Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Garrulous and Gritless ❯ I, 7: Gohan ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
NOTE: Sorry Gohan's chapters are always so short. Since he knows so much less, he's tough to write...


I didn't think it could happen, but I got down from that rock. I saw my daddy down there sparring with Piccolo, a little ways away, and I guess I knew—that if I would be really really in danger he would save me. So I closed my eyes and jumped and fell...straight into a tree that wasn't there before.

I still don't know how it happened, but I guess at least it did. It was the scariest thing of my whole life. I wonder if my daddy moved the tree there while I wasn't looking.

One other weird thing happened about that time. I thought it was a lot darker in the sky at night and I looked up...and there wasn't a moon anymore. I wonder what happened to it. I haven't seen it since. I wonder if it's anything about the thing my daddy and Piccolo were fighting about before then. Piccolo kept saying it was the moon or my tail and then for some reason he said the moon was better, and something about the other Saiyans. I don't know, but I kind of wonder if Piccolo got rid of the moon somehow.

Daddy and Piccolo have been sparring every single day and they always fight really hard. Whenever I go past, Piccolo keeps looking at me like he's expecting something, but, I dunno, I dunno what he wants and I guess I've just been keeping to myself. I learned that I really don't like killing animals but I gotta if I wanna stay alive and eat and stuff so to make up for it sometimes I try to be real nice and give them extra food if I got some.

Sometimes I sit there in the trees real quiet and listen to Daddy talk to Piccolo. At first Piccolo took me far away every time. Actually, he threw me. But I got sneakier and sneakier and now he hardly ever notices me there. I think. And that's where I am right now, being real quiet in a tree, and sort of focusing in on my body to make all the energy coming out of it crunch up inside me so it doesn't ripple out to Piccolo. It's kind of a weird feeling, to think that there's no energy rippling out of me, because I found out there's even energy rippling out of bunnies and birds, and I have a lot more energy than they do. Only right now, it's all deep deep inside my stomach.

"Again, Son?" Piccolo says. "It's useless and you know it."

"I know," Daddy scratches his head, "but it's...I dunno, it's like he ain't even trying to listen to me, but I know for sure he listens to Bulma and her dad and..."

Oh, they're talking about the scary alien who's my uncle. Daddy keeps going to visit him, I guess, and tell him how he should be good. I heard him saying how he's still not recovered yet from the fight so he wants to try to make him good before he gets all better so they don't gotta fight just to save the planet, but they can fight for fun instead. I don't think it's working really well. Sometimes when Daddy shows up he's got a big old bruise over his cheek like my mean alien uncle punched him there.

"You had best focus on training, Son," Piccolo seems kind of mad. "You will have to fight him one day, and you will have to kill him—and his friends, if they are coming to Earth as he asserted." He frowns. "A wise man would kill him now. But your family affairs are not my business, so I will not take it upon myself."

"I can't do that," Daddy says, and I think I feel the same way he does. He laughs like he feels bad about it, like he's nervous, too. "He'll come around," he adds on.

Then all of a sudden another guy shows up. I can kind of tell from the energy rippling out of him that he's the same guy who was here before, and then he gets closer and I know it 'cause I recognize his face.

"Yamcha!" Daddy says. "You come here to join us again?"

He says again because this guy has been sparring with Daddy every now and then too. He doesn't spar with Piccolo very much at all, maybe because he thinks Piccolo is pretty scary, which is sort of what I think but not as much as I did before when he took me. I mean, he is sort of scary, but, I guess I'm getting better at all kinds of things just because of living outside here, and that was his idea anyway. He somehow just knew that it would help.

One day Yamcha came here and he was really, really mad. I didn't really understand everything that he said, but he said something about my mean uncle doing something, and something about Bulma, who I remembered is the blue-haired lady who was nice to me. He said he wants to get strong and I think maybe he wants to beat up the guy, I guess. He said my uncle is real slowly getting better and he wants to make sure he doesn't do anything to Bulma.

"Sure am," he has this really determined smile. "Hey, Goku, I was thinking, maybe today you and I could team up and fight Piccolo?"

