Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ House Arrest ❯ House Arrest ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

House Arrest

By: Kyra Briefs


*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *

AN: CTrunks means Chibi Trunks, FTrunks means Future Trunks


Goku: 11 guys stuck in one house.

Vegita: Forced to live with each other.

Gohan: Unable to leave the house.

Goku: Good thing we have plenty of food!

Vegita: Shut up, Kakorott!

Chautzu: Oh, it can't be THAT bad!

CTrunks: Hmph! Apparantly, you havn't tried to live with my father!

Vegita: Shut up, brat!

Bulma: Ahem, it's OUR turn!

CTrunks: Sorry.

ChiChi: Ehem. 9 girls ALSO stuck in a seperatehome.

Videl: Together.

Maron: Plenty to eat, and plenty to do!

Piccolo: Like Hell there is!

Bra: There IS!

Pan: Please! I'm begging you! PLEASE don't do this to me! PLEEEEEEASEEE!!!

Narrator: Ha ha ha ha ha! Too bad!

Pan: Shit.

Narrator: Now, for you boys - I'm sticking you in a nice little home with flowers, pretty pictures, and soothing music.

Simotaneously:{Piccolo: NO!!!

{Vegita: NO!!!

Narrator: Ha ha ha ha ha! And for the girls...

Bra: ::gulps::

Narrator: A dirty, broken down motel 6!

Simotaneously:{Bulma: NO!!!

{Bra: NO!!!

{Marron: NO!!!

Pan: Yes! Thank you, thank you thank you! Someone up there loves me! Yes!!!

Narrator: That doesn't mean I'm not letting you fix it up. That means Bulma and Bra.

Simotaneously:{Bulma: YES!!!

{Bra: YES!!!

Pan: Nooo!!!

Narrator: With barbed wire and cow manuer! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Bra: NO!!!

Bulma: NO!!!

Pan: YES!!!

Narrator: Hmmm. This just isn't working out. Pan, I'm sticking you with the boys.

Pan: No! Not the flowery house! No, please no!!!

Narrator: Muwa ha ha ha ha! Now, the first day at the flowery house...

Goku: Weee! Such a nice smell! Don't you just LOVE this house Vegita?

Pan: Hey! Wait a minute! I thought you were going to torture ALL of us! What about Goku? He's happy!

Narrator: He'd be happy ANYWHERE.

Pan: Oh.

Chautzu: I still say this isn't THAT bad.

Tien: Yea. Actually... it's kinda nice.

Narrator: Errr! Baka's! That's it! I'm throwing you two into a volcano! ::picks up Chautzu and Tien and tosses them into a burning volcano::

Tien: No! Ah, the flames!

Chautzu: Too hot! Too hot! Ahhh! Help me, Tien!!!

Narrator: ::evil:: Anyone else like this place?

Goku: Yes!

Narrator: Ok, that's it! I know how to torture you! I'm sending you to get... a shot!

Goku: NOOOOO!!!!!! NOOOO!!!!!! ::runs around in cirlcles:: NO!!! AAAHHHHH!!

Narrator: ::throws Goku into a doctor's office:: Ha ha ha ha ha! Anyone ELSE?

Yamcha: ::scared:: No.

Narrator: Good. Now, as you were.

Vegita: ::in a sick way:: These flowers are making me nausious.

FTrunks: Hey Dad... don't barf on me, ok? I just got my shoes cleaned!

Narrator: Hey, not a bad idea. Vegita, barf on your son.

FTrunks: WHAT?

Vegita: That's stupid.

Narragor: Barf on him or I'll let Funimation take over!

Vegita: FINE! ::barfs on FTrunks::

FTrunks: ::runs off whinning and crying::

Narrator: Ha ha ha ha!

Pan: Hey CTrunks, wanna spar?

Narrator: There will be NO sparring! I have taken away your powers!

Gohan: What?

Goten: Cool!

Narrator: You... like it?

Goten: Yea. I'm always loosing with my powers anyway.

Narrator: Grrr! Then you're getting a shot with your father!

Goten: NOOOOO!!!! Please no!!!

Narrator: ::picks up Goten and tosses him into the doctors office:: Ha ha ha! Well, enough with the boys. Let's see how the girls are doing.

Bra: Talk about a fasion disaster!

Bulma: Lets get some music on. Here's a boom box! ::turns on the boom box, causing an annoying, ear-piercing screech to come from it. Everyone desperately tries to cover their ears::

Marron: Turn it off! Turn it off!

Bulma: ::fumbling with the controlls:: I can't!

Bra: Blast it! Blast it!

18: I'm way ahead of you! ::tries to form a ball of energy, but nothing comes out:: WHAT?

Narrator: ::evil:: Ha ha ha ha! I've taken away your powers! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Videl: The noise... driving... me... insane!

Narrator: Heh heh. Now. let's go back to the boys - and Pan.

Vegita: A-A-ACHOO!

CTrunks: Dad, you ok?

Vegita: ::sickly:: I think I'm allergic to those stupid flowers. A-CHOO!

Narrator: Ha ha, if you think THAT's bad, you should take a look at Pan!

CTrunks: Huh?

Pan: ::is holding onto a window, slowly slipping down, panic in her voice:: Let... me... out... of... here... now...

CTrunks: Panny?

Piccolo: AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! The music! The sweet, sweet usic! AAAAHHHHH!!!! I can't take it anymore!

CTrunks: Oh, I don't know - this place is kinda nice.

Vegita: ::sickly:: You've got to be kidding! A-CHOO!!

Gohan: No, I agree. It is kinda nice.

Narrator: Oh yea? I'll show YOU nice! :: picks up CTrunks and Gohan and ties to their leg 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 pound weights, then tosses them into an ocean:: Swim! Swim! Swim for your lives! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Krillen: ::nervous:: Hey uh, guys? Piccolo's getting kinda steamed...

Yamcha: Yea, he looks like a mad bull.


Piccolo: ::crazy:: The music! The music! The sweet, SWEET music! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! ::begins to foam at the mouth and runs to attack veryone::

Narrator: Well, while Piccolo's engaged in bloodshed, let's check on the girls.

::At the girls house, everyone is dead with many weapons in their backs. The ear-piercing noise is still going in the background::

Narrator: ::not caring:: Oops, guess I left the noise on too long. It looks like they went crazy and killed each other. Oh well, let's go back to the boys, shall we?

::Everyone is dead::

Narrator: ::not caring:: Oops, I guess Piccolo went a little TOO crazy. Oh well, I guess that's the end of the story! G'night everyone! ::waves::