Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ From the inside ❯ Electroshock therapy? ( Chapter 10 )
I do not own the rights to DBZ so please do not sue me!
Warnings: Non detailed rape.
Thank you thank you thank you so much for the wonderful reviews!!! I got this chapter out as quickly as I could, I hope you all enjoy!!
From the inside-SDPG-SSM
Goku was almost asleep with Leilani in his arms when he heard the yell from Vegeta down stairs. The pitch in the voice told him he wasn't in trouble just yet, but something was going on that required him right away. He carefully laid the chibi down and rushed out of the room to find out why he was being beckoned so loudly.
"Its too early…can't have the baby now…it's too early. I've been having pains all day…ungh…but no…nothing like this." Goten muttered out, shaking his head from side to side, teeth gritted tightly.
"That's what I just said. Here, I need you to calm down now do you hear me? I'm going to send your baka father to get Gohan and bring him here. You should have told us something was wrong earlier." Vegeta said in an actual calm voice as he helped lower Goten to the overstuffed leather sofa near the window.
"It hurts…I can't lose this baby…I can't…"
"Be quiet, you're not going to lose anything. Didn't I tell you to calm down? Now do it and breath. Remember those damn silly breathing techniques? Use them. Kakar…" The prince started to yell again for the other saiyan when he turned and found himself plastered to Goku's chest.
"What are you yelling for? Oh Kami, Goten?"
"Don't worry about him right now Kakarott. I need you to go get your other whelp and bring him here right now. Tell him that Goten might of gone into premature labor." Vegeta stated calmly. Goku's eyes widened with the knowledge.
"He can't be having the baby now, he still has about four months to go." Goku blurted out in a panicked voice.
"I know that already baka. Now just do as I say before Goten and the baby get into serious trouble." Vegeta snipped out roughly startling Goku. With a nod of his head, the earth's savior blinked out of sight.
"I want…I want Trunks please…I need him…" This grabbed the royal saiyan's attention immediately.
"Listen to me Goten. I will get Trunks if Gohan thinks this is very serious." Goten slightly nodded his head, his breathing still coming out in harsh pants. Vegeta could see how scared he was and the amount of pain just by looking into those eyes that were so very much like his father's. If the young demi didn't come into this room and find those pictures things would have been all right. Those pictures were enough to enrage the prince, but getting upset and showing it while Goten was in such a state would of only made matters much worse.
"I'm going to get a blanket for you. Stay put." It wasn't a request but a royal order from the prince himself after he noticed the cold sweat breaking out all over the young one.
"Don't leave me…" Goten fussed before crying out in pain again. If this situation was different, Vegeta would of snapped already. He took a deep breath before marching back to Goten's side. Hesitating for a brief moment, Vegeta grabbed one of the demi-saiyan's hands in his and gave it a squeeze.
"Tell anyone that I was nice to you and I will kick your carcass once you have this brat."
When Goku and Gohan arrived back at the house, Gohan was just as flustered as the rest of them. He quickly made his evaluation and came to the conclusion that Goten wasn't calming himself down enough for the pains to subside. The shock and stress of finding those pictures along with the accumulation of all the rest of the stress and Trunks attacking already on him threw Goten into premature labor.
"Goten, listen to me ok? We're going back over to Capsule Corp. so we can stop this. I think with the right combination of drugs and total bed rest for you, you'll be able to carry that baby to full term alright?" Goten was about to object to the total bed rest, but cried out in pain again.
"Up you go little brother. We'll get you patched up in no time." Gohan hoisted Goten up in his arms, not wanting to waste any more time talking. The sooner he was able to help Goten, the sooner the pain would go away.
"Geta, Firefly is sleeping upstairs. Can you get her and I'll be back for you?"
"Kakarott, just go. I'll find my own way over." Before the prince could bat an eyelash, Goku was gone along with his two sons. He had found the answer to the recent backlash Trunks had been giving to his mate. He licked dry lips, staring down at the pile of photos that were strewn across the desk now.
"How could those sick fucks do this to him? Hasn't he been through enough?" He balled his fists tightly, energy starting to crackle around his form.
"With the Gods of Vegeta-sei as my witness, I swear no one will ever touch my heir besides his life mate. I will crush all those who have desecrated my heir!" The last bit was shouted as he flamed into super saiyan.
The week pasted almost unnoticed by some. Trunks had managed to get a little sleep here and there before nightmares began to plague him. He had a bad feeling, something was the matter and he couldn't place the feeling. He thought of his koi, his Chibi. He wasn't allowed visitors until Dr. Warner had cleared him for it.
He spent the most part of his days finding his way around the complex, keeping to himself when meal times came around. He had a few sessions with another doctor. By the end of them, Trunks was frustrated with all the personal questions that were being asked. It was none of their business what Goten and himself did in the privacy of their own home, or about the rape that happened to him when he was a teenager. 'Why the hell would that matter now?' he mused about constantly.
He sighed wishing he were allowed to have his cell phone with him. The sick feeling of something being wrong was causing unease to his stomach for days now. But it was probably nothing more then feeling out of place in the facility.
There was a light rap at the door before it opened. Dr. Mitchell, the one he was supposed to be seeing today came in.
"Good morning Trunks. I'm glad you're awake right now. Dr. Warner and myself would like to see you right now. The lavender haired prince nodded his head, reaching for a sweatshirt and his shoes. He quickly threw them on and followed the young looking doctor down the halls to one of the many therapy rooms at the facility.
"Dad?" Trunks asked in disbelief. Vegeta stood with his back to the door when the doctor and his son came in.
"Sit. I only have a few minutes to actually talk with you before these doctors want to talk with you." The young prince sat down in a plastic chair, his cerulean eyes fully on his sire.