Daddy kind of grins. "Don't you think that would be kinda unfair?"

Piccolo laughs. "I am more than a match for the both of you," he gets into a fighting pose. I dunno if that's true, though. Daddy puts up a pretty good fight against Piccolo and this Yamcha guy is getting pretty strong too. Before I even know what I'm doing, I jump out of the tree and stop holding the energy in my tummy and everybody's looking at me.

"If I fight on Piccolo's team it will be more fair," I say. Daddy looks really, really happy, so I smile back. I think he's proud of me. I'm kind of scared of fighting, but if my mean uncle keeps hitting my daddy even when he's injured, and if he has two stronger friends coming, well, I don't want something even worse to happen to anybody. Even Daddy can't always save me, I guess, like when I got taken away by my mean hairy uncle. Anyway, it's just for practice and I don't gotta do it all the time, I can just test to see if Piccolo and Daddy were right and if I really did learn the lessons Piccolo wants me to learn by putting me out here in the wilds.

"Just try not to get in the way," Piccolo says, but when he looks down at me he has sort of a smile too. I mean, he's Piccolo, so it looks really mean, but compared to how he normally looks, I'd say he's smiling. I think he's proud of me, too.


I didn't do as great in the fight as I thought I would, and I got really beat up, like the first time I tried to catch a dinosaur that kept bothering me anytime I went to sleep, but I think that's okay because now that Daddy and Piccolo are finally done, Daddy comes over and rubs his hand in my hair. "That was great, Gohan," he says, and then he hugs me and puts me back down. It feels so nice...I haven't had a hug for a really long time.

Yamcha, my daddy's friend, who lasted a little bit longer than me but not as long as Daddy and Piccolo, kinda nods too. "I can't believe how strong you are," he says, "for such a little kid."

"It's a start," Piccolo says from far away, his voice all serious like usual. "Gohan, you will join our sparring sessions henceforth."

Daddy looks at me with this sparkle in his eyes, like he can't wait to see what I say about that. Wait—that means that from now on I can see him every single day! Maybe it won't be so bad, to fight every day, if I also get to be with my daddy. And he looks so happy—I don't think I've ever seen him this happy. I grin and Daddy grins too and he scoops me up into the biggest hug he ever gave me. "I'm so proud of you, Gohan," he says, squeezing me tight.

"For what?" a different voice says. "For gettin' all scruffy and falling behind on his books?"

Uh-oh. "Mommy," I kind of whimper.

"I see how it is," she climbs out of the car that just showed up nearby. "You think I didn't wonder a little bit why you still haven't managed to bring Gohan home?" She smacks the back of my daddy's head. "Well, the field trip is over," she grabs me by my shirt, "and my son is coming back home where he belongs!"

"Unhand him," Piccolo growls. "He must train lest the two other Saiyans prove themselves as strong as Raditz has threatened."

"Try me!" Mommy shrieks, and it hurts my ears. I hug close to her because I don't know what's going on, really, but I know from what I've seen that I might be strong but I definitely can't fight my mommy. "And you, Goku, are coming home with us for dinner!"

Piccolo just sort of narrows his eyes at her, but he must know that she's real strong, too, and real scary, because he doesn't say anything else, just turns his back away. "Son, you will return to spar with me tomorrow."

Daddy kind of nods at Piccolo and hangs his head and gives Mommy this shy grin.

"I don't care what you do," Mommy says to Daddy as she buckles me in to the car, "but Gohan is not going to fall behind on his studies just so that you can teach him to be a scruffy, good-for-nothing," she stops and looks daddy over, "...dog!"

"Aw, Chi," Daddy says, "I wasn't doing none of that."

The car starts and Mommy tears out of the big field we were sparring in, on our way back home. I kind of turn around to look back, and I see Piccolo watching me, his eyes right on me. I feel like he's trying to tell me something. I don't know why, but seeing him facing toward me, looking straight into me as we leave, makes me feel stronger inside.

I don't know what I'm gonna do, now that Mommy's taking me home. But I know I'm gonna find a way to make Piccolo proud.

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