Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Girl of My Dreams ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
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Girl of My Dreams
Chapter 1
I'm in total darkness, like a void. There's nothing at all around me, just as if I am in space, but without the stars. I feel as if I am floating. Suddenly a sound breaks the silence. I hear someone crying…it's a girl…she's younger than I am. I can tell because of her voice. She's talking…no, whispering to herself. I can tell that she feels alone and wants someone with her…Wait…
"Ooh…why c-n't ---- be better? -here's nothing wrong w--- my life, but ---- -----."
Everything is so muffled. I can barely figure out what she is saying. Who is this girl? I want to help her. I can hear her crying now. Where is she?
The darkness shifts into a blur and I can just barely make out the outline of a girl, lying in her bed, crying into her pillow. Man, why is everything so blurry? I just want to know who this girl is!
I hear her start to sob even louder, but she talks into the pillow and I can't hear what she is saying.
"What's wrong? Who are you?" I ask. I hear my voice echo around me, but even as loud as it is, the girl doesn't answer me. She should be able to hear me… "Hey! What's wrong?" I yell louder. Still no answer.
Then everything gets more blurry and then I return to the utter blackness.
That's the dream I have been having for the past three weeks. Things have gotten clearer than when I first had it, such as now I understand more of what she is saying, but I still don't know who she is or what is wrong with her. I just have this need to go and help her and I feel like I'm letting her down by not helping her. But it's ridiculous to feel that way since I don't even know her! Any other time, I would say this is just a dream, except this time.…this time it felt so real. I can't just sit back and let whoever this is feel this way. Whatever her problem might be, I don't think it's life threatening, but…I just need to help her.
"Trunks, dinner's ready!" Trunks heard his mother calling from downstairs.
"Okay!" he yelled back down. He closed the journal he had been writing in, hid it under the mattress, then went downstairs to eat.
"What useful things were you doing up there, boy? You certainly weren't training," Vegeta, Trunks' father asked when he came down the stairs.
Bulma, Trunks' mom looked up from serving the food on Vegeta's plate. "Oh leave him alone, Vegeta! Not everyone lives for training you know."
"Whatever else he was doing is just a waste of time. A warrior, Trunks, is always prepared to go into battle. You have been slacking off in your training. You are going to go soft like Kakarrot's boy if you keep it up and I won't have it," Vegeta said gravely, boring a hole into Trunks with his eyes.
Bulma rolled her eyes and sighed. "Just sit down, Trunks. Don't listen to him, your father is just trying to be the jerk that he is."
"Whatever," Trunks said as he sat down in a classic teen idontcarewhatyousayevenifyouareright tone.
His sister, Bra sat next to him, waiting to be served. She was talking on the phone to one of her friends, like always, about what they would do at the mall today and she twirled her hair in her hand.
"Get off the phone and eat," Vegeta said rather harshly.
Bra ignored him and continued talking. Vegeta put down his fork and leaned forward on the table, and stared at her and growled. Bra stared back at him defiantly, talking in the same cheery tone that she always did. "Thanks, Mom," Bra said when she was finally served.
Vegeta continued to stare Bra down, even after Bra was halfway done with her meal. "Get off the phone now, or else you aren't getting money from either your mother or myself to go out and shop," he threatened.
"Gotta go," Bra said quickly as she hung up and ate.
Trunks smirked. He always loved how Bra was always so quick to obey their father when it came to having her money taken away and the innocent look she always plastered on after that threat.
"Why can't we have a normal dinner?" Bulma mumbled as she picked at her food.
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After dinner, Trunks stayed in the kitchen and helped his mom wash the dishes. Vegeta had left to train, throwing a disapproving glance towards Trunks for not following him. Bra was most likely already at the mall with her friends since Bulma had given her money to shop.
"Hey Mom?"
"Yeah Trunks?"
"I wanted to tell you something?"
"I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to be gone for a few weeks."
Bulma stopped cleaning and looked up at him. "Oh, you're telling me? Not asking me like a good child should? Well…why are you leaving?"
Trunks then told her about his dream and how much he wanted to help the girl.
"But Trunks, it was just a dream."
"I know, Mom, but I also know that it's real. I'm supposed to go after her and help her. I just really feel like I have to Mom and you know I wouldn't go away for just any dream. This has to be real. And if not, well, I'll find out in a few weeks I guess. But I really feel like I can help this girl, whoever she is."
Bulma sighed. The look on his face convinced her completely. "All right Trunks. I trust you."
Wow, I can't believe Mom is going to let me go! She's always so protective of me, just like Dad is of Bra. She's even agreed to let Dad know what I'm doing so I don't have to talk to him…after I'm gone of course! Poor Mom! I'm glad that she is helping me though. I really need to see this girl and find out about her. Maybe the dream was just a dream, but I know that that girl is real and I'm supposed to find her. It's just a nagging feeling inside of me and I don't think it'll go away until I find her.
Oh well…I'm leaving tomorrow morning, hopefully before Dad wakes up or else I'm going to be in trouble…