Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Gangstas' Eyes ❯ Invite ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author Note: Can you believe it Chapter 17.
Disclaimer- I seldom swear this is my story about an anime that doesn't belong to me. Nor do I own Dragonball Z characters or products mention in this story.
Chapter Seventeen: Invite
“The winner the UGQ once more.” Sam announced her defeat against a surf that she left on the tile. She walked down the steps to stand by Vegeta who was sitting with a red bull.
“You sucked Woman.” Vegeta said to her as she sat down. He had on a sweater and black jeans that Bulma's mother got him for Christmas.
“You can't beat be.” Bulma flirted as she got situated.
“She got you right there.” Vegeta pointed out some blood tracing down her face.
“It feels like she stabbed me in the cheek.” Bulma rubbed it off with a napkin that was conveniently laid on the table.
“UnderGround Queen and Slayer these are from the Old Man requested by the audience.” He handed them the two envelopes. “We hope to see you there.”
“Under Ground Queen” Bulma opened it to see what it said.
UnderGround Queen,
You have been selected to
defend your crown July 1.
This day will consist of Princess,
and Dutchess trying to take your crown as
Queen you must be in attendance
If you can not make for any reason the
battle will be delayed once again.
P.S. Once the top ten are selected
this will be a
shuffle match.
“Oh I have to go.”
“Ha! My request for attendance is inadequate.” Vegeta praised with happiness.
“You don't have to go.” Bulma leaned in to see Vegeta's invitation.
“You're going you have to. It wouldn't be fair if you didn't go.”
“UnderGround when I win this everyone will forget about you and I'll be king. You'll become a surf.”
“In your dreams.” Bulma took Vegeta's invitation and winked at him. Vegeta wanted to kiss her at that second.
“Vegeta!” Nappa yelled from the other side of the room. Bulma got up from her chair and left Vegeta's table. Nappa made way to his over to Vegeta. “Hey Vegeta did you see UnderGround's fight? Man she's insane. Where did she go?” Vegeta slammed his head on the table infuriated.
“What do you mean where did she go?”
“Well she was just sitting with you.” Nappa sat on the other side of Vegeta.
“You saw nothing.” Nappa rolled his eyes at Vegeta's response.
“Vegeta I know what I saw. So what do you plan on doing with her? If you don't want her anymore just send her my way. I'll make her into a housewife.”
“Nappa you think that me and her are together?”
“You're wrong.”
“I see the way you look at. I'm not wrong.”
“Imbecile I wasn't talking about that. You can't make her into a housewife she's too headstrong. There's no use of us hiding it now.” If the most idiotic person can figure us out there's no reason to hide it.” Vegeta laughed.
“I talked to Scrachez. She wants to come back with a full apology.”
“Really, when did I tell her to leave?” Vegeta stared across the room watching UnderGround.
“It was almost December so I'd say two month ago.”
“Nope.” Nappa's eyes grew large.
“But Vegeta…”
“She's not coming back. She'll have no problem with Mid-Cytez.”
“Okay I'll tell her. Vegeta speaking of Mid-Cytez can UGQ be trusted. I mean if she was cool with Killa and she betrayed her. What do you think she'll do to you?”
“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Nappa I'm watching her closely.” Vegeta ensured.
“Vegeta you're the man.” Nappa got up and in his pocket were three invitations. “I knew you knew what you're doing. See ya later.” Nappa left Vegeta's table. “Hey UnderGround.” Nappa greeted while passing by Bulma.
“Hi Nappa.” Bulma said less enthusiastically. She made her way back to Vegeta's table. “What did you tell him?”
“The usual I don't trust you.”
“You've better.”
“What about you? I saw you talking to someone over there.” Vegeta prodded Bulma.
“Since you want to know so badly. I told him that I was so desperately in love with you and I trust you with all my heart.” Bulma annunciated all her words for Vegeta.
Which is true are they madly in love or do they hate each other to the core.
End Chapter Seventeen: Invite
Hey don't leave there's another chapter come up now.