"Something happened? Oh Kami its Goten isn't it?" Trunks blurted out quickly racking his hands through lavender silk. He could tell by the look in his father's eyes that something was wrong.
"Goten is resting right now. It's been a long week for him as well as the rest of us. He went into premature labor the night that you came here."
"The baby? Oh god…Goten and the baby…please tell me…"
"They are both fine so calm down. Gohan was able to stop the contractions for now with some drugs. Your mate is now on total bed rest and close supervision at your house. He will have to continue taking injections of those drugs to keep him from going into labor until the baby is ready." Trunks nodded mutely, trying to keep his emotions in check.
"How? Why did it…"
"Gohan believes that with the stress and the serious blow that you dealt him probably triggered it. But he's not ruling anything out at the moment." Trunks sat solemnly, absorbing the information. He would do anything possible to get back to Goten. He had to make sure that his koi was safe, protected and cared for even if the majority of the family didn't trust him at the moment.
"Trunks? We've asked your father to stay here for your session today. Dr. Mitchell and myself have thought about trying something alittle different today."
"Electroshock therapy?" Trunks asked quirking an eyebrow at the two doctors as one of his hands came up to finger the ki-restraining collar that was still firmly in place around his neck.
"Nothing that drastic Trunks. How about you stretch out over there on that oh so wonderful 'shrink's' couch you love so much so we can get started." Dr. Warner chuckled lightly remembering Trunks' reference to the black leather couch towards the back of the room. Vegeta stood back away from everyone as he listened in on the doctors.
"Ok Trunks, I want you to relax ok? Just listen to my voice and nothing else. Everything is peaceful around you and you're slipping farther and farther into relaxation." It was Dr. Warner that guided the demi saiyan into a hypnotic trance. From the previous sessions with Trunks, they were finding it difficult for answers from him, and at last resort they planned on using hypnosis to help the healing and treatment along.
Vegeta had brought what he found at his son's house along with him that morning. He clearly stated that Trunks and basically the whole family weren't all human. Lets just say the doctors stood in shock when Vegeta had told them of the condition of Trunks' mate. He swore they both were going to fall over in shock.
"Trunks, I want you to go back in your life. How was your life when you were a teenager?"
"Fun, hard, demanding…but I always had Goten with me."
"Goten was your best friend?"
"Yes. Chibi has always been my best friend. He was my destiny and I his." The young prince smiled brightly as he thought about his lover.
"What happened to change all that Trunks?"
"A party. Chibi wasn't allowed to come with me. The party was fun, but I missed having him to hang around with."
"What happened later that night Trunks?"
"I felt like I was going to be sick. People were leaving so I went out the backdoor to get some air to feel better."
"How many boys assaulted you that night Trunks? Do you remember what happened?"
"I don't know how many…I tried to fight them off…oh god they're touching me!"
"What are they doing Trunks?"
"No please don't! Goten! They won't stop ripping at my clothes and hitting me…I'm so weak…why can't I fight back? I'm a super saiyan! I can kill them with a blink of an eye…no please don't…Noooooooooooooo!" Trunks was crying, tears streaming down his face as he twisted and turned on the couch. Vegeta stood pale listening to his son cry out like he was in sever pain. If he had known what had happened so many years ago.
"Ok Trunks, lets move ahead in time ok? Tell me about you and Goten now."
"He came back with his daughter. She is so beautiful. She's my little firefly. You know I've been 'joined' with him for almost a year now? I love him so much it hurts."
"Congratulations Trunks. I hear that he is expecting soon."
"Yes. He did all of that for me. He is so…there are no words to describe him. He thought of me first when he decided to make that wish. I didn't want him to do that, but once I heard the heart beating of my…our child I melted. That's why I love his so much. His selflessness to Leilani god and to me he is so wonderful."
"Trunks, something happened between your joining and the time Goten became pregnant. Want to tell me about it?"
"A lot of things happened."
"I can imagine there was a lot Trunks. But I want to focus on something that happened last year. I want you to open your eyes and look at this and tell me what happened." Dr. Warner picked up a single picture that Vegeta had given the doctors that morning. Cerulean eyes slid open focusing for a moment on the picture that was turned towards his face.
"No…god no not again. Please!"
"Trunks when did this happen?"
"Tokyo. I was on a business trip…oh god its them again please make them stop. Goten won't love me anymore if they touch me. They pulled my hair so much…that's why I cut it off…I could feel their fingers twisting in my hair. Gods I think I'm going to be sick…they won't stop raping me…it hurts…Goten! God help me please…don't hurt me god no" Trunks whimpered out, trying to curl himself into a ball on the couch.
"Trunks do you know who they are? Would you be able to recognize them?"
"Their voices…I can't make them stop laughing at me…I want to kill them for talking about Goten like that…make them stop please!" His fists curled into his hair pulling violently as he cried.
"Trunks I want you to come back to me now. You will remember what we've talked about. Come back to me Trunks, its time to wake up and start the healing." After several moments, Trunks opened his eyes, his body was soaked in sweat, and his muscles trembled violently against his will. His eyes locked with rich dark eyes. The demi prince tore his gaze away, covering his eyes with his hands, sobbing loudly.
"I'm sorry Dad…I'm sorry I failed you and Goten…who would want me after all that? I'm not fit to be your heir…I'm sorry." He gasped loudly, feeling the muscular arms of his sire pull him up from the couch and embrace him.
"You have not failed me Trunks. You are my first born, Torankusu No Ouji. You have done well for yourself and you've made me proud." For the second time in his life, Trunks stood looking at his father in awe over his words.