Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Genesis ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2

"Do you feel that?" Gohan whispered. He'd never felt anything that dark before, that full of hatred and evil. It terrified him. He wanted to run back to his mother and their warm, safe house in the forest but he knew that he couldn't. He had to fight. It was what his father would do.

"Yes. They're here. And they're early." Piccolo said, staring in the direction of the two massive powers that had just appeared on the planet. A chill ran down his spine but his perfect control held his body still. He knew this evil. It ran through his own veins and permeated every nerve in his body. But it had faded somehow, something had changed in the short year he had spent training Goku's son.

"Should we go find them?"

"No Gohan. It looks like they'll find us." He said as the two powers began to get closer. He glanced at the small boy beside him. He looked terrified and worried. For some reason, Piccolo felt that he should say something to calm the child. "Don't worry Gohan. Krillin, Tien, Choutzu and Yamcha are on their way here as we speak. I'm sure your dad isn't too far behind." A smile lit up Gohan's face at the mention of his absent father.

"We're going to win, aren't we Mr. Piccolo?" Piccolo allowed the side of his mouth to curl into something resembling a small smile. He didn't want to shatter the boy's confidence before the battle, but he really wasn't so sure that a victory was possible against the two rapidly approaching powers.


"What do you mean they're already here?" Oolong cried as Master Roshi broke the news to the group gathered at his small bungalow.

"But what about Goku? He hasn't been wished back yet!" Bulma said, clutching the scouter in her hand. She had just arrived at the Kame house to show off her brilliant work when Master Roshi came tumbling out of the bathroom with his pants around his ankles.

"Actually, I had a pretty good feeling that this was going to happen, so I wished him back a three days ago. King Kai said it should take him about two to three days to make it back on Snake Way, so I figured I had better give him some time to get back to Earth."

"Good thinking Roshi!" Bulma cried.

"Well I think a wonderful idea like that deserves...oh I don't know, maybe a little kiss for an old man? Maybe a little bit more? What do you say Bulma? Feel like rewarding a hero?"

"Sure! Is there one around?" Bulma asked, taking a stab at the old man's pride.

"Me! I'm right here baby! What do you say huh?" he said, reaching out a hand to touch her hip. Her hand shot out and caught his wrist. Spending most of her life around warriors had done her reflexes a world of good. Sleeping with one for the last 8 years hadn't hurt either.

"Watch it old man. You even think about it and I'll make sure that you sing soprano for the rest of your life." Bulma threatened, dropping his hand and walking across the room.

"I think she's warming up to me." Master Roshi whispered to Turtle, who just rolled his eyes. Before Turtle could say anything, the door flew open and in stomped a very enraged Chichi.

"What do you mean the Saiyans are early? My poor Gohan! He can't fight those monsters!" she screamed as she surveyed the room. Spotting Master Roshi, she marched over to the old pervert and grabbed him by the collar. "You! Old man, contact one of those boys out there and tell them to bring Gohan here right now!" Bulma and Oolong exchanged glances.

"Who told her?" he whispered to Bulma.

"I did." They turned to see Puar, looking up at them with big eyes. "I though she should know."

"Damn it Puar! Now we have to listen to her!" Puar's posture crumpled and she look down at the floor, her cheerful demeanor deflating like a balloon.

"It's okay Puar, you did the right thing." Bulma said, patting the little cat on the back while shooting a glare at Oolong. Chichi's screeching became louder as she tried to shake Master Roshi to death, while the Ox King tried desperately to stop her. Bulma shook her head. There was no way she could stand being in this house with Chichi while she ranted and carried on. There were much more important things to worry about without having to worry about Master Roshi's death at the hands of Goku's wife. She then remembered the scouter in her hand. "I'm going to go find them and watch the battle. Who's coming with me?"

"Are you crazy? You'll be killed!" Oolong said, apperntly the only person who heard her over Chichi's voice."

"I'm safer out there than I am here with her!" she said, pointing at Chichi. Oolong seemed to debate this in his mind for a second.

"No way! You're on your own!"

"Whatever." Bulma said dashing out the front door. She grabbed her capsules from her pocket and popped out her air car. Fixing the scouter to her face, she cringed as another shriek from Chichi came from the house. "I'm out of here." She said, jumping into the car and heading for the small blips on the scouter lens.


Vegeta coughed as the dust from the crumbling mountains filled his lungs, making it almost impossible to catch his breath with his newly broken ribs. These earth warriors were much stronger than he had anticipated. He had to dispose of Nappa for his weakness against the group of rag-tag fighters that had destroyed all of his Syiba-men and then set to work on his oldest ally. It was unforgivable that they had underestimated the strength of these people that much.

Painfully struggling to his feet, Vegeta surveyed the battlefield though his blood clouded vision. The short bald one was unconscious in a heap against a boulder, blood spilling over his face from a gash near his eye. The half-breed was scuffed up and slumped over the body of the unconscious Namek, who had rivulets of his own purple blood flowing through the valleys of his sculpted muscles. And the blast that Kakarot had thrown at him seemed to have taken the last of the traitor's energy; he was struggling to hold on to consciousness as he slid slowly down the rock wall into a sitting position. In the back of his mind Vegeta knew that he should leave the planet now and return when he was stronger, he was too badly beaten to defeat them now, even if they were unconscious. He was barely holding on to consciousness himself, but he was too proud to let it overcome him, let alone listen to the reason in the back of his mind that was telling him to leave while he could still walk under his own power. He pulled himself into the straight-backed, squared-shouldered stance that pulsated with confidence and pride and sent the cowardly running in the other direction. He smirked at the knowledge that he was the only one still standing. He would win. Of course he would, he was the Prince. The legendary.

