Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Goten vs. Dark Goten ❯ The Battle ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
ÿþDisclaimer: Celestial Princess and I don't own Dragonball GT, however unfortunate that is for our checking accounts. ~sigh~

A/N: Alright. This all started just off a silly game that CP and I play when we talk through AIM. We usually have a bunch of GT characters (as well as some Z characters) running around, as well as our original characters. We have pairings involved. Those being: Goku/ (OC/ by CP) Amara (we both dislike Chichi, or at least I do, and have thus made her to be a bitch and leave poor Goku), (Oc/by me) Sarrow/ CP, and me/ Goten and (OC by CP) Dark Goten. In one of CP's stories, Goten has an alter-ego whom she calls Dark. I was with Goten and whenever he ate ice-cream he'd turn into Dark. I didn't much care for Dark, or at least I didn't until he'd kiss me (teehee), and kept getting irritated by the constant switching (Goten loves ice-cream). But seeing as how I have magic powers, I decided to separate the two. And thus got two half-Saiyans vying for my attentions. I couldn't chose between the two, so CP suggested a battle, and both agreed. So we decided that the next day while I went to work, CP would work on setting the stage for the battle; and at the end of the day, we'd play it out (kinda like a role play). Here's what our beloved CP cooked up for us; with my touching ups and a few inserts of the various characters I control. Oh! for a heads up: CP controls: Goten, Dark, Amara, Mirai, and (of course) herself. I have: Goku, Vegeta and Raditz (what few times they decide to show up ~glares at them~), Sarrow, and me. CP and I can both use magic (blame my fixation on the movie Labyrinth) so look out for that too. I think that's it. Lets get on with show. ~yells off stage~ ROLL FILM!!!

Goten VS. Dark Goten

<<<<<<<<<<>>>>& gt;>>>>>

After a long day at work, I finally showed up at the house we affectionately call the Reck House (cross between wreck and rec). Sarrow arrived with me, and upon entering the living room we find that Amara and Goten are waiting for us.

"It's about time you showed up. CP was getting worried that you wouldn't show," Amara rolled her eyes, ever the caring, compassionate person.

"Is she that excited?" I asked.

"She's all hyped up about it. She sold millions of tickets and even created an arena," she answered. "I'm supposed to take you all there. ready?"

"Let's go!" I said.

Amara glanced at Sarrow. "I can't wait to see your face when you lay eyes on your girlfriend." She laughed.

Sarrow looked a little nervous. "Should I be worried?"

Amara smirked. "Actually I was impressed with CP. Now I see that she really did create my character from her own persona." (Amara has often complained about CP's playful antics and has wondered how she had ever come from CP's head.) Amara smiled. "Shall we go?"

"Ready!" I said instantly. "Oh! Wait!!"

"What is it?" Amara asked, annoyed.

I ran over and grabbed Goten by the back of his neck and kissed him forcefully. He slid his arms around my waist and savored the kiss.

I finally pulled away and said breathlessly, "Ok, now we can go."

"Everyone close your eyes. I know it sounds cheesy, but just do it!" Amara commanded.

Goten, Sarrow, and I all closed our eyes.

"Wait, where's Goku?" Amara asked.

Goku immediately IT'd in the room, right behind Amara and asked, "Somebody call me?"

Amara grabbed his arm and said, "Come on. We're going to be late. Close your eyes."

Goku looked confused. "Uuuh, okay." He shut his eyes. A few seconds later, he peaked.

"Keep them closed!" Amara immediately snapped.

Goku shut his eyes quickly while Sarrow and I snickered at him.

A warm tingling sensation enveloped us all. Wind rushed past us and the world around us faded away and left us floating in what seemed like nothingness. After a moment the solid feeling of the ground returned under our feet.

"Whoa!" I said.

"I could've IT'd much faster than that," Goku whined. "Can we open our eyes now?"

Amara glared at him. "We were trying to set the mood! And yes, you can open your eyes," she said, exasperated.

