Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Hate From The Future, To Love In The Past ❯ School Day Mysteries ( Chapter 4 )
A/N: Here are the schedules.
Bulma: Science, Spanish, English, Lunch, Chorus, Gym, Computers, Home Ec.
Chi-Chi: Science, Social Studies, French, Lunch, Chorus, Gym, Art, Home Ec.
Teya: Science, Spanish, Gym, Lunch, Chorus, Art, Health, Home Ec.
Vegeta: Science, Spanish, Computers, Lunch, Chorus, Gym, English, Home Ec.
Kakarot: Remedial Math, Science, Gym, Lunch, Chorus, Social Studies, Art, Home Ec.
Raditz: Advanced Math, Social Studies, Gym, Lunch, Chorus, Science, Health, Home Ec.
Turles: Advanced Math, Health, English, Lunch, Chorus, Gym, Science, Home Ec.
Chapter 4: School Day Mysteries
Period 1: Science
Bulma, Teya, Chi-Chi, and Vegeta had Science. (read last chapter to see what happened)
Remedial Math
"Mr. Son! Will you please pay attention!" Kakarot looked up at Ms. Wilber as she continued to lecture him on the importance of paying attention in class.
"Um… but Ms. Wilber… I don't want to learn Math…"
"THAT'S IT! Go to the office NOW!"
Kakarot groaned as he stood up and headed towards the office. Vegeta would be mad. Kakarot knew his prince wanted to get this mission over with as soon as possible.
Advanced Math
"Raditz! Solve (insert very complicated math problem here)"
Raditz snapped his head up and leveled his gaze at Mrs. Walsh and said, "9,458"
"Thank you. You can go back to sleep now."
"Turles!" Raditz let his mind wander as his younger brother was yelled at for talking to some random girl and sent to the office for class room disruption.
`This place is so boring. If Prince Vegeta wasn't here, I could be off purging some planet. Imagine, ME, an elite! On a scouting job! With my brothers! How humiliating.' (Raditz is Vegeta's personal guard. And Vegeta hates him for it…)
Turles was walking down the hall when he spotted Kakarot headed to the office as well. "Hey bro! Was^? Why you being sent to the office this time?"
"I told the teacher I didn't want to learn math. What about you?"
"I `disrupted' the class by talking to this really pretty brunette."
"The prince is gonna be mad if we get another detention…"
Turles gulped. "Yeh… I know…"
Period 2: Social Studies
Chi-Chi was upset that she didn't have her second period with Bulma. She just hoped that the girl didn't lose her temper and hurt anyone. As Chi glanced around the room, she noticed that the desks were arranged in a V facing the teacher's desk. She walked up to the teacher, Mr. Gianicchi (aka Mr. G) and introduced herself. He told her to take a seat in the back. `At least he's not making me introduce myself…'
Chi-Chi was soon glad that Mr. G was her teacher. He was very funny and made the class interesting. As Chi-Chi observed the room, she made mental notes of all the students there. There were 5 girls, excluding herself. All of which were blondes. Then there were nine guys: three blondes, three brunettes, one with a red mohawk, one with black hair, and another with long spikey hair reaching all the way down to his knees. Chi considered the class. `No way are any of those ditzy girls Saiyans, plus our parents said that the Saiyans that first came were only guys…. There is no such thing as a blonde Saiyan, unless you count the Legendary… but that doesn't exist. The brunettes are possibilities. The spikey haired one's hair could be hiding a tail, but no Saiyan would be stupid enough not to change their hair. Probably just some punk kid. I'll bet anything that all of his friends will have weird hair too.' She had no idea how wrong she was.
Raditz glared all through his Social Studies class. `This is so boring. Why should we have to learn the history of the planet if we're just going to destroy it?!?!?!'
"Welcome to our class ladies. Do either of you know much Spanish?" Both Bulma and Teya nodded their heads. "Good! Then introduce yourselves to the class in Spanish, then take a seat!"
With a little encouragement from Bulma, Teya followed Mrs. Finn's request. "Hola." Her voice was shaky and she didn't have a very good Hispanic accent. "Me llamo Teya Walters." Teya rushed quickly to the back of class where there were two empty seats, leaving the one right behind Vegeta yet again open for Bulma. Bulma stepped forward.
In a perfect Hispanic accent, she said, "Buenos dias clase. Me llamo Bulma Briefs." She then followed Teya's path to the back of the room.
"You did so much better than me! Good job!" Teya squeaked out while still blushing furiously.
"Don't worry about it. My dad used to take me on business trips and I had to know how to speak a lot of different languages." She whispered back. But then Bulma's face turned sad for a few moments.
"Are you okay?" Teya asked concerned.
Neither of them said a word through the rest of the period. Vegeta had, of course, listened to the entire conversation and had picked up the sadness in the blue beauty's voice when she spoke of her father. `Her old man is probably dead… lucky her…'
"Kakarot! Maybe you should just watch the experiment today instead of participating…" Mr. Moore called as he raced down the hallway towards the bathroom to wash off the acid that was spilled all over him and eating through his skin.
Turles was in the back making out with some ditzy blonde behind some books. The teacher knew but didn't care.
Period 3: English
Mrs. Long, the teacher announced, "Today we will be starting Romeo and Juliet. I will call off names to be partners for reading and for the project."
`PLEASE, if there is a god up there, PLEASE let me be with a brainiac for once!!!' Turles thought as the teacher called off names.
"Kyle and Michelle. Chad and Tiffany. Ian and Amanda."
`Please, please, please, please…' Turles silently prayed.
"Turles and Bulma."
`Bulma? Who? Oh yeah… the new kid.' He glanced over at Bulma who was looking around the class trying to find her partner. He caught her eye and pointed to himself. She nodded and turned towards the teacher.
Bulma looked around the room once again. She hadn't spotted any lumps (tails) in the back of any of the guy's pants. At first she thought she had found a Saiyan when she saw a brown belt around one of the guys in her Spanish class, but she soon realized that it was the fashion and almost all the guys had on fur belts. `Damn those stupid fashions…'
"Bonjour." Chi-Chi said along with the rest of the class when the teacher entered. (I don't know any French so I'm cutting off here.)
"Alright everyone! Please open up Microsoft word. Today we will be learning how to make websites." Vegeta yawned as the teacher, Mrs. Goodman, talked about their assignment.
"Please go to www.pagetutor.com so we can begin. (I think that's right… I'm not sure. Oh yeah, I don't own the site.)
`This is going to be a long class…'
`Oh man… Everyone is looking at me like I'm a freak…' Teya thought as she noticed the looks she was getting from the others in the locker room. `I never should have agreed to this…'
"Everybody out! Let's move it ladies!" the gym teacher Mrs. Schreiber yelled.
Once Teya was outside the locker room she lined up with the other girls for attendance. When the teacher got to her, she was asked to choose between the weight room and tennis. "I'll do tennis."
"Okay. That's good. We had an odd number of students so one boy has had to keep switching in with different teams. You can be his partner."
"Okay." `Great! Now I get to be made fun of by a guy. And with my luck, he'll be really cute…'
"C'mon Walters!" Teya obediently followed the teacher out. Once on the tennis courts, Mrs. Schreiber led Teya to a boy, a VERY hot boy in Teya's opinion.
"Raditz! Got ya a partner! This is Teya. Teya, Raditz."
"Hi." Teya squeaked out.
"Hey. Was^?"
"Nothing." Teya whispered. She was terrified. She was always terrible at talking to guys, especially ones she liked. She always seemed to make a fool of herself.
`This kid is kinda cute…' Raditz thought as he led the way to an empty court. All the other teams were playing games right now so he and his new teammate were going to practice. "How old are you anyways?" he asked.
He caught himself from laughing when he saw the bright shade of pink that the girl had turned. "14" she whispered so quietly that even with his Saiyan hearing he had to strain to hear it.
"Oh… You must be the new genius girl everyone was talking about." He had to smile at how the poor girl was blushing and trying to look at everything but him. "Anyways, let's practice."
Ten minutes later, Raditz was amazed. This girl was amazing! She had already won three practice games. And she wasn't even concentrating!!! She hit the ball with as much if not more force as Raditz did. `She must work out like crazy! She's only a human!' Raditz thought.
Five minutes later Kakarot came up to the pair. Raditz was sweating and panting, while Teya had barely worked up a sweat. "Hey bro! You two are up against me and Kylie next!" Kakarot motioned his hand toward a beautiful redheaded girl who was definitely an athlete.
"Kay… be there in a sec."
A few minutes later Raditz and Teya walked off the court with triumphant smirks on their faces. They had beaten Kakarot and Kylie 30 - love. `This girl is definitely not that bad.' Raditz thought. `Maybe I'll watch out for her when we take over this world…'
Period 4: Lunch
"Bulma! Teya! Over here!" Chi-Chi called from a table in the corner. Bulma had just gotten her food and had seen Teya by the door to the cafeteria and walked over to see her. The two rushed to the table that Chi had found.
"I'll be right back!" Teya exclaimed as she walked towards the lunch line.
"She's a cute kid. I'm glad we're looking out for her." Bulma stated.
"Yeah. Believe it or not, she might be able to help us with our mission if things get too messy."
"What do ya mean?"
"I heard a bunch of girls at a table I was walking by say that she is very strong and an amazing athlete."
The girls looked up as they saw a group of four boys take the seats at the opposite end of the table. All with spikey hair. The duo from the future looked at each other and both sent the other the same look. "Punk-Group" They both rolled their eyes and continued talking.
"So, find anything out yet?" Chi-Chi asked Bulma.
"Other than a really stupid fashion of all the guys wearing `fur belts,' nothing. You?"
"Same here."
At the other end of the table, the four Saiyans were inhaling their food. Raditz and Vegeta ate properly with manners, even if they were fast. But Kakarot and Turles were another story. They were eating fast, but with absolutely no manners. Food was everywhere you looked.
Teya came to the table and sat down next to Bulma. She glanced at Raditz briefly, not noticing that he turned his gaze from her to the short guy with the flame-like hair the second that she did, before turning back to her new friends.
Bulma and Chi-Chi were both looking at the Saiyans. "Pigs…" Bulma muttered under her breath.
Chi-Chi giggled. "Maybe, but the one in the tye-dye shirt (Kakarot) is really cute!"
"You're nuts Chi…" Bulma announced before looking at Teya. "So how is your first day going Teya?"
Teya blushed and replied "Fine, how's your?"
`I wonder if that girl is always blushing…' Raditz thought at the other end of the table.
((A/n: Hi everyone! I was going to do the whole day in this chappy, but I've got to go and eat dinner now w/ my parents. *snore* He… he…))
Nebula: What she means is, the next chapter will be the rest of this school day. Remember people, review review review!!!!