Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter Z and the Sorcerer's Stone ❯ Harry's Letter ( Chapter 4 )
Harry's Letter
There Piers stood in the middle of the corridor of the reptile house with his fists up. Harry stood with his fists clenching at his waist, glaring at Piers through his glasses. Dudley stood next to Harry, oblivious to what is going on right behind him. Mr. and Mrs. Dursley were the same but across the exhibit house, talking to some neighbors that happened to be there.
Piers ran towards Harry and swung his fist with all that he could put forth into it. He met with air, as within a blink of an eye, Harry was gone. Surprised, Piers turned around to see Harry behind him, in the middle of the corridor. Angered even more, Piers launched at Harry once again, swinging his fists at Harry with all of his might. Harry dodged them all to what it seemed to be with ease. Harry again vanished and reappeared behind Piers, making him fall off balanced from his last punch.
"Why can't I hit you!" yelled Piers.
"For starters, you keep your eyes closed when you swing," said Harry smirking back at Piers, "next you may want to learn how to throw a punch properly."
"SHUT UP POTTER!" yelled Piers, enraged by Harry taunting him. He lunged forth again at him and again Harry vanished and reappeared but this time he was right next to Piers. Harry elbowed Piers in the back hard enough to make him fly into Dudley from behind. The force was so strong that the railing broke and the plexie-glass window shattered. The two boys were thrown into the small snake pool inside its exhibit. Piers was unconscious and Dudley was crying for his mother. The snake however, slithered its way out of the cell and outside the reptile house. Some of people that witnessed the fight were in awe, seeing a young boy put so much power in a single blow was simply unheard of. Others were yelling that the snake was loose and started panicking.
Mr. and Mrs. Dursley ran up to see what the commotion was, and as soon as Mrs. Dursley saw her Dudley- Poo in the snake's exhibit, covered in water, crying, she began to panic too. Mr. Dursley, however, looked right at Harry with his face growing redder every second. Harry stood there, waiting, his hands down and relaxed, his face staring straight at the exhibit in amazement. He has never fought before in his life, then he knew that he was in trouble for what he did, there was no doubt in his mind. Even he didn't do it, he thought to himself, he would have gotten blamed for it anyhow. Mr. Dursley stormed over to Harry.
"What have you done, boy!" asked Mr. Dursley in a restrained voice. "Would you believe, nothing?" said Harry asked with a little bit of hope in his voice. Harry spent the next several weeks locked in his cupboard. He was only allowed to come out when he needed to use the bathroom, to do his chores, and to eat his one meal a day, school was already over with for the summer. The peace and quiet he received by being put in his cupboard was actually relaxing for a change. Harry enjoyed not having to be around Dudley all the time.
One morning in July, during breakfast, Dudley came downstairs and into the kitchen in his new school uniform. Mrs. Dursley had Harry take over cooking as she went over to fetch the camera to take pictures. This year was going to be different since Dudley is attending Mr. Dursley's old private school, Smeltings. Harry was being sent to Stonewall High, the local public school, which was fine for him since both Dudley and Piers were going to Smeltings. Dudley's uniform made him look more or less like a couch you would find in a retro-70s store. He wore a maroon coat, orange tight pants, and a flat straw hat with a "S" etched in the middle of it. He carried a knobbly stick along with it. Harry could hardly contain himself from wanting to laugh so hard.
"What is that awful smell, Aunt Petunia?" Harry asked as she was taking snapshots of Dudley posing in the kitchen.
