Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter Z and the Sorcerer's Stone ❯ And the Search Begins ( Chapter 20 )
And the search begins
A massive shock wave fills the air from the blow that Piccolo and Harry landed. They were knuckle to knuckle as surges of energy leapt from their fists, into the air like lightening. Debris of rock and dirt levitated off the ground around them.
"His technique has improved dramatically in just this short amount of time. His power level has almost doubled. It shouldn't be too much longer before he gets his memory back," Piccolo thought to himself as he struggled to keep Harry at bay.
The two broke away to opposite sides of the clearing of the forest where they have been training every night for a month.
"MASENKO-HA!" the two yelled in unison. A yellow energy beam extended out from their hands and collided with each other in an explosion. A great bellow of wind enveloped the surrounding trees, uprooting and throwing several back into the forest. The beams continued on flowing from the palms of their owners, locked in the middle of their arena. The contest finally ended with an explosion. A huge golden light shined all over the forest surroundings as more and more of the trees were uprooted, increasing the diameter of the clearing.
The light faded and the smoke cleared. The two were still at the opposite sides of the clearing. Piccolo was crouched down with one hand on the ground. Harry was on his knees with both hands keeping him up.
"Amazing," Piccolo said to himself. "He's already equal to me."
Harry kept his head down, catching for as much air as he could. He felt his all of his muscles burn. Sweat almost poured from his brow. He raised his head enough to glance at Piccolo, who was out of breath as well. Harry struggled to get on his feet and quickly got back into his fighting stance.
"That kid is more and more like Goku each day," Piccolo smirked.
Their fight continued on. Neither of them gaining the upper hand. Above the trees, not far from their fight, Vegeta stood in midair, watching.
Harry awoke the next morning, only having a couple of hours of sleep. It was the last Wednesday of November, winter break was getting closer. Harry entered the Gryffindor common room as a few other Gryffindors were talking about last night's "storm" that they overheard. All Harry could do is smirk. Harry made his way in the showers where Ron was brushing his teeth.
"Mmming, mmmry," Ron said with his toothbrush still in his mouth.
"Morning, Ron." Harry replied. He placed his towel on the rack and proceeded to the individual showers. He privately undressed and turned on the shower. The hot water felt relaxing to his beaten body. He cleaned off all the scuff marks, washed his hair and shut off the shower. He quickly dried himself and put on his boxers before leaving the shower. Ron was still brushing his teeth.
"How many teeth you got there, Ron?"
"If I don't brush them well, I'll hear it from mum. She always knows when I slack on my teeth." Ron explained.
Harry brushed his teeth quickly. "Harry, last night. Was that you?"
Harry turned his head towards Ron and nodded.
"Wicked," Ron said.
The rest of the day was like any normal autumn day at Hogwarts. Harry was once again subjected to Snape's ridiculing. Afterwards, Harry went on to Quidditch practice. Like always, he caught all the stones Oliver threw up, dodged all the Bludgers that were thrown at him, and out flew all the Chasers that were trying to knock him off the broom. Harry met up with Ron back in the common room and began playing their usual game of Wizard's Chess. Hermione walked in not too much longer afterwards and sat beside Harry, watching the game. They waited until everyone else left before talking. When the last one left for bed, the topic of conversation went from mid term exams into the Sorcerer's Stone.
"Anything new?" Ron asked.
"No," Hermione said with a disheartening voice, "I can't find anything else about the stone besides what I already know."
"Any other clues on where they could have placed it?" Harry added.
"Well, Dumbledore has restricted the basement and the third level of the west wing. Perhaps there it is hidden."
"Looks like we got something to do tonight then, huh Harry?" said Ron with a special gleam of mischievous in his eye that has been only seen recently in his twin brothers.
"No Ron, it's too dangerous to go out now." Hermione said.
"She's right Ron. Too many prefects and not to mention Vegeta keep watch on things like that. Its best that I go alone." Harry added. Ron's face went to disappointment. "I'll start looking whenever everyone leaves for winter break."
"Which reminds me, I am going to be leaving as well," said Hermione. "So you two try to stay out of trouble as much as possible. Especially you, Ron."
Ron returned Hermione a sarcastic glare. "Well, I found out today that Mum and Dad are going to Romania to visit my brother there. So I am going to be here so you won't be too bored, Harry. Check-Mate!"
Ron's queen picked up Harry's kind and broke him over her head before slamming the remains onto the board.
The second week of December came and ended. Everyone except a handful of students had left to go visit their families for Christmas and New Year's. The first night of the winter break, Harry was already out looking for the stone. He started on the third floor. Quickly flying to one hiding spot to another. Even though many of the students were gone, the ghosts were still out there acting as watchmen. To Harry's rotten luck, Peeves was the ghost to watch the third floor. Harry accidentally flew into a suit of armor and Peeves came floating into the corridor yelling, "SOME ONE IS HERE, SOME ONE IS HERE!" Harry quickly went for the closest door, and broke the lock open. He quickly shut the door behind him. He didn't realize that something else was in the room with him.
Harry started to hear a deep growl coming from behind him. He slowly turned around to see a giant three headed dog with huge teeth glaring at him. Harry's eyes widened as the dog's three sets of ears laid back to its head, like when normal dogs do when they are about to strike. Harry looked around for another way out and spotted a trap door underneath one of its paws. The huge dog jumped at Harry with its razor sharp teeth. Harry thought of nothing else to do for retaliating. Harry jumped above the dog as it dove into the spot where he was. He then kicked it between the eyes of the middle head. The dog flew against the wall and gave out a big, "YIPE!" It slowly got up on its feet and walked back in the middle of the room with its heads down.
"SOMEONE IS IN THE ROOM WITH FLUFFY! GET THEM FLUFFY GET THEM FLUFFY!" yelled Peeves from the corridor outside. Harry knew he didn't have much time left so he flew up to the ceiling and placed his back against it right above the door. Peeves entered the room and Fluffy quickly started attacking him.
Harry quickly flew down to the door and left the room. He flew as fast as he could without causing anymore ruckus. Thinking that Peeves would be on his tail, he quickly flew straight down the center of the stairs until he reached the bottom floor. He landed on the ground and suddenly began sensing people down here.
"Vegeta is nearby," he said to himself. "Along with another." Harry got to his feet and ran in the direction where he felt the two. It wasn't long until he caught up on Vegeta and Professor Yamu. Gohan quickly ducked into another room and watched them from afar, just in hearing distance.
"What are you doing out so late, Yamu."
"Is it against the rules for a professor to be on his watch duty?"
"No it isn't but tonight isn't your night for the basement. Snape is the one on patrol, not you."
"I need to lower my power like how Piccolo taught me," Gohan said to himself as he continued on eavesdropping.
"If it bothers you that much, then I will leave, Vegeta."
"Do so. Get out of my sight with that ugly face of yours you turban wearing freak."
"He called him Vegeta!?" Gohan said quietly to himself. Yamu glared at Vegeta before turning around and walking back to the stairs. Vegeta began to walk deeper into the basement and went inside another room.
"How does Yamu know Vegeta's real name?" Harry asked himself. Harry caught a glimpse from the side and quickly turned to see a figure standing at the other end of the room, looking back at him.