and then he heard the unmistakable sound of water running. It shut off soon after and Goten walked out with a towel around his waist.

Seeing that Trunks was awake, Goten sat on the edge of the bed and leaned in for a good morning kiss. Pulling back he said, "Good morning."

Trunks smiled up at the raven haired beauty above him and replied, "Good morning to you too. What are you doing up so early?"

"I could smell mom's cooking and I want breakfast soon," he said getting a little anxious tone to his voice.

Trunks chuckled and just shook his head, "You and you're stomach."

"Breakfast is ready!" The two boys heard hollered from the foot of the stairs.

Goten hurriedly got up and pulled on a pair of loose pants and a t-shirt before rushing downstairs to eat. Trunks on the other hand, dressed at a more sedate pace, but still faster than normal. After all, he too was half-Saiyan and as everyone knows, needs to eat at least a ton of food a day, or so that is what his mother said.

A minute later, Trunks made his way downstairs and took his seat right next to Goten who was eagerly awaiting the delicious food that his mother cooked. Other than Goten coming to live with him, the second best thing about the arrangement made by their mothers was that, unlike Bulma, Chi-chi could cook.

Several bots came out carrying trays of food and set them down on the table. By now, even Trunks had some drool on his chin, and the two boys immediately dug into the meal. Chi-chi and Bulma took their seats, and took their own portions before they were eaten.

"Hey mom, where's Sam?" Trunks asked between bites, amazingly without choking once.

"She left early this morning," Bulma replied, "Said she missed 'Geta," she smirked in amusement.

Once the two had eaten enough that they no longer acted like vacuum cleaners, Bulma decided to voice her thoughts. "Hey guys, I was thinking about planning a get-together for the entire gang this Saturday. What do you think?"

"Sounds great mom," Trunks said.

"I have to go into town anyway, so I'll just tell Gohan in person," Chi-chi remarked.

"All right," Bulma then turned to Trunks, "I already told Sam so she'll tell Vegeta and Goku. Why don't you and Goten go tell Krillen and the others at Kame house."

"Sure mom," Trunks said while Goten just nodded his head.

"That just leaves me to call the caterers and arrange everything else."

"Come on Goten, let's go," Trunks urged Goten to get up and follow him out of the house.

"I'll see you later," Chi-chi said, giving Bulma a light kiss on the cheek and leaving as well.


There was a loud knock at the door followed by an even louder, "Gohan!"

Piccolo, Gohan, and Videl jerked awake at the sound of Chi-chi hollering through the door. "Oh crap," Gohan said as he looked around the room. The three got up hurriedly and Gohan rolled up the sheet that had been on the floor. Piccolo materialized clothing for everyone and took the sheet upstairs with him.

Videl went to the kitchen and Gohan went to answer the door. He smiled brightly as he revealed his mother standing there and said, "Hey Mom. What brings you by?"

Chi-chi looked at her son's odd behavior for a moment before shaking it off and walking into the living room. "I was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by to tell you about the party Bulma is planning for this Saturday. She's inviting the entire gang," she said, noticing that the furniture in the living room had been moved.

Gohan saw where his mother was gazing and answered, "We'll be there."

Videl exited the kitchen at that moment and said, "Hello Chi-chi."

"Hello Videl," she replied with a little frown. Gohan sincerely hoped she wouldn't get into another argument with them. Almost every time she visited Chi-chi insisted on telling them that they should get married so that she could have legitimate grandchildren. They couldn't explain to her why they wouldn't get married, but she would find out soon enough.

The main reason for them not conforming to his mother's wishes was Piccolo. Neither Gohan nor Videl wanted Piccolo to feel left out so they had come up with a plan one day while he was gone. According to the law, they couldn't legally be married to two people, but they had decided a while back that it didn't really matter. As a surprise, they were going to ask Dende to marry the three of them in a special ceremony, once everyone knew about their relationship.

Of course, they would have to tell people first and this party seemed like the perfect opportunity. All of their friends would be there as well as their families, with the probable exception of Videl's father, but that is only because no one really liked his loud and brash behavior, including Videl. She loved her father, but she could only take so much of his ego.

"Where will we be?" Videl asked, having only heard Gohan's answer to something that his mother had obviously asked.

"Bulma's party this Saturday," he answered.

"Did you move the furniture around?" Chi-chi suddenly asked, "It looks different."

Gohan blushed ever so slightly and answered, "I wanted to make more room in front of the fireplace."

Suddenly, there was a thud from upstairs which caused Chi-chi to ask, "What was that?"

Gohan wasn't good at thinking up lies quickly, so Videl helped out by saying, "Just a cat."

"I didn't know you had any pets," she said, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"We don't," Gohan said, "but Goten found it the other day and it was hurt and you know how he is with animals," Gohan chuckled, his hand going behind his head in a common gesture.

Chi-chi looked at the clock, thankfully, and said, "Well, I have to get going. I'll see you both on Saturday."

