Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Guardians ❯ Chapter 3: The Battle ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own it and never will. So suing me will be a waste of money all you will get are my most comfortable pair of jeans and I need those! So let me give you some advice save your money for a real lawsuit.

I want to thank you all very much for the reviews. I hope you enjoy this chapter it took me awhile to get it out there but now it is so enjoy.

Chapter 3

The Battle

Vegeta flew until the village came into sight and then he stopped, his scouter picked up one rather strong Ki in the forest but the rest were nothing special, compared to him at least. An evil smirk returned to his face, his own blood lust boiled up inside him tempting him to destroy the entire village with a single blast. He resisted he was going to have fun killing those warriors, getting as much delight out of killing them as possible. Vegeta floated there and savored the pinnacle moment before destruction but a small voice in the back of his head scolded him for enjoying such a sick pastime. He pushed the annoying little voice into the back of his mind and continued his flight towards his unsuspecting victims.

He and his troops flew to the small city; the villagers were stunned when they saw the miniature army.

Nappa floated there and yelled down to the Neko-jin, "Hello, little kittens we've come to take your warriors and kill the rest of you!"

Vegeta sneered, "Shut up, Nappa."

An older woman stepped forward; away form the rabble below. She had blond hair, blue eyes, and a long dagger that fell to about her knee. She was thin with an acrobatic look about her and by the way she moved you could tell she was a very wise and talented fighter. She stood there for a moment and observed the small army above her. Then with a small but very clear voice she spoke.

"You do not know what you are about to fight, I suggest that you go back to Frieza. Oh, and once you get there warn him that his demise is very near."

Everyone in the air was stunned, how could this little woman with a relatively small Ki threaten not only them, but also Frieza himself.

Before any one in the army could recover, one of the Neko-jin yelled at the woman, "Bunny you stupid bitch! Do you not realize what you just did?"

"Calm down child there is nothing to fear..."

She was cut off, "shut up! Just shut up you are as stupid as your dumb ass daughter! You just declared war on Frieza. Are you insane? Look who I am talking to, the `Elemental Child'. We don't need your help so get the fuck out of here. Now!"

"Narcissus, I will not leave. There are many destinies to be fulfilled today at this battleground and I will not leave. You may not value my words but by the time the day is over you and everyone else except for my daughter will be dead. Knowing that why don't you draw you sword and die with something you don't normally have. Honor!"

Vegeta laughed an evil laugh and told her, "You are almost entirely correct but your daughter will die with the rest of you. My condolences, Bunny."

"We shall see, yes, we shall see."

Then Vegeta launched himself at the throng below him, he picked one up and broke his neck before flying back up in the air and throwing blast after blast at the ever diminishing group of fighters killing both the Neko-jin and many of Freeza's own elite.


Bulma sat alone in her in her clearing thinking about what her mother said and staring into her glowing sapphire blue necklace that hung about her neck.

`What did she mean? I just don't get her sometimes, I swear that women knows way more than she lets on.'

As she was sitting there a Ki blast tore through the forest landing a few yards away form her clearing. `A Ki blast! What's going on?' With that she got up and flew as fast as she could towards her home trying to save the very people who alienated her and her mother.

When she arrived at the village dead bodies littered the ground just by making a passing glance; she saw the bodies of a few of the women and one very familiar face.

"Lave! My goodness child what happened to you?" Bulma tried to find a pulse but she could find none. She knelt down and closed the dead child's frightened eyes for the last time. Bulma stood with a new and renewed sense of hate, except this time it was towards those who had killed an innocent little child.

"I'm sorry was she one of yours?" Asked a mocking voice from above.

"You? You did this? You would kill and innocent child and then joke about it?"

The warrior smirked and nodded.

"Fine, my name is Bulma remember it well because it will be the last name you will ever learn," Bulma said venomously.

"Really, well Bulma, My name is Nappa and I am very unimpressed with your little speech. If you really want to avenge the little brat death, come and get me beautiful."

"Gladly." With that Bulma drew her sword and attacked the over confident Nappa.


The fight raged on all day, the Neko-jin were dropping like flies but the small army Frieza sent wasn't doing much better. By the end of the day only the Sayians and two Neko-jin remained the rest were slaughtered.

"Nappa, stop playing with the pretty little cat and come over here now!" Vegeta shouted.

"Fine, Prince Vegeta." Nappa huffed as he hit Bulma down to the ground a few feet from her wounded mother.

"Remember you idiot that we were supposed to bring back the strongest warriors and these two were the only who have survived, well one survived the blond one will die very soon at the looks of it." Vegeta shouted maliciously at Nappa, as he flew the best he could, to where Vegeta and Raddiz were standing.


Bulma moaned as she rolled over, then she saw her mother. Bunny was a bloody mess, one of her arms was broken and it looked as though she was in a lot of pain.

"Mother? Mother, are you all right?" Bulma asked as she crawled towards her.

"Bulma, Bulma darling," she looked at her daughter and smiled weakly, "hello child. You

Look a bit tired, will you be all right?"

"Mother, what are you talking about, will you be all right? You look horrible."

Bunny chuckled a bit and started to cough up blood.

"My child, my little baby, does not worry about me. This is my destiny, I must die in this battle and you will live on and survive." Bunny reached down to her waist and handed the little brown bag to Bulma, "this is yours now. Find the others, bring them together and kill the evil one. But above all always remember that I love you and will always be with you."

Bulma started to cry, "What are you saying? You just got a little beat up you'll be fine and you can't die I can't find them without you. Please. Please don't leave me."

"I ma so sorry, love. G.o.o.d.b.y.e." were Bunny's dying words. Bulma cried even harder and held her mother closer as she sat there. After a few minutes Bulma put her mother on the scorched ground and kissed her forehead for the last time. Then she looked in the small bag and took out a necklace with a black stone on it. The stone was glowing.

"No, not one of them."

*Smirks* I gave you guys a cliffhanger this is probably my most emotional chapter, yet. I'll try to get the next one up soon. Please review and tell me what you think. Oh, by the way I won't leave you on cliffhangers often, anyway.