Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Hanzoku ❯ The Betreyals ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
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ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Disclaimer: I own Chees, Beenu, Kobe, and a few others. ThatÕs all, though.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ AuthorÕs notes: To read this fic, there are a few basic Japanese words you should know:


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ&E circ;ÊÊÊÊÊÊ -san = Mr., Miss, Mrs., etc.

ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ&E circ;ÊÊÊÊÊÊ -sama = Lord, Lady, Dear, etc.

-chan = Used on girls that you are familiar with, boys to tease, or young children.

ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ&E circ;ÊÊÊÊÊÊ -kun = used on younger boys.

ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ&E circ;ÊÊÊÊÊÊ Wakusei = Planet

ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ&E circ;ÊÊÊÊÊÊ Chikyuu-jin = Human

ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ&E circ;ÊÊÊÊÊÊ Wakusei Chikyuu = Earth

ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ&E circ;ÊÊÊÊÊÊ Saiya-jin = inhabitant of Vegita.

ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ&E circ;ÊÊÊÊÊÊ Wakusei Vegita = Planet Vegita

ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ&E circ;ÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ojichan = uncle

ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ&E circ;ÊÊÊÊÊÊ Itoto = (younger) brother

ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ&E circ;ÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÔNeechan = (older) sister



ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Thanks to my reviewers for the positive feedback. A few notesÉ


1.ÊÊÊ Trunks and Bra are demi Saiya-jin; there will be more on that later.

2.ÊÊÊ Glad that none of you whined about the Vegita / Bra characterization, bußt then I also guess it hasnÕt really appeared yetÉ

3.ÊÊÊ Someone asked about agesÉwell, to be quite honest I hadnÕt planned them out. They are about Ð


Goten Ð early to mid twenties.

Trunks Ð early to mid twenties, but a year older then Goten.

Pan Ð Sixteen to Seventeen.

Bra Ð Sixteen

Marron (when she appears) Ð Early twenties to late teens.

Uub (when he appears) Ð Seventeen









ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ The royal family was large, and never to be trusted. Not even a full-blooded Saiya-jin would dare to cross them, and a demi had no chance whatsoever. King Vegita had killed his own father at the age of eighteen to ascend to the throne, and instead of taking a mate from one of the Saiya-jin noblewomen or warriors, he had instead established a bit of a brothel for himself, collecting five women from both Wakusei Vegita and Wakusei Chikyuu to ÔserveÕ in it. As a result, he had several sons and daughters Ð all half siblings and all as bad as theiÝr father.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ There was even rumor that he had a few demi children himself, but since they were royalty no one was able to make an investigation, and even if they were demi it wouldnÕt matter because you could not cross the royal family. They were above the law, in everything they did simply because they were the strongest. Even the five concubine limit had no effect on King Vegita, who would simply make the girl in question a gift to one of his sons and then she would somehow end up as the KingÕs anyways.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Or even worse, his sonÕs and his own. It wasnÕt something any one wanted or looked forwards to, but it always seemed to happen anyways. No one dared to oppose the royal family enough to even mention the fact, let alone do something about it. With these facts, someone might think that the rebel army would be much larger, but most Saiya-jin were too stupid to want change, or were happy with their lives as they were.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ So maybe it was irony Õthat GotenÕs deal had played out like it had.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Pan was sitting on a small and uncomfortable bed with her legs curled up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. She had tucked her head down between her knees, and had her eyes shut tightly to devote her full concentration on hearing.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÒI donÕt care what happens to me, itÕs the girl I want to make a deal over.Ó


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ She had been given to the eldest prince, the only one that did not have long chains of rumor following him. He kept to himself, and that just made her feel worse. Why, in a family filled with people who could do whatever they wanted, would the crown prince keep to himself if he didnÕt have anything wrong with him? He might be cruel, a sadistÉhe could be into torture and bondageÉthe things that wouldnÕt leave people behind to spread rumors.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÒSee, sheÕs quite young Ð she hasnÕt even reached mating age yet. But she will. In about a month, in fact.Ó