"I'm dyeing your old uniform to match everyone else's at Stonewall." Explained Mrs. Dursley as she pointed to the sink at the other side of the kitchen. Harry finished with the breakfast and brought it to the table. By the time he got to sit down and eat his few bits of food, Mr. Dursley ordered the boy to go fetch the mail. Harry got up and hurried to the front door hoping he could get back to the table before Dudley ate all of his food. Harry grabbed the pile of letters and began sorting through all the junk that Mr. Dursley didn't want to see: a brown envelop, coupons for a restaurant. A letter for Harry!? Sure enough the letter was addressed to: Mr. Harry Potter
The Cupboard under the stairs
4 Pivet Drive
Little Whinging
Surrey All etched in deep green ink. The envelope itself was made of a think yellowish parchment, but no postage. On the back, a purple wax-seal with the letter "H" imbedded into it. Surrounding the "H" were a badger, a lion, an eagle, and a snake. Harry didn't quite know what to make of it. He had no family besides the Dursleys, if you wish to call them family. He knew no one that would write him, nor even give him the time of day.
"Hurry up, boy!" yelled Mr. Dursley from the kitchen. Harry ran back in to find Dudley eating his bacon. Harry handed all but his letter to Mr. Dursley, and sat down at the table in front of his empty plate. Dudley saw that Harry had kept a letter and snatched it from Harry.
"Give that back, it's mine," demanded Harry.
"Look, look, Dad! Harry has got a letter." Yelled the childish Dudley. Mr. Dursley snatched the letter from Dudley's hand.
"You, a letter?" scoffed Mr. Dursley, "who on earth would.." A silence fell upon Mr. Dursley as he looked at the address. "P-P-P- Petunia.. get them out of here."
"W-What's wrong, dear?" asked Mrs. Dursley in a worried voice.
"Give me my letter!" again demanded Harry raising his voice.
"Give me the letter, Dad! I wanna have a looksey." Said Dudley. Within a moment, Mr. Dursley had both boys by the collar and shoved them out of the kitchen.
"OUT!" he yelled. Dudley started one of his tantrums but soon realize that this time, it wouldn't work, not even on his mother. Harry was already having his ear next to the door to hear what Mr. Dursley was saying to Mrs. Dursley.
"Vernon, what does the letter say? What is wrong?" asked an even more frightened Mrs. Dursley.
"Have a look for yourself, Petunia." Said Mr. Dursley coldly. Another moment of silence came before Mrs. Dursley broke it.
"How did anyone know? Barely half a dozen people that have been in this house know about this."
"It is the same ink, paper, and seal as before, Petunia. It's them again." He said back in a increasingly worried voice.
"What shall we do, Vernon? Answer it?" asked Petunia who was almost in tears.
"No, No, No its for the best that we don't. That will tell them that either we have moved or he isn't interested. We decided long ago that we were to push this nonsense out of him. We are surely not going to give up now." Explained Mr. Dursley, gaining back his stern voice. Mr. Dursley burned the letter in the fireplace. Harry didn't even get to open it. He kept on wondering whom they were talking about when the Dursley's said "them." For weeks afterwards, Harry kept on receiving the letter again, again, and again, sometimes 3 or 4 times a day even. Mr. Dursley was baffled since the postman only came once a day.
One morning, as he was going to work, a flock of owls were on the hood of his car, the gutters of the house, and on all the power lines for the whole block. Harry was kept in the cupboard until nightfall where he got to watch Mr. Dursley, almost sadistically, burning the letters one by one and laughing about it.
"Today is a glorious day!" exclaimed Mr. Dursley one Sunday morning, "do you know why? Dudley?"
"Umm..cause ma is making brownies this morning?" said a nervous Dudley.
"ERRRR, wrong Dudley-Poo!" grinned Mr. Dursley, "How about you Harry? Why would today be so grand?"
"No post on Sundays," said Harry in a sigh.
"THAT'S RIGHT!" yelled Mr. Dursley, scaring Dudley, "No post, on Sundays!" No sooner did he say that, a rumble began to happen from the unlit fireplace. Letter, thousands and thousands of letters started flying from the fireplace. Mrs. Dursley and Dudley started screaming in fear, Mr. Dursley out of madness. Harry stood in the middle of the living room, catching the next letter that flew past his head. Once he grabbed one, Mr. Dursley grabbed him.
"That is it! We are leaving this place! We are going FAR AWAY!" he screamed.
"Dad's gone made, hasn't he mom?" cried Dursley looking at his panic stricken mother.