"Oh, ok," he said as he opened his eyes.

We were in the middle of the desert. In front of us stood a large arena constructed with dark stone.

"Oh, wow," I stated in awe.

"Indeed," Sarrow agreed.

Goku and I looked at each other and then back at the scene before us. "AWESOMENESS!!" we exclaimed, together.

Sarrow rolled his eyes. "She's corrupted him," he muttered, pertaining to Goku.

Amara turned to us and said with a flourish, "Welcome! Let's go inside!" She ushered us past the throngs of people and into the wide iron gates of the front entrance. The gates were flanked by imposing, black stone griffins.

Inside there were many rows of seats. The arena was oval-shaped, with a large black, tiled area in the center where the fight was to be held.

"Kewl!" Goku and I said.

Sarrow looked impressed then sighed at our statement. "She has defiantly corrupted him horribly."

Goku and I payed no attention to Sarrow as we were too busy pointing out different things to each other. In the center of the far, black stoned wall was a picture of Dark and beside it a picture of Goten. Underneath them, writing stated "Dark vs. Goten". Dark was standing in the center of the ring.

"Hey. I was wondering when you'd get here. Well, what do you think of this place? CP hasn't named it yet."

"It's awesome," I said.

"Impressive," Sarrow agreed.

"Very cool," Goku stated, ever so eloquent.

"A perfect fighting ground," Vegeta stated from right behind me.

"AAAAIII!!!" I screamed and jumped about five feet in the air. I panted and tried to slow my heart rate and breathing. I glared and growled at Vegeta. "Don't do that!" He just smirked at me.

Dark smiled. "More spectators. Wonderful."

"Interesting," Raditz said as he looked around.

The sharp sound of high heels clicking on the stone floor came from behind us. CP came into view. Her brown hair had been dyed black. She was wearing a black dress that came to mid-thigh and was drawn tightly across her bust by a string laced on either side of her neckline like laces in a tennis shoe. The neckline was plunging and you could see her cleavage through the laces. She was also wearing a pair of knee-high, black leather boots with three-inch heels. A long, black duster and a pair of black leather gloves completed her outfit.

Everybody's jaw dropped as they looked at her. Sarrow positively drooled.

He suddenly frowned. "I don't like that, other men will be trying to get you," he complained, possessively

CP smiled at him. "Don't you worry about that. I can handle them if they want to try anything funny."

Sarrow growled, "You won't have to try; I'll take care of them for you." He went up to her and growled in her ear, "You're mine!"

"Of course, love." She placed her fingers on the slope of his jaw and gave him a chaste kiss to soothe him.

CP looked up at the roof. "Roof!? What was I thinking?" With a flick of her wrist her wand appears and the roof immediately disintegrates. "Now to set the mood." A moment later dark clouds roll into view and lightning illuminates the sky, followed by thunder.

"Oooooo!" Goku and I exclaim.

CP's wand disappears. "I think I did a pretty damn good job; if I must say so myself." She laughed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Very good job," I nodded, "very good job, indeed."

Mirai approached us. "Well, my money's riding on Dark. No offense, Goten."

Goten growled at him.

Vegeta nodded, "Dark is more Saiyan. I'll bet on him as well."

"I want to know why Dark's picture is so much bigger than mine," he asked randomly as he pointed to the wall.

I looked over in the direction he was pointing. "He's got a point there, CP." I wiggled my nose (think Sam from the old sitcom "Bewitched") and Goten's picture grew to the same size as Dark's. "Happy now?" I asked him.

"Yep." Goten said and grinned at me.

CP frowned. "Dark, the one who sold all the tickets, is the one all these good people want to win," she motioned to the people filing into the arena. "No offense, Goten."

"That doesn't mean that you should make Goten's picture smaller than his," I told her.


Goten frowned again, "You all expect me to lose, don't you?"

I gave up on the topic. I suddenly went up to Dark and stood right in front of him.

"May I help you?" he leered at me.