ÊÊÊÊÊÊ©ÊÊ Something unusual about Pan was that she would reach her mating age at the same time the moon would grow half full Ð a time of mating because of instinctive reasons Ð the pregnancy of a Saiya-jin female was six months, and if impregnated on the half moon her child would be old enough to turn Oozaru on the full. For Pan to reach her birthday on a day that was also a half moon was something many males enjoyed, for she would be young and untouched (a rarity) and would be brought into heat by the moon.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÒYou will trade the girl for your freedom?Ó


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÒNo, not at all. I will give her to you if you promise to keep her alive until the moon has grown over half full. You can kill me, I donÕt care.Ó


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ It was a tempting offer, and King Vegita hadnÕt refused. He had read GotenÕs sentence Ð to be placed in a space pod that would be routed directly into the sun Ð and then Pan was taken to a room where •she was outfitted in some gauzy dress-like costume and placed in a room where she was informed the crown prince would be ÔvisitingÕ her.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ She had cried for hours, until she found herself out of tears. She had thrown a tantrum then, but that had done nothing. The door wasnÕt locked, but Pan couldnÕt bring herself to just leave Ð who knew what was out that door, or what males wouldnÕt take advantage of a girl dressed in a concubineÕs clothing, walking around lost?


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ The door creaked, and Pan started, clutching her arms tighter around her body to protect herself. Nothing happened, and Pan begun to relax again. She didnÕt know how long sheÕd been in the bedroom, and she didnÕt know how much longer it would be, beforeÉAge was just a technicality, and it didnÕt really make a difference if she was a month too young, especially to the royal family.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Why had Goten betrayed her§ like this? Pan loved him, more then anything else Ð her best friend and her uncle, role model and sensei. But he had traded her for a reduced sentenceÉrerouting one space pod was easy, and Pan was sure someone would be on the task already. Preoccupied with her, the King was unlikely to care much if Goten was banished as opposed to killed.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Goten had effectively sacrificed her to escape, but instead of anger Pan only felt grief. BetrayedÉ Pan had never expected to experience that feeling, let alone caused by her blood.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÒItÕs not fairÉÓ She mumbled into her legs. ÒGotenÉÓ








ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Chees had heard the sentence as well as anybody, and when he heard what GotenÕs punishment was, he had known what to do. Goten had probably figured that someone in the rebel troops, be it Chees or someone else, would be watching, and Chees also knew he had just been presented with¾ two different ways to save Goten and Pan.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ PanÕs escape would be simpler; Chees had a month to prepare for it, at a minimum. The royal family rarely, if ever, kept their promises but Chees was sure that the offer was too good for the King to resist. Pan was a pretty girl, after all. It would be simple, getting in to the palace Ð maybe as a guard, Chees already had the uniform Ð and taking her out of it.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ GotenÕs would be a bit more difficult, but not impossible. Ships could be rerouted; he only had to go in the direction of the sun Ð not into it. Chees could find a planet where Goten could lie low easily enough, and he could also find a hacker to change the route too.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Chees didnÕt feel good about this entire situation, but considering half an hour an ago Goten and Pan had been en route to death, it was pretty good after all.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ He turned another page in his book. As soon as he could, he had leftÜ the throne room to find out what other planets could Goten be sent to safely. He had found the answer in a tourist-y shop by the spaceport, filled with travel guides and books on nearby planets. He was right now looking at an Atlas type book, and had just noted down the planet Computaa, known for its advanced technology and high tech equipment. It was a good place for a Saiya-jin to blend in, most thought Saiya-jin were too stupid for high tech equipment and machinery. As a bonus, Compu-jin were tall and dark haired Ð Goten would blend in well.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÒExcuse me sir, may I help you?Ó A young clerk had been watching Chees warily as he read the books without looking like he was buying, and now it seemed she was going to ask him of his intentions.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÒAh, sorry.Ó Chees said, shutting the book quickly. ÒIÕm going on a vacation, and I was just looking at the possibilities. IÕll buy this book, please.Ó


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ She led him to the counter, her brown hair swishing behind her. In fact, all of her coloring was wrong for a Saiya-jin, too light and delicate. Her nametag said her name was Beenu, a common girlÕs name of Wakusei Vegita, but Chees wonderedÉ


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÒSixteen zeni.Ó Beenu said, placing the book in a bag. ÒHave a nice trip, sir.Ó


