Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Here I am ❯ Tomorrow ( Chapter 6 )
tomorrow just another day
another way
to spend my day
all by myself
starin at the tv screen
flipping through my magazine
everything is unclear
i need you here do
Pan woke up and saw she was in her bed at home, still in her outfit from yesterday. She got out of her bed and then went out of her room. She looked in Trunks's room and saw he was still sleeping. 'I'm skipping training today.. I can take just one break.' She went down the hallway and into the kitchen. She fixed some coffee and hot coco and then she made breakfast. She went back to her room to change. She put on a long sleeved dark green shirt and some black pants. She put left her hair down and brushed it out. She went back out into the kitchen and then herd some knocking on the door. She answerd it and saw Zack standing there.
"Hey! What are you doing here? I thought you had left for that band try out thing." Pan said.
"Yeah, well, it got canceled from all the snow, and Ami came down with a cold, so, yeah. Hey, I was wondering what your doing today." Zack replied.
"I might go shoping for some Christmas stuff, and Trunks is still here, so..."
"Oh, alright. Okay, oh, I almost forgot." Zack pulled out a small invitation and handed it to Pan. "I'll see you later Pan. Bye."
"Bye." Zack turned around and then went back to his room. Pan turned back around looking at the envelope while closing the door with her foot. She picked up her coco and took a sip while going over to the couch and sitting down. She opened the envelope and pulled out a card. She opened it and read the inside. It said:
For Pan:
Sup? It's Zack, well, duh I probably handed this to you, but just incase I didn't it was so you know. Anyways, getting back to the point, I was wondering if you wanted to come to a Christmas party that Ami and I throw every year. It's a couple of days from now, so it's a few days before Christmas. If you want to come, you know my cell number. Hope you would like to come. XXX
From Zack
Pan smiled. She took another sip of coco and then set the card down.
'He's so sweet... Maybe that's why I like him... And no one shall know that I like him! Okay, well, no one besides Bra and mom, and them, but that dosn't count!! Besides, I don't know if I can go wih Trunks here.... Aww, Zack will be so upset!!!..... Maybe. Gah, I will just ask Trunks if he minds...' Pan got up and then got some plates out. She put some (well, to her and every other saiyen on what they think is some) food on the plate and then pored some coffee into a cup. She grabbed a fork and some napkins and then headed down to Trunks room. She peeked in and saw he was still sleeping. She went in and then put the food on the dresser. She went back out of his room and closed the door. She went back into the kitchen and ate some food. She then cleaned up the dishes and then went to brush her teeth. She went into the den and got on MSN messenger. She started talking to some of her friends and other people from her school.
and i wake up
put on my make up
pick up the phone
nobodys home
i need to break out
give me some take out
standing side the crowd
i wanna scream out loud
i'll be ok
i'll be ok
Pan got off of the computer and went into her room. She looked out of her window and then sat down in a chair by the window. She just stared out of the window and out at the city. She looked down at her outfit and then back out at the city. She started thinking of a conversation she had with a person on MSN from her school. She said some really rude things about her and what she was like. It felt like someone was peircing her heart it was so rude. She had some tears fill her eyes and one fell down her cheek. She pulled her knees up to her chest and she rested her head on her knees while still looking outside. She started thinking of more things that that person had done and said to her to make her feel like crap. 'It's just some words. They don't mean anything... I know I'm stronger than this.....'
Something that happened last month---> Pan was walking down the lunch room with her tray in her hand and then she was heading to a table that Ami sat at. Shannon stuck her foot out and almost made Pan fall. Pan looked back at Shannon who got up and walked up by her.
"Oh my gosh! I am sooo sorry Pan. I didn't know some-one was there." Shannon said. "Oh yeah, that's because your not." Shannon put her hand under Pans trey and then pushed it up and it went all over her outfit. Shannon smirked and then sat back down at her table. She herd Shannon mumble some things to the others at her table. She had said 'I herd she claims that she knows the Briefs.. Yeah right, then if she knows them why don't they ever come up to visit her? And what about her family? I highly doubt they even care for her, that's probably why they sent her here to New York so they wouldn't have to stand staring at her. But why do they have to make us suffer? ' The girls started laughing and Pan wanted to just takel Shannon, but she didn't. Ami and Tiffany went into the bathroom with her to clean off her outfit.
The end of what happened.
Pan closed her eyes and she had another tear go down her face. She thought of more things that Shannon had done, like start rumors about her, and then mutilize her locker. Distroy her costumes for preformances, and then she claimed Zack as her own just untill a couple of days before the Christmas show. She had convensed people that she had to move here because her family didn't love her, same with her friends. Pan was starting to belive it too, even though she knew it was not the truth, it just seemed what Shannon was saying was easyer to belive than the truth.