"Ok, bye Mom," Gohan said, opening the front door and walking his mother out.

"Bye Chi-chi," Videl said, waving and returning to the kitchen.

After a minute, Chi-chi was well on her way and Piccolo came back downstairs and entered the kitchen with Gohan. Videl was currently working on breakfast, the delicious smells making the hungry demi-Saiyan's stomach rumble enough to shake the house, causing both Videl and Piccolo to chuckle.

"Piccolo," Gohan began, getting the Namek's attention, "Would it be all right if we told everyone at the party this Saturday?" he asked, knowing that Piccolo's hearing had picked up the conversation.

Piccolo looked at Gohan dubiously and then over to Videl who looked back with hope in her eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. Though he did want people to know about them, he didn't want Gohan to get hurt by anyone that would say something bad.

"Of course I do," Gohan said, getting up from his seat and moving to sit in Piccolo's lap. "I love you and I don't care what anyone else says." He pulled the Namek's head down and gently kissed his lips meaningfully.

Videl smiled at the two and finished cooking breakfast, transferring the large amount of food to several plates. Moving most of the plates to the table, she cleared her throat and announced, "Breakfast is served."

Faster than the normal eye could see, Gohan had returned to his seat and was chowing down as fast as any Saiyan could. Piccolo just drank his glass of water that Videl had given him, and Videl quietly ate her own meal, both of them were quite used to the Saiyan appetite by now.


Vegeta and Goku had arrived home, showered, and dressed before Sam returned. When she did arrive, Vegeta was almost finished cooking and Goku was waiting in anticipation, his stomach making the very foundation shake.

"Morning guys," Sam chirped taking her seat at the table, "Have fun last night?" she smirked.

"Lots of fun," was Goku's exuberant reply, his smile unusually bright for this time of morning.

Sam giggled and noticed that Vegeta had a slight blush on his cheeks for but a second at Goku's response. When he turned to them, the breakfast finished, his face was set in the usual stoic manner. "Oh, by the way, Bulma is having a party this Saturday and we're going," she chirped happily.

"I've always loved Bulma's parties," Goku mentioned as the food was set before him, "They always have the best food." He then began eating the breakfast, along with Vegeta, at the rate of a normal Saiyan.


Goten and Trunks were on their way back home from telling the gang at Kame house about the party. "Hey Trunks," Goten called out making Trunks slow a little so that he could listen.

"Yeah Goten."

"Is it all right if we tell our parents about us soon?" he asked nervously, not sure what the reaction would be.

Trunks had a thoughtful look on his face as he noticed the younger boy's nervousness. He flew over and wrapped him in a hug as he said, "Sure we can. In fact, why don't we tell them at the party this Saturday? That way everyone will know."

Goten's face lit up with excitement, "Really? You'd do that."

"I'd do anything for you," he said and leaned in for a kiss.


The next day, Goku and Vegeta were enjoying a vicious sparring match, while Sam watched from the ground. She didn't really like fighting and was content just watching the last two full-blooded Saiyan's do what they did best.

Goku was a little distracted by his thoughts, but he was still holding his own against the ferocity of his mate. He had been noticing Sam's behavior lately was centered on Vegeta more often, and he was getting a little jealous. Vegeta seemed to be oblivious to the little looks and gestures that passed between them but he had noticed everything.

Vegeta got in a hit to his stomach and fisted his hands together to deliver a blow to his back causing him to plummet to the ground. Vegeta floated down, his arms crossed and his usual smirk on his face, and looked into the crater his mate had landed in saying, "Pay attention next time."

"Sorry 'Geta," he apologized before getting up, slowly, ever wary of his bruises, and flew up to stand before his mate. They were both covered in dirt and blood, their clothing almost torn entirely from their bodies, making it easy for each of them to admire the others form.

"Hn," Vegeta said, turning around and walking towards the dwelling, "That's enough for today." He went into the house to shower and change before starting dinner.

Goku walked over to where Sam was just rising, about to follow Vegeta into the house, when Goku stopped her. "Hey, Sam, can I ask you something?"

Sam looked at him curiously before saying, "Sure, what do you want to know?"

"Why do you keep looking that way at Vegeta?"

Sam got a slightly shocked look on her face before it became a look of shame. "I'm sorry, but I guess it's just that . . ." She trailed off, not sure of how to word it.

"That what?"

"That I'm a little jealous of you," she said, noticing the shocked expression that now graced Goku's face. "I mean, you have 'Geta and he loves you very much, but I don't have anyone. The only person I've ever had any feelings for is 'Geta, but that might be because in my entire life, he was the only person that was ever nice to me."

"Really? What do you mean?"

Sam looked thoughtful, and a little frightened, but said, "I'll tell you the story some day, but let's wait, ok?"

Goku smiled and said, "Ok, but I want to hear it soon."

"You got it," Sam smiled back, "and just remember that I would never do anything to harm the bond that you two have."