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Chees counted out the money and placed it on the counter. ÒIf you donÕt mind me asking, what species are you?Ó The question wasnÕt nearly as ruse as it seemed, with over a thousand different species of alien known to the Saiya-jin, and with the shop so close to a space port.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÒI am seventy-five percent Saiya-jin, sir, and fifteen percent Komo-jin.Ó Beenu replied casually, with a slight shrug. Komo-jin were a neutral species that had been allied with the Saiya-jin for hundreds of years. Most people would have nodded and walked away, but Chees had worked on a transport ship when he was younger· and knew his aliens better then most.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÒWhatÕs the other ten percent?Ó He asked, picking up his bag. ÒKomo-jin do not have dark hair, not even light browns, yet you do.Ó


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Beenu looked like she had been slapped. ÒGood DAY, sir.Ó She said, and glared at him until he left the store.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ He walked until he saw a bench on the side of the road, and sat down on it. Overhead, Saiya-jin were flying and around him they were walking. It was a good place to blend in, with so many busy people it would be hard to keep track of someone without being noticed. He tossed the bag to the side, taking the atlas out again. Cheesopened it at random to a page in the middle, but his eyes widened at the planet depicted on it. Right direction, reasonable distance, massive blend-in factorÉChees grinned. Goten was going to Wakusei Chikyuu.







ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ It was at least another hour before anything Ãhappened. Pan was still curled up on the bed, and by that time was almost dosing, when she heard footsteps, and then a door opening. It wasnÕt her door, that is, it wasnÕt the door leading out of her little room, but it sounded like it was an adjacent roomÕs door. Anything was suspicious to her, anything at all after hours that felt like days of sitting alone and scared.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Pan found herself trying to remember the layout of the area around her room. She had been struggling a great deal, and had been half way in hysterics Ð not good conditions for paying attention. She couldnÕt remember, now, if the door to her room led to the hallway or to a larger room. It could be either, Pan was fairly sure that she had been dragged through at least one room between hallways.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ More footsteps. They were heavy, probably male, and Pan suddenly wished she had spent her time planning something as opposed to sitting and crying. Uncle would have ×had a great plan by now; heÕd probably have already escaped Ð if he were ever in a situation like this, anyways. Under other circumstances, Pan would have laughed at the mental image, but now she couldnÕt even seem to smile.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Again, the thought of GotenÕs betrayal struck her, and Pan fought away tears.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ She needed a plan, but had frozen somehow. She slowly crept her hand out from around her knees, and slowly dropped them down. They were stiff, she had hardly moved in the past hours. She looked around the room to convince herself once more she was alone, and relaxed. She cracked her knuckles, a habit or hers, and let out a breath. Now, she just had to find something to use as a weapon.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Pan knew she was safe Ð for now at least Ð in her room, and so she didnÕt bother with escape plans. She wanted a weapon. The room was small, containing only a bed and a wooden chair. She sat on the floor and looked under the bed, which was dusty. Woodåen slats held up the mattress on the bed Ð if broken off, Pan decided, one of the slats would make a decent weapon. She crawled under the bed. It was a tight fit, the demi kept choking on the dust and the bed was too low to allow her to breath in fully. Pan managed to grab one end of the rightmost slat, however, and yanked it off at the edge.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ She then managed to turn herself around and crawl out from under the bed. The slatÕs other edge could be grabbed by sitting by the foot of the bed, so Pan wiped her face and crawled over to the bedÕs foot, where she reached with her hand under the bed to find the already loosened slat. Pan was in the middle of pulling it out when the door opened.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÒSorry, sorry. I completely forgot . . .Ó The newcomer blinked, finding that the girl that had been given to him was sitting on the floor, grabbing something out from under the bed. Ò . . . That you were here.Ó He finished weakly.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Pan had frozen in place the secÜond the door had opened. She didnÕt know whether she should try to attack the man with her slat, or if she should . . . should what? Stay still and not put up the slightest fight while the guy (royal family guy, letÕs not forget that) did . . . whatever he wanted with her?