"I want you to promise me one thing." I held up a finger to emphasize one.

"What's that?"

"I want you to promise me you won't kill him." He didn't answer for a moment so I put my hands on my hips and began to tap my foot as I waited for his answer.

"Isn't that the point to all of this? Is killing your opponent against the rules?" he asked as he looked to CP.

I grabbed his chin and forced him to look at me. His eyes widened slightly.

"You can do anything you want except kill him or cut off an appendage. Got it!?"

He sighed, "Yes, all right. I've got it."

I smiled at him. "Good." I pulled his head down and kissed him.

He kissed me back then pulled away. "Save it for after I win," he told me.

"If you win," I answered. I went over to Goten and stood right in front of him. He looked at me. "I want you to promise me the same thing," I told him.

"I promise," Goten answered simply. I smiled and kissed him, too. After I drew back from him, he turned to the others. "I'm going to win. Just because you all think I will lose. I'll prove it to you all. Just wait and see."

"So be it," I said.

Vegeta nodded his head and smirked. "Glad to see you're acting like a Saiyan."

CP placed her hands on her hips. "Now that we've all got that cleared up; lets get on with this fight."

The arena was nearly filled with spectators.

Raditz smirked. "Let's go!"

Goku smiled. "This should be fun."

Vegeta said, "Let the fight begin!" He laughed.

"Take your front row seats," CP told us. "And hurry so I can put up the barrier. People tend to sue if ki blasts start going into the seating area...or worse."

I wiggled my nose and we were all transported to our seats. Goten and Dark stepped out onto the ring.

I was beginning to get a little nervous. "Maybe I should have left them together. . ."

"And spoil all our fun!" Sarrow exclaimed.

"We would have stolen the powder you used and done it anyway," Vegeta stated matter-of-factly.

"And CP put so much hard work into setting this up. And wait until you see how positively nasty her attitude has gotten," Amara said and giggled happily. "She's like...like...me!!"

"She did do a good job," I said.

Sarrow nodded and grinned proudly. "That's my gurl!"

"OOO!!" I exclaimed and jumped up and down happily. "You said 'gurl'!! HAHA!! I've corrupted him!" He blushed at my outburst and covered his face with a hand.

CP walked out onto the ring. The lights dimmed and a spotlight focuses on her. A microphone appeared in her hand. Amid the sounds of applause from the audience she began to announce: "Welcome to my tournament! Tonight it's Goten vs. Dark Goten. A duel to win the heart of MysticRose." A spotlight focused on me. I blushed and ducked behind Raditz's hair since he was sitting by my right. "My, what a lucky girl," she finished to the audience's light laughter. I pulled my face out of Raditz's hair once I noticed that the spotlight was no longer on me.

Amara looked over at me and frowned. "How come no one ever fights over me?" She looked at Goku.

"What?" he asked. "It ain't my fault all the other guys are already taken.

Mirai snickered. "It's because no one else wants you."

Goku nuzzled her neck. "Don't mind him. I'd fight for you if someone tried to take you from me."

Amara ignored Mirai and turned back to the ring as CP began to speak.

"Without further ado, I present to you, the fight of the century. I assure you that you will get your money's worth." She turned. "This is Goten!" He stepped out onto the ring to the sound of applause. "His opponent and alter ego, Dark Goten!" Dark stepped onto the ring and blew kisses to a group of girls who were screaming his name.

I frowned as Amara said, "He's such and egocentric jerk!"

"And now!" CP said with a brilliant flourish, "the moment you've all been waiting for!" She stepped off the ring and goes to stand near the other's seats and constructs the invisible barrier. "Let the fight begin!!"

Dark sneered, "Ready, Goten?"

"Of course. Now stop stalling!" He powered up to Super Saiyan.

"Impressive," he smirked, "but not really." He raised his arms slightly and closed his eyes. His ki crackles around his body like black electricity. His Ki increased dramatically and when he finally opened his eyes they were still emerald green, but glowing like liquid fire.