"What if she is right.....? What if my friends and family don't love me..?" Pan asked herself. She put her arms ontop of her knees and then started crying into her arms. 'What if all of this is just a big lie..? What if my whole life, I had been believing in somthing that wasn't right? '
"Who ever your talking about is wrong. Your family and all of your friends love you." Pan looked up and saw Trunks standing by the door. He came into the room and kneeled down by Pan and put a hand on her shoulder. "Who was saying that we don't love you?"
"Shannon Conners..."
"Well you know that everything she says isn't true."
"I know... It's just, she's been saying rude things and starting rumors and those things ever sense I came here.... It's starting to make more sense of what shes saying than the truth. And it's easer to belive..." Pan had another tear go down her face. "I just can't stand all of this anymore. I know that my family and friends love me it's just that she is making my life a living hell... I can't take it, I just want to run away from it all. Today, she somehow got my e-mail and added me to her MSN thing.. She started saying really really hurtful things. It felt like someone had pierced my heart... And now it seems true when you think about it!" Pan started to cry even harder. Trunks pulled Pan into a hug and tryed to get her to stop crying.
walking down this whining road
raining days are all unknown
i have hit the ground
staring up into the sky
countin all the reasons why
my mind is spinning around
i need to breath
Pan sat on the computer typing some lyrics she had made up for a song. She then saved them and got off the computer. She went into the kitchen and Trunks was sitting on the couch reading a book.
"I was invited to go to a Christmas Party in a couple of days." Pan said.
"Really? That sounds cool." Trunks replied.
"I was wondering if you would mind or not staying here by yourself for untill I got back from the party."
"I don't care. Who invited you? Zack?"
"Yeah, so you wouldn't mind?"
"Nope. Not at all."
"Yay!!!" Pa gave Trunks a small hug. "Thank you!"
"It's your place."
"I know! But your a guest here and so I didn't want to be rude so I asked first! And noooooow...."
"And noooow....?"
"We have to get some stuff for here."
"Oh yeah. And you still have to tell me your job!"
"Haha, oh yeah... Okay, well, I got a small role in a movie, and so, I made a little bit of money from that."
"That's great! What movie was it?"
"It's coming out like next year."
"Well you'll see me there!"
"Why does it have to take so long?"
"They are still filming the end."
"Yeah." The phone started ringing and Pan jumped up. "Hold on!" She picked up the phone. "Hello?... Yes this is she.... What?! Really!?.... Is this some joke because if it is i'm really gonna hurt you Zack!!!... REALLY??!?! SURE I'D LOVE TO!!!!! OKAY! Bye!!" Pan hung up and smiled very happily.
"What was that about? Did he ask you out or somthing?"
"No!" Pan glared at Trunks.
"He said that there was this thing for a major role in a movei and they're trying to find a some people who might be good for it, and he called and asked if I wasnted to bring you along and come down to the place where they are holding it!"
"I'll go. Well, this might actually be your big break!" Pan rolled her eyes.
"Weirdo. I just moved here, so I highly doubt that i'm gonna get a part in anything. Alright! So, let's go!" Pan put on her boots, coat and gloves. Trunks did the same and they both left. Zacl was waiting for them both at the entrance.
"Hey Pan! Hey Trunks!" Zack greeted.
"Hiya!" Pan replied.
"Hey." Trunks said.
"Shall we?" Zack asked while holding his arm out to Pan. She just laughed.
"We shall." Pan replied while putting her arm around his and she started laughing. Trunks raised a eyebrow and gave a small smile.
"You two are weird." Trunks said.
"Thank you!" Pan and Zack both said. They all three started walking to a big place where musicals were held. Pan took a deep breath and looked a little nervus.
so, i wake up
put on my make up
pick up the phone
nobodys home
and i need to break out
give me some take out
standing side the crowd
i wanna scream out loud
i'll be ok
Pan, Zack and Trunks all sat down in three empty seats. Pan took off her gloves but not her coat. A group of girls came into the room and they alll sat infront of them. It was Shannon and her friends. Shannon looked back and waved at Zack. Zack just rolled his eyes. Pan was staring at Shannon and looked like she wanted to kill her. Shannon fliped her hair at Pan and then looked at Trunks. Pan was really getting mad.
"So Pan, who is this? I've never seen him before. Is he another one of your made up friends who don't want to belive you exist?" Shannon said in a snobby voice.
"So, I take it you are Shannon. I'm Trunks Briefs. I've herd alot about you. Do you like to make peoples lifes a living hell or do you do it for fun?" Shannon looked a little suprised.
"I... I-uh. I don't know what your talking about." Shannon turned around and sat down. Zack put his hand over his mouth to keep himself from laughing. Pan's mouth was open. She looked at Trunks and Trunks just smiled. Pan laughed a little still surprised.
"I'll be right back." Pan said.
"Where are you going?" Zack asked.