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Pan decided that she had to do something. She caught herself thinking the standard, ÔWhat would Goten doÉÕ but cut herself off. Pan would think of her own plan. She thought she could probably manage to hit the man with the slat; the only problem was that she didnÕt seem to be able to move. Paralyzed with fear, an easy target for the Prince.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÒUm.Ó The man said, sounding more confused then anything else. ÒWhat are you doing?Ó


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Pan swallowed. She had to do something, if she wanted to escape. She wasnÕt stupid, she knew this would her best chance and she even knew what she should do to escape. The problem was that she lacked the bravery to do so. That was the case with everything, from a fight to a bee Ð Pan would simply freeze up and let whatever that could happen, happen.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ She had to do something . . . she would do something. Pan took a deep breath, slowly to procrastinate a little. Holding her breath, too afraid to remember to let it out, Pan yanked at the slat and felt it come lose in her hand. Standing quickly, she raised the flat wooden board up above her head, bringing it down at the manÕs.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ His reaction was quick, his arm up to protect his face in an instant. The wood hit, and broke into two fragmented pieces. Pan froze again, not sure of what to do now that her plan had so obviously failed. She would be punished worse now, if worse was possible. Why had Goten betrayed her like this?


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ The man was startled as well. Pan found herself staring at him, wide eyed in fear, but at the same time taking in his appearance. He was tall, far tallerÌ then her, with short hair of a definite purple color. His eyes were blue, but despite his strange coloring his tail was the normal brown color. Looking off on his face were his features, sharp nose and frowning eyes that gave him away as a member of the royal family Ð a strange looking one, yes, but royalty none the less.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ A thought struck Pan suddenly, and her fear surged back up her chest. He was the crown prince, the one that she had been given to . . . not the servant Pan had counted on facing.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ His arm seemed to have splinters sticking into a small wound caused by the slat, something Pan took mild pride in. It wasnÕt only that she had managed to injure one of the royal family, but also that she know had something to go by in escaping Ð a potential weak spot on her ownerÕs body.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÒYou ÐÒ The prince said, still looking surprised but managing to be angry as well. He lowered his arm Ð it had still been frozen before hiðs face Ð without even looking at it, and raised his other in a fist.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Pan froze, something that was becoming a trend with her. All her little plans for escaping, for not having to . . . do . . . the things she had been given to the prince for went flying out of her head.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Flying out of her head the way she flew a short distance in the air, once she had received the princeÕs punch. She landed halfway on the bed, her legs draped over the side onto the floor and her head bent awkwardly against the metal of the headboard. He was fast; she had never seen the attack coming.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÒDonÕt you ever do that to me!Ó He spat, still standing where he had been. ÒUnderstand?Ó


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Pan couldnÕt bring herself to speak, 
or even nod. Why couldnÕt she think before she acted? Think rationally before she acted? And now Ð she was actually lying on the bed, practically waiting for the prince to Ð to . . .


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ She hadnÕt meant to, and was perfectly aware of how pitiful it made her seem, but Pan whimpered, and then started to cry. ÒD-don-Ò She said, not able to summon the courage to speak louder or finish the word.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Somehow, it took the Saiya-jin off guard. ÒYou Ð all right?Ó He said awkwardly, his temper vanishing in an instant. ÒI mean Ð you Ð arenÕt, but ÐÒ


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Pan wasnÕt sure how it had happened, the princeÕs personality change, but she wasnÕt going to argue it. Instead, she kept crying, hoping that maybe it would be the key to getting her out of this situation
. It wasnÕt hard to summon up things to cry about Ð the Ôwhat ifÕ was enough to keep her going for hours.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÒI d-donÕt want to!Ó


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÒWant?Ó The prince sounded vaguely confused.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÒI donÕt want you toÉÓ Pan whispered, curling herself into a tight ball.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ There was a short, tense pause. If Pan had been able to see the crown princeÕs face, she would have seen the confusion, then embarrassment that crossed it.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÒOh.Ó He said finally. ÒThat.Ó


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Pan began to cry harder. The last thing she had wanted to do was remind him of what she had been given to him for!


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ The demi suddenly felt a weight on the bed beside her. The prince had sat down.


ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Pan was doomed.






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