Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Hearts in Armour ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
This is told from Vegeta's point of view. Song fic!!

I was watching Bulma cry for at least the thousandth time since he's met her.
And of course it was over that weakling, Yamcha. Lately, I was feeling different
towards the blue haired woman. But I did not understand the feelings I was
having. Nor did I welcome them. I only know I wanted them to go away.

One more day my hearts in armour
Though I meant to let you in
In an effort not to harm it
I have missed my chance again

I wanted to comfort her for some strange reason.One I could not explain. But
whilst I was battleing with myself over what to do she had gotten up and went
to her room. I went to her. She was asleep in her bed curled up in a ball. Her
face was tear stained and we. I sat down next to her and shook her shoulders to
try and awaken the sleeping goddess before me.

I was singing when I freed you
But my pride was just a veil
I pretended not to need you
Now my heart tells a different tale

I finally had gotten my courage up. I was going to tell her how I felt. My pride
no longer holding me back. I tried not to want you for so long, but something
inside tells me I need you in my life forever. You shift and start to awaken.
Those deep blue eyes blinking at me trying to focus. Your face looks puzzled.
Your probobly wondering what I'm doing in your room. I take a deep breath and sigh.

And every hour that goes by
The harder I become
Because I let that well run dry
Because I left you unaswered
And like a fool I keptmy secret
When it made no sense to try
Now I can no longer keep it
For it's late and the moon is high

The moonlight shines soft upon your lovely face and I just want to sweep you into
my arms and hold you tight. But I know I must resist. We must talk about this. I
must tell you my feelings before I take the coward's way out again and pick a fight
you. Like I have in the past. You ask me what's wrong. You say I look so serious
and worried. Of course I am. I am about to sacrifice my pride to tell you how I feel.
To tell you something I have NEVER, EVER told another soul. Not even my parents.

And every hour that goes by
The harder I become
Because I let that
well run dry
Because I left
You unanswered

I will now listen to my heart. The one thing in my life that has never guided me.
The one thing I thought I'd never need. But here you are woman, worming your way
past my defenses and found your way in. I look at you for a few moments, you look
so confused. Then your eyes meet mine and they light up. A light I haven't seen
in them in quite a while. You smile at me as though you are reading my thoughts.
Then without any warning you touch my face, ever so gently with your soft hands.
Is it possible? Could you feel the same?

One more day my hearts in armour
Though I did not see it then
I would finish what you started
If I had that chance again

Finally I tell her. "Bulma, I love you" It was barely a whisper. She smiles and
leans up to kiss me. I return it passionately never wanting it ot end. She breaks
our joining for lack of air. and replies "I love you too, Vegeta"

Now my heart is no longer in it's armour....For she protects it with her love as I
protect hers.

Disclaimer: This song was recorded by Trisha Yearwood. It's on her album haearts in
armour. As usual I don't own DBZ!!

Author's notes: Well what do ya think? This song made me think of Vegeta. HE maybe a
little OOC but who knows how he really acts when he's alone with Bulma.