Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Her Prince Charming ❯ Bumping at the hall ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z or any of its characters. All credit goes to Bird Studio/Shueisha, Toei Animation, and FUNimation Productions, Ltd.
But I guess I do own Ritz, Marlyn, and Benishio since I made them up…
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“Bye dad, bye grandpa!” Shouted Bulma before running over to her neighbor's and best friend's house. She was wearing her usual uniform of a short black dress with a white apron over it. Her head was done a high ponytail and her shoes were the regular black high-heeled boots.
“Ritz! Come out!” She shouted.
“I'm here. Bye Ma'!” Yelled a tall Sayajin girl.
Ritz and Bulma were best friends since Bulma moved here from planet Earth. Her planet had been purged and therefore she, her father, and her grandfather came to live in Vegetasi. Since they had no money, Bulma had to work in the castle as a maid while her father and grandfather worked in an armor store together. Because Bulma was a human and not able to fly, Ritz would take her everyday for work and back.
“Jump on and hold tight” Said Ritz, lowering to let Bulma get on her.
“Gotcha!” Said Bulma and held on to her friend tightly. She HATED flying.
Ritz lifted off and flew through the sky. The two lived on the poor side of the Royal City where crime and mischief flourished. After 30 minutes, the two girls could see the gigantic palace of Vegetasi. No matter how many times she looked at it, Bulma was always fascinated with its beauty. Its walls where made of white marble and the windows were encrusted with gems.
Ritz landed next to the palace gates and bid Bulma farewell.
“Thanks Ritz, and good luck today at work with Brolly” She yelled and passed through the gates with a rush so Ritz couldn't do anything to her. Bulma emphasized on the last word since she knew Ritz liked Brolly but was too shy to do anything about it.
“Oh shut up” Ritz yelled after her playfully and jumped back into the air.
Laughing at her friend's behavior, Bulma dashed to the palace.
*Crap! It's already 5:07! I'm late!*
She finally made it to the doors where the servants enter the castle from and entered the kitchen.
“Hey Marlyn, Hi Benishio!” Exclaimed Bulma to her two friends.
“Mornin' Bulma” They both replied.
“Is the breakfast ready yet? The royal-pain-in-the-butt likes his breakfast early.” Said Bulma about the Prince. She was in charge of getting him breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
“Almost, just let me get him some juice.” Said Marlyn, pulling out 5 jugs of orange juice.
Putting the drinks on one of the 6 trays, she handed the trolley that held all of the food to Bulma.
“There you go dear. Now go fast or you'll be late… again.” Said Marlyn with a smile.
“Oh stop it you tease!” Said Bulma laughing and took the trolley.
Rushing out into the hall, she made a few twists and turns before getting lost into deep thought.
*I miss Earth so much… If only my friends would see me now, the formerly rich Bulma Briefs working as a maid on some planet out in the galaxy… And mother… if only she were alive…* Thought Bulma sadly.
*I mean, why did they have to purge Ea--* Her train of thought abruptly stopped as she crashed into something.
More like someone….
“Ah! How dare you, you stupid maid! Watch where you're going!” Barked a loud voice.
Quickly standing up to see who she had bumped into, Bulma's blood ran cold. There, sitting flat on his butt and covered with orange juice was the one, the only, Prince Vegeta.
“My lord! Please excuse me! I wasn't watching my step! It's my fault!” Said Bulma while cleaning up the mess.
“You bet it is…” Grumbled Vegeta standing up and wiping himself off. Looking at her, he recognized her as the maid who got him his daily meals.
Suddenly, the prince turned on his heel back to the direction he came from and left off.
*That jerk* Bulma thought while cleaning up the mess.
*The least he could have done was help me with the mess. But then again, he is a prince…* Standing up, she threw the dirty cloth on the trolley and headed back for the kitchen.
*But what was he doing up at 5 in the morning. He usually wakes up at 7… Oh well, doesn't matter now…* With that thought, she kept her eyes on where she was going as to not bump into and anger anyone else.
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“Huh?” Said the Prince, lazily lifting his head from the pillow and opening one eye. Seeing his training partner's face he lay back down ready to sleep.
“VEGETA WAKE UP! Remember you had to go see the king today?” Said Kakkarot.
“Mhmmhm” Vegeta mumbled something incomprehensible into his pillow.
“Well, you told me to wake you up at quarter to five and it's already 5:10…” Chuckled Kakkarot sheepishly with a hand behind his back.
“What?!” Vegeta yelled and jumped up from bed suddenly awake. Taking a quick shower, the Prince put on his armor and went outside to the hall.
*That fool, I told him to wake me up early. Oh well, it's too late now anyways* Vegeta thought.
*I must get to my father fast so I can talk to him about the ball I want to hold. It will be the perfect opportunity for me to meet a Sayajin girl I like so I can mate her….* Not noticing where he was going, he felt something colliding with him and the next moment, he was on the floor covered in what seemed to be Orange juice.
Assuming it was one of the breakfast maids, he said “Ah! How dare you, you stupid maid! Watch where you're going!”. It came out harsher than he wanted it to, but he was really pissed right now so he didn't bother apologizing.
“My lord! Please excuse me! I wasn't watching my step! It's my fault!” He heard a girl's voice say. *So I was right, she is a maid* He thought standing up.
“You bet it is…” He unconsciously grumbled while wiping himself off. Looking at her, he recognized her as the maid who gets him his daily meals.
*Oh well, what's done is done. I can't go to father like this now. I better get washed and change clothes…* Thought the prince and left off.
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A/N: Yes, I know it was pretty bad and boring, but I had to have a chapter to show you guys how daily life was like and to start the whole plot itself. Don't worry, the next chapter will be a billion times better guaranteed!
Remember: You + Review = Faster Update
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Next time:
“Bulma darling, you got a letter in the mail.” Said Dr. Briefs.
“Me?” Asked Bulma, shocked. She never got mail…
“Yes. It looks like it's from the palace. It says something about a ball…”