Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Hells Rising ❯ A Shocking Revelation ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I know that I promised five chapters before the end of the weekend but I had a few problems with my computer. I have the five chapters done but I do not want to post them all at the same time so I will post one of them each day until I run out. Also, thanks to all those who sent me some names. Now, on with the show.

"Normal Conversation"



Chapter 6 - A Shocking Revelation

~Back in the House~

"Man is this for real you guys?" asks Videl with a slight hint of fear in her voice.

"Unfortunately it is Videl. I have already seen been done several times in my life." Bulma stays quiet before speaking again. "Chi-Chi, doesn't that guy remind you of somebody? I'm getting the weirdest feeling that we've met him before."

"Now that you mention it Bulma, he does remind me of some…oh Kami." Chi-Chi brings her hand to her mouth as she gasps.

"What is it Chi-Chi?" asks Bulma.

Before anyone could say anything Chi-Chi is out the door with her trusty Frying Pan of Doomâ"¢ in hand. She rushes forward with her frying pan held high above her head and before anyone could react she brings it down hard onto Mike's head.

"OW! What did you do that for Chi-Chi?" asks Mike with his hands on his head.

"You know very damn well sure why I did that. One day out of the blue you tell Goku and me that you have to go somewhere, and then just disappear off the face of the earth. Then all of a sudden you decide to come back. You have a whole lot of explaining to do young man!"

"Who are you calling a young man? I'm a hell lot older then you are." Replies Mike with a slight smirk.

"AHH!!" screams Bulma as she rushes outside while pushing Gohan out of the way and grasping Mike in a large bear hug. "It's been so long Mike. I almost didn't recognize you."

"Its good to see you too Bulma but I sort of can't breath." With a slight blush Bulma lets go of Mike. "Well now that I can breath again, what do you say that we take this conversation inside? It looks like another storm is going to start.

With that a very happy Bulma, a very angry Chi-Chi, a very confused Gohan, and a very mysterious Mike walked into the small house and joined an equally confused Videl in the living room. Chi-Chi and Bulma sit on the couch, while Gohan and Videl takes the loveseat <snickers>. Mike pulls up a chair in front of the four and takes a deep breath.

"Before I continue to explain things I want to clear something up first about Goku." Everyone goes very quiet at this waiting for him to continue. "Before I tell you what it is you all must promise me not to get angry until I finish talking. All right?

"We promise." They all said at once.

"Alright here goes. Shortly before Goku and Gohan went into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber I met up with Goku. I told him everything that he had to do before and during Cell Games. Including the part where he had to use his Instant Transmission to teleport Cell away from the earth when he was going to self destruct."

At this Gohan explodes. "How could you do something like that? You could have warned me! My dad did not have to die. We could have saved him!"

"Please let me finish before you jump to conclusions. Now I also told Goku to tell you guys to not wish him back for a time." Before anyone could say something Mike quickly says, "For a time! Now as far as I could tell, Goku forgot to mention that part of my message. I need Goku to remain in Otherworld so that he can partake in the Otherworld Martial Arts Tournament. Then he is to train as much as he can on Grand Kai's planet."

Before Mike could continue Videl decides to speak up. "Um no offence sir but what the hell are you talking about?"

"First off never call me sir again. Mike is just fine. Anyway, you see after you die you go to Otherworld. There is this big guy called King Yemma who decides whether you are to go to heaven or HFIL, which stands for the Home for Infinite Losers. If you were a top rank fighter then you get to keep your body so that you can continue your training. If you did something exceptionally good in your life like lets say save your planet for example, then there is a good chance that you will get to go to the Grand Kai's planet to train with the best. A Kai is sort of like a Kami. There are five Kais still alive today since one of them just died yesterday when Goku teleported Cell to his planet. There are four lesser Kais that watch over their own parts of the universe. There is the West Kai, East Kai, South Kai, and the North Kai. The North Kai is the one that died yesterday. He is also the one who watches over our part of the galaxy. Above those four is the Grand Kai and above him is the Supreme Kai. Understand now?"

Videl sits there for a moment trying to take this information in. "I think I do but what did you mean by being wished back?"

"You see, the former guardian of the earth, who is also like a Kami but only to this one planet. He created these seven mystical orbs called Dragonballs. When they are all brought together the dragon appears and will grant any wish that is within his power to do it. The newly appointed guardian of the earth has recently upgraded the Dragonballs so that they can grant two wishes instead of one."

Videl then gets a hopeful look in her eyes and turns to Gohan. "Hey Gohan, do you that that I could wish my mother back to like with these Dragonballs?"

Before Gohan could say anything Mike spoke up again. "I am sorry Videl but that is not possible."

Videl then becomes very depressed at this. "Why not." She says with tears on her eyes.

With a slight smirk on Mike's face he replies, "Because she is not dead."

A/N: I know that I didn't use the Saiyan name in this chapter but I defiantly will in the next one.

How is it possible for Videl's mother to still be alive if everyone thinks she is dead? Tune in next time to find out how in the next installment of Hells Rising.