Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Guardians ❯ Chapter 2: The Water Guardian ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own any DBZ characters because those bastards won't give them to me. Damn it. Well I don't own them so don't sue... Please don't sue me.

Author's note: Bulma's mommy is named Bunny because that is what they call her in the show, also she is not a ditz or extremely stupid. Oh, by the way `' this means that someone is thinking. And I did kill someone off for you, just like I promised and I am being vague for a reason in the prolouge, okay. Thank you for the reviews they have been very supportive.

Chapter 2

The Water Guardian

Bulma sighed as she walked into "her" clearing and started to pace. She just had her heritage rudely insulted by the egotistical Narcissus. `How dare he? That Putz had no right to say what he did!'

She powered up slightly as she paced through her quiet clearing. Suddenly a voice broke through the silence.

"Calm down, Child."

"This is bullshit and you know it! Why do we put up with these people?" Shouted a livid Bulma, "Well tell me mother, Why?"

Bunny looked sympathetically at her daughter. She understood, being looked down on and considered bizarre all because of her bloodline. `Poor child' Bunny thought as she made her way to her daughter, `she's too strong for her own good.'

Bulma stopped pacing and sat down with her face in her hands. Bunny put her hand on her shoulder and bent down to be at eye level with her daughter.

"Bulma, my little blue angel, please look at me. We put up with them because it is my destiny to do so. I'm sorry, you should not be subjected to this humiliation, it is not your destiny but it is mine.'

"It is you destiny to be ridiculed and looked down on. Fuck that, you want to know what fuck them too!" Yelled Bulma her voice ripping with disdain.

Bunny winced at her daughter's outburst.

"Child I understand but you cannot have these prejudices, they will get in the way," Bunny said this slowly as she reached in her small, plain, brown, leather pouch, that hung about her waist, and took out a suede necklace with a glowing blue stone on it. "Your prejudices will get in the way of your destiny."

She put the necklace around Bulma's neck and turned to face her only child.

"You are the Water Guardian and will help defeat the Evil, which plagues the universe. I love you, my child. Don't let those people hurt you. You are stronger then them and they will soon find out why. Please forgive them for they do not yet understand." With that Bunny kissed her daughter on the forehead and walked back towards the village.

Bulma stared at her mother as she walked away, then looked at her stone and frowned. `Does she know something I don't'


Vegeta sat alone in his quarters, lost in his thoughts. `There is something down there waiting for me. I know it.'

A knock at the door gave him a temporary reprieve from his paranoia.

"Prince Vegeta, we will be landing in a few minutes and everyone has been called down to the main dock." Called Nappa through the door.

Vegeta snorted, "Fine I am coming." He said as he got up and walked through his door."

Nappa, Raditiz, and himself made their way down to the main deck.

They arrived just as the shop landed.

Once they got there Akie was giving orders. "Everyone shut-up! We will be starting the purging in the south and work our way up towards the north, Understand. Oh before I forget Monkeys you are supposed to catch a kitten so good luck. They are extremely fast and you are going to need every bit of luck you can get." He said shooting a vindictive smirk Vegeta's way.

Vegeta snorted `bull-shit.'

"Any questions," said as he looked around threateningly, "or asinine remarks. Good let's go!"

"Wait I have a question," Vegeta said walking towards Akie until he was nose to nose with him, "Who said you get to go?" He was unable to keep the sinister smirk from gracing his visage, as he watched the warrior in front of him turn five shades of red.

"What did you day to me Short-Shit?"

Immediately, Akie knew that he had mane a mistake as the smirk slowly disappeared from Vegeta's face, he slowly backed up fear evident in his eyes.

Vegeta slowly raised his hand enjoying the look of fear on the man's face as he faced his impending doom. Then without a word he fired a Ki blast right at the poor sap's head, blasting it into billions of pieces.

Smirking at his handy work, he turned to the other soldiers, "Any other takers," no-one came forward. "I thought so, we will be starting in the north where the strongest powers are coming from, if there are any strong warriors there they won't die when we start fighting them now will they." With that said Vegeta turned on his heel, stepped over Akie's dead body, and as he walked out the door he called back to the stunned soldiers, "have someone clean that mess up before I get back. Now move your asses."


It's kinda short but they will get longer (I hope). Well I can guarantee you this my next chapter will be very bloody but touching and lots of people will be dieing. I don't know why but this is going to be a bit of a dark fic. Oh, If you like dark fics you have got to read, Salvaged Soul, Soothed Capture. I don't remember who is writing it (sure as hell is not me) but it's really good so go read it. Please Review my Fic for me! Okay, I think that is everything, Bye-bye for now!