"I have to go the bathroom."
"Oh. Ha, ok." Pan left for the bathroom and after a little while Shannon got up and went too. Pan opened the bathroom door and went in. Shannon came in and then slammed the door behind her. Pan turned around and saw Shannon.
"I suggest you get out of here and don't try out while you still have a chance to not humiliate yourself." Shannon said.
"Your not my mother." Pan said.
"So. I am right when I say you have no chance of having a life here. Why don't you go back to your other home? Oh yeah, that's right, because you don't have one." Pan rolled her eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me."
"I'll do what I want. You have no controll over my life and who I am. If you think that you can keep this up than your wrong. I'm not leaving, because if you havn't noticed, New York is my home now, weather you like it or not." Pa took off her coat and was about to go into one of the stalls.
"Well I don't, and I don't want your ugly face to ruin it."
"Oh why don't you shut up and go home to your dad so he can give you what ever you want so you can shut up."
"In case you havn't noticed, I live on my own. My parents pay for my education. They are to busy acting in movies and directing them."
"So why don't you just move to LA and live with them?!"
"Because... I like it here better, and i'd like it even more if you take your wanna be Britney butt, and leave this city.. It'll be one less piece of trash to pick up." Shannon turned around and left. Pan just stood there in the middle of the bathroom. Shannon came back in with her group of girls. "I came to tell you, i'm sorry Pan."
"I don't want your sympathy."
"Oh well." Shannon held her hand out and one of Shannons friends put a spray can in it. The others went up and formed a circle around Pan. Shannon smirked.
get off from the floor
i just can't take anymore
leave that all behind
just get along
nah nah nah nah
nah nah nah nah
nah nah nah oohhh
oh,i wake up
put on my make up
pick up the phone
nobodys home
and i need to break out
give me some take out
standing side the crowd
i wanna scream out loud
i'll be ok
i'll be ok
Shannon and the rest of the girls walked out of the bathroom laughing. Pan got back up from off the floor. She wiped a tear from off her face. She put her coat back on over her ripped and spray painted clothes. She fixed her hair so no one could tell anything happened. She went back into the adatorium and grabbed her gloves.
"I'm going home.. I don't feel very good." Pan said. She took off and went out of the adatorium. Zack and Trunks got up and followed her. Pan kept walking fater so they couldn't keep up. She then started running back to the hotel and then she ran into a elevator. It closed right behind her before Trunks and Zack could get in. They both ran into the stair thing and ran up the stairs. Pan had made it to the 18th floor and she started walking down the hallway. She had tears forming in her eyes, and then she started running. She ran up the steps to her room and then opened the door. She closed it and then sank down onto the floor. She started crying and she put her head in one hand.
"What do you think happened to her?" Zack asked while walking down the hall with Trunks.
"I think it was that girl Shannon. This isn't really like Pan." Trunks replied. They ran up the steps and knocked on the door. "Pan, it's Trunks and Zack. Please let us in." Pan went into her bed room and locked the door. She pressed a button on the inner com that unlocked the door. She fell on her bed and hugged her pillow. She cryed into it and then she herd knocking on her bedroom door. "Pan, please open the door."
"No.. Please just don't bother me right now.." Pan said in a crying voice. The phone started ringing. Pan picked up the phone. "H-Hello?"
"I hope you like how we re-did your outfit." Shannon said on the other line.
"Not untill I get what I want. And you know what that is. Toodels." Pan threw the phone on the ground. Turnks and Zack looked at each other.
"Shannon." They both said.
"Pan! Please open th door!" Zack said.
"NO! Please just leave me alone for a little while!!" Pan yelled.
"Maybe you should head on home." Trunks said to Zack. Zack just shook his head no.
"I'm really worried about Pan." Zack said.
oh,i wake up
put on my make up
pick up the phone
nobodys home
and i need to break out
give me some take out
standing side the crowd
i wanna scream out loud
i need to break out!!
were ok were alright
were ok we'll be alright
Pan unlocked the door and went to sit in her chair. She looked out of the window and just stared out of it. Zack got up from where he was sitting on the floor. He knocked on the door.
"You can come in.." Pan said. Zack opened the door and saw Pan sitting in her chair looking out at the city.
"You alright?" Zack asked. Pan wiped away a small tear that made it's way down her cheek. Zack went up by Pan.
"I'm fine..."
"Why are you crying?"
"I'm not crying."
"Then why is there a tear on you cheek?" Pan wiped away the tear and she just had more tears fill her eyes.
"Why does she make me feel like crap all the time? What did I do to her?!" Pan started crying again and Zack rubbed her back. He pulled Pan close to him and continued to rub her back trying to clam her down.
"It's okay. She's just jelaus of you because your getting more attention than her and your better at everything she does."
tomorrow just another day
another way
to spend my day