Goten frowned slightly. "That's not Super Saiyan."

Dark smiled evilly. "No, it's not."

"Oooooooo!" Amara drew out. "This is going to be great."

Vegeta smirked. "Most defiantly."

"Come on, Goten. Your move."

Goten smiled. "Gladly." Goten suddenly appears in front of Dark and throws a punch at his head. Dark managed to dodge the attack, despite his surprise, and retaliated with his own punch. Goten easily dodged it and moved back a few steps. Dark leapt at Goten with a jump-kick, but Goten blocked it with one arm and punches Dark with the other, sending him skidding across the ring a few feet.

Amara licked her lips. "Dark is toying with Goten."

Dark got back on his feet. "Don't look so smug, Goten. I was simply testing you." He raised his hands above his head and forms a large black ki blast in the air. Goten took a stance and watched. Dark launched the attack as soon as he finished it. Goten held his hands in front of him and when the ki blast made contact, it caused him to skid back. He struggled to hold the blast but soon gave up and phased out. He reappeared at a safe place in the ring. The ki blast headed toward the audience and there was a collective gasp. The barrier shook as the blast collided with it and darkness filled the ring for a moment as the energy dispersed.

"Ha!" CP exclaimed. "I knew the barrier was a good idea!"

"Kewl!!" I stated.

"Wouldn't have been so kewl if it had been Goten instead of the barrier," Amara smirked as I paled.

"Gee thanks."

Goten looked over at Dark who was grinning. "How did you like that attack, hmmm?" Dark asked.

Goten growled. A moment later, Dark's foot connected with his stomach, sending Goten backwards. Before he hit the floor, Dark was there and kicked him again, sending him up into the air. Dark smirked as he waited for Goten to hit the floor. Goten appeared behind him and kicked him in the side of the head. Dark stumbled and turned on Goten. Their bodies became a blur as they started throwing a flurry of fast punches and kicks. Goten hit the ground forming a crater in the floor and Dark lands softly in the ring a moment later.

"Ouch," Sarrow commented. "That had to hurt."

Goten climbed out of the hole and faced Dark. "I have to say that I'm surprised, Dark."

Dark growled. "You should have known, fool."

"Ooo, cut downs," Raditz said with a smirk.

Goten smiled and powered up to Super Saiyan two.

"Whoa!!" I yelled. "I didn't know he could do that!"

Dark laughed. "No amount of power you can muster will save you from me. You're going to lose. . . It is inevitable."

Goten Levitated into the air and brought his hands to his hip. "Kaaameeehaaameee-HA!!"

Dark laughed and watched it approach him. He held up one finger and ran head-on into the blast. We all blinked in confusion. The blast separated were Dark's finger met it. When he was in front of Goten, he kicked him in the side of his head.

"Owwie," I stated.

Goten went skidding across the ring yet one more time. The struggled to get his elbows behind him and sat up a little. Dark laughed and crossed his arms over his chest. Little did hi know, Goten was still in control of the Kamehameha wave and turned it around. At the last moment, Dark turned his head and was hit with the wave from behind.

"Ye-ouch!" I said for him.

The arena was filled with light and when it cleared, Dark was lying prone on the stone floor and Goten had gotten to his feet. Dark lifted his body from the ground slowly. "You...you. . ." Goten smirked.

"Damn you!!" Dark screamed as he fired rapid ki blasts in Goten's direction. Goten did his best to dodge the blasts. This attack was awfully uncoordinated because Dark was too angry to be thinking clearly. Dark lost sight of Goten and lowered his hands. His chest was heaving.

He scanned the ring for Goten. He frowned and then smiled when he felt his opponent s ki approaching him. He turned and caught Goten s fist in his hand. Goten pulled back and came at him again. Dark dodged the punch and grabbed Goten s arm. He threw Goten across the ring, but Goten was able to gain control of his body and land lightly on the floor.

There was a moment of stillness in the ring. Dark met Goten s eyes and then rushed at him. Again they were interlocked in a bout of lightning fast kicks, punches and energy blasts. Dark spotted an opening and took advantage of it.

He caught Goten on the side of the head with a right hook. Goten was knocked off balance a little and took a step to the side. Dark followed up by attempting a punch with his left, but Goten was able to block it. Dark planted his right fist into his stomach.

Goten s eyes widened and he fell to one knee. Dark kicked him in the face and he fell backwards onto the floor. Dark begin kicking Goten savagely in the ribs. Goten screamed as the force of the last kick sent him rolling across this ring.

Dark crossed his arms and looked at Goten, satisfied.

Goten wearily rolled onto his stomach and got his arms underneath him. He lifted himself off the ground. His mouth filled with blood and he spat it out. He heard Dark approaching him, preparing to launch his next ki blast. Goten tried desperately to get to his feet, but found that his body didn t want to respond to him.

The blast met Goten at almost point black. When the smoke cleared, Dark spotted Goten collapsed on the floor, unmoving.

 Well that was easy, Dark said. He turned to the audience and they applauded him. Dark raised his arms into the air and grinned.

CP stood at the edge of the ring near Goten and frowned. She raised the microphone and spoke into it.  It s not over yet.

When the audience had realized what she has said, they fell silent. Goten had begun to get to his feet.

 Impossible, Dark cried.  He should be. . . He shook his head.

Goten was unstable on his feet. He wiped away the blood that was trickling from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.  Guess I m not as easy to beat as you originally thought.

Dark snarled at him.

 Remember, Dark, CP said.  You can t kill your opponent. And after one man falls, I ll give him thirty seconds to get up. If he doesn t his adversary will win.

Dark and Goten agreed to this. CP stepped away from the ring and nodded, signaling them to continue the fight.

Dark smiled.  Goten, don t worry, I m ready to end this fight.


 Yes, and I ll be nice. This last attack will knock you out and you won t have to be slowly beaten anymore.

 You re so generous, Goten said, sarcastically.

 I know, he said, either not catching the sarcasm or deciding to ignore it.

Dark closed his eyes and his dark electricity-like ki crackled around his body. His arms shot up, palms up. Two red ki blasts flared to life in his palms. When the blasts had become considerably large, they merged into one big one.

Lightning illuminated the arena and struck the floor of the ring. Goten stepped back. The lightning struck again, but this time it connected with Dark s body. Goten gasped, but the lightning didn t seem to be affecting him at all. In fact it seemed to be making him stronger.

CP raised the microphone.  It looks like Dark has summoned the lightning to him and is using it to increase the strength of his blast. She paused and thought for a moment.  I m going to allow this.

Goten stood his ground. ~What am I going to do,~ he thought.

Dark opened his eyes and smiled at Goten.  It ends here. He threw the blast and Goten found the energy to phase out. He re-appeared at a different place in the ring. He looked up and saw the blast change directions and head for him again.

Goten cursed. ~It s a homing blast. I don t think I have enough energy left to outrun that thing or make a ki blast to suppress it.~ He looked at Dark who was looking quite amused. Goten narrowed his eyes. ~I only have one chance.~

Goten rushed at Dark, surprising him. He came at Dark with a few punches that were all blocked.

 Fool, have you forgotten about the ki blast I sent after you?

Goten didn t stop attacking. Dark was able to block every one of his attacks with ease and grinned. Dark grabbed Goten s neck and levitated into the air. He hovered in the air with Goten s back facing the ki blast.

 Accept your fate, Goten, he said, laughing.

The blast was almost upon them. Goten gagged and tried desperately to get free of Dark s grasp. Suddenly, Goten stopped struggling and met Dark s eyes. A small smile played across his lips and Dark stopped laughing and frowned, slightly.

Goten phased out, leaving Dark hovering alone in the air. Dark only had a second before the blast hit him. He didn t even have time to register what was going on. Searing pain tore through Dark s body and his screams filled the arena. Dark felt as if his body was going to be torn apart. He closed his eyes against the light.

Goten appeared elsewhere in the ring. ~I can t believe I pulled that off perfectly.~ He sighed and fell to his knees.

When the blast collided with Dark it created a wave of power that shook the barrier. CP was thrown into the barrier because she had been near the ring. The room was filled with red light.

When the light cleared, the audience unshielded their eyes and took in the scene. Goten was still on his knees. Dark was lying supine in the ring. There was a moment of stunned silence.

CP had gotten to her feet and was unharmed. She stepped into the ring.  If he doesn t get up by the time I count down from thirty, he will lose. She began to count down.

At fifteen Dark stirred and lifted his upper body off the floor, supporting himself on his elbows. CP stopped counting and stepped out of the ring.

 Shit, Goten said, watching him stand.

Dark had struggled to his feet and looked down at Goten. He swayed on his feet and managed to glare at Goten. Goten looked back and knew that if Dark came at him again it was all over.

Dark s eyes fluttered shut and he fell forward onto the floor. Goten s eyes widened as he looked at his foe is disbelief.

CP climbed into the ring again and went over to Dark. She knelt beside him and moments later looked up at Goten, wide-eyed.

 He s out cold, she said.  Goten, he s not going to be getting up anytime soon. You re& the winner.

She got to her feet and went to Goten. She helped him to stand and announced into the microphone that he was the winner. The audience broke into applause.

I shrieked and leapt to my feet. I wiggled my nose and teleported next to Goten. I reached into my pocket, pulled out a sensu bean, and gave it to him. He ate it and was instantly healed. He stood up and smiled at me. I grinned at him in response. Then he grabbed me around the waist and kissed me roughly and thoroughly.

As we were kissing, CP had healed and awakened Dark. Dark got to his feet and walked over to us growling. Goten pulled away and held me close, but slightly behind him as Dark approached. When Dark reached us he glared at Goten for a moment then sighed and reached out to shake Goten's hand. Goten took it.

"You put up a good fight and you won fairly. Not bad, for a fool," he suddenly smirked. Then turned around to leave. As he was passing CP he stopped and gave a quick glance and a smirk to Sarrow. Dark grabbed CP around the waist and gave her a very thorough kiss. Her eyes widened, but didn't have time to respond before we all heard Sarrow's enraged roar and Dark's laughter as he let her go and disappeared.

Goten smiled and watched as Sarrow lept down from his seat in the stands and rushed over to CP, growling and snarling possessively. We watched, amused, as CP tried her hardest to calm him down and finally just grabbed him by his hair and kiss him in order to shut him up.

Goten turned to me and ran a finger down my cheek, getting my attention on him instead of the hilarious couple. He smiled at me lightly, then pulled me against him and growled into my ear, "You're mine!"

"Yes, love," I answered as he licked my neck. "I'm all your's." He kissed me again as all of our friends came rushing down to congratulate him.

"How about we get out of here?" he asked me suggestively.

"I thought you'd never ask," I said, and teleported us home.

<<<<<<<<<<>>>>& gt;>>>>>

A/N: :CP: ~dances happily~ YAY!!! It's done!!

:Rosie: And done very well; if I do say so myself.

:CP: I hope you guys had as much fun reading it, as we had writing it!

:Rosie: ~nods head in agreement and wraps her arms around Goten's neck~ hehe! We'll see you guys in the funny papers! We're looking forward to your reviews. And for those of you reading my story "College Life in the Real World"; I'm still taking in people for it, so if you haven't already emailed me asking me to put you in it, DO SO! ~giggles~ See ya 'round! ~she and Goten disappears~

:CP: Since we're giving plug-ins for other stories: go and read my fic "Alter Ego" to learn about Dark. ~waves then wraps her arms around Sarrow~ Bye!! ~they disappear.~

PS: MysticRose's email is Revie2503@yahoo.com incase you guys have forgotten.