The sound of an engine cut through his ego-saturated thoughts, sending his body into a fighting stance as he gritted his teeth against the agonizing pain of his ribs sliding unhindered against each other.

::Great, another one!:: he thought as the sound of the engine grew louder. Through the still settling dust he could make out the figure of a person standing on the other end of the battlefield as the engine was cut. Soon bright blue hair came into view and his eyebrows twitched in shock. It was a woman. And she was wearing a scouter.

Bulma watched the quick blips as they flashed in front of her eyes. Five powers, four inactive and the fifth was bucking wildly between inactive and active. She couldn't tell through the dust, but she had a horrible feeling at seeing the four inactive powers. It meant that four people were badly hurt and probably unconscious. And even if the fifth power was Goku (she figured it was), there were still two missing powers. If all those powers belonged to her friends, it meant that at least two of her friends were dead.

The wind blew softly across the desert, blowing the dust away and allowing her to see the other end of the field. Krillin was covered in blood, Gohan was sprawled on top of Piccolo and Goku was barely breathing against a rock. The fifth power wasn't Goku. In her line of peripheral vision, she saw a figure standing and turned her head quickly as the power level on the scouter began to rise. Tall back hair and murderous eyes met her stare, one of the Saiyans was very much alive, and from the looks of it, very, very angry. She stared at him for ages, his dark angry glare telling her all she needed to know. He had figured out that she wasn't a warrior but it didn't seem to matter to him. He wanted her dead.

She stood her ground as the angry Saiyan stood to his full height, which was only a few inches more than her own and began to slowly move toward her. His eyes darted in every direction, watching for signs of life in bodies of the battered fighters he had littered the battlefield with like the carelessly tossed toys of a spoiled child. She was paralyzed as he moved toward her, his movements graceful and sleek, radiating power and pride as he stalked across the dusty ground. She would have admired his grace if it weren't for the look in his eyes. Suddenly, her scouter began to beep urgently, the arrow pointing to the sky. She jerked her head up to search the blue expanse, praying to Kami that she hadn't missed the other Saiyan in her original power scan of the battlefield. She was more than dead if she had.

He watched as she jerked her head towards the sky, searching frantically for the source of whatever had made her scouter go off. He wished that he hadn't destroyed his own scouter. Were there more warriors on this planet? There couldn't be! There were only seven when he and Nappa did the original scan of the planet. But his questions were soon answered as a glint of metal caught his eye. It was approaching rapidly, but not fast enough to be a space pod. This ship would need to use landing gear. Spider-like legs began to unfold from the ship's belly and Vegeta's eyes widened in horror.

::How did he find me? Is he here for the dragonballs? He can't be! I disabled the tracking devices and the communicators!:: his thoughts were flowing through his mind like water from a broken dam. There was almost too much for him to process at once. ::I can't fight him now, I'll lose for sure!:: Vegeta battled with the only options he had. Stand and fight. Or hide and try to keep the element of surprise until he figured out exactly what was going on.

"Hide!" he yelled at the woman as he made up his mind. He would have to hide. And to make sure he wasn't discovered, she would have to hide too.

"What?" Bulma asked, a bit bewildered at the Saiyan's command. He was trying to kill her and now he wanted her to hide from this weird looking ship?

"Don't ask questions just do as I say!" Bulma's jaw dropped open. How dare he!

"Don't order me around! Do you have any idea who I am?" she screamed as he appeared beside her. She would have been scared if she wasn't so furious.

"Woman, I don't care" he said, grabbing her and pulling her into the rocks with him. He found an enclosed area that gave them a perfect view of the battlefield, and they crouched there. Bulma's body was shaking with fear, she was being held completely still by the iron grip of the Saiyan as one bloody, dirty glove covered her mouth and the other arm was wrapped around her body. She tried to scream, but her voice had abandoned her. Images of her being raped and murdered flashed through her mind as they huddled in the dusty crevice of the mountain. If only she had ran. Now she was trapped with this murderous Saiyan, and all of her friends were either unconscious or dead. Tears filled her eyes but she blinked them back. If he really planned to rape and murder her, then she would be damned if he made her cry. Tears weren't going to be what he got when he made his move. He may be stronger than she was, but she'd fight him to the death before she let him watch her cry.

He could smell the fear coming from the trembling woman in his
grip. It was mixed with determination that made him smirk. She was fierce. He knew why she was scared, he was certain she thought he was going to rape her and kill her. Kill her yes, but he wasn't going to rape her. But he couldn't think of the elaborate ways he was going to destroy the woman just yet, he was too busy watching Frieza's ship settle on it's spindly spider legs on the ground in front of him.

AN: Vegeta hiding? I think he would if he had no other choice. The reason I did this comes from the episode when they were on Namek and Vegeta thinks he is going to die at Frieza's hands and he tries to run. Besides, if i kill him off, it wouldn't be much